The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 989: It’s not that the enemy doesn’t get together, **** it!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Flash Marriage and Love: Emperor Shao Chong's wife!

it hurts……

Why is it so sad?

If my brother dies, I am afraid that it is not only the emperor and the lord...

Most people who can do this are only the mythical woman in the holy court-the high priest.

The blood on Tiya's face faded, showing a very sad look.

The high priest did not show up for nearly a month, and there were reports of illness, which made Tiya very suspicious.

Looking now... I am afraid that planning this matter today will have nothing to do with the high priest.

In this case, has the entire Sisville family been implicated?

What about her parents?

Will it also... die?

When those two words came out of my heart, Tiya was almost black and almost fell to the ground!

Without knowing where the strength came from, Tiya ran forward frantically.

I stumbled along the way, not knowing how many things I tripped over, so I didn't dare to stop.

As if stopped, there will be a flood of wild beasts chasing behind.

She has no home...

She is no longer a princess that everyone loves to love...

She has no parents, no brothers...

Tears fell silently, one after another, dyeing Tiya’s delicate and beautiful face to water.

Tiya kept running, running, she seemed to hear the night when the night reopened!

Now that they are ready to abandon her hot potato directly, what are they going to do!

There was a hoarse pain in Tiya's throat, almost unbearable.

Without knowing where the strength came from, Tiya turned like a fifty-meter acceleration towards the side alley, and then quickly detoured to another path.

When Ningye chose this courtyard at the beginning, it was because of the fate that it would turn around as soon as he left the hospital. The situation was complicated.

Ordinary people come here to find people, as long as they find out early, they can find a place to hide in time.

Because Midnight was delayed for a moment, and Tiya closed the door when she went out, so that Midnight missed the best time to catch up with Tiya.

Seeing that beautiful figure disappeared in the corner of the alley, and then did not know where to go, the night of the night suddenly sinking!

A person like him who is cold and cold-blooded, should not have remembered a safety that can be called a "stranger".

But after all, Tiya was kidnapped by him, and now in this situation.

I am afraid……

The shrine has posted a notice on the Internet to find Tiya.

Even if not, Tiya’s outstanding appearance is usually very eye-catching, and now there is no family nearby. In this south block with the most mixed third-rate people, I am afraid that something will happen!

"damn it!"

Ming Ye felt more and more awkward as he thought about it, he thumped the wall hard, and after a low mantra, he went to the alleys again.

Hope to find Tiya's whereabouts sooner.

At this juncture of bereavement, Tiya should not have any surprises.


After all, with limited physical strength, Tiya runs slowly, but still has not stopped.

She took a few breaths in a hurry.

The blazing sun was shining overhead, but Tiya felt like she was wrapped in a bitter cold wind, so cold.

The whole body shivered with cold.

She looked around the old and dirty streets and couldn't find where she came from, and how to go back.

Yeah, home is gone, where can she go back?

Is there midnight?

No, the man didn't want to keep her at all.

The world is so big that there is no place for her.

Tiya's running pace slowly slowed down, and finally became walking, wandering step by step.

The hot tears fell from Tiya's face, she was crying so embarrassed, but she still couldn't hide the bright and charming eyebrows.

Tiya felt cold.

She didn't know where to go.

While Tiya was walking on the streets in a hurry, she was suddenly stopped by several gangsters.

"Yo, Mei Niu, what happened when she was dumped by her boyfriend? Why did you cry so sad?"

"Come and come, let the brothers comfort you and comfort you. They will make you happy like a fairy and will never cry like this!"

Tia wiped a tear and looked at the men in inferior undershirts in amazement.

Several hairs are dyed colorfully, and there is even a ring on the nose, which does not look like a good person.


Those vaguely approached Tiya, with a grinning smile on his face. In Tiya's view, it was no different from the ugliest devil in hell!

"What do you want to do?"

"I warn you, I am the eldest lady of the Hissville family, don't act rashly! Otherwise I want you to look good!"

Tiya hugged her hands cautiously, and she subconsciously picked up a rock on the ground, trying to protect herself.

However, such a weak defense, in the eyes of those few savages, is extremely ridiculous!

The yellow-haired **** laughed hahaha.

"Yo, also the eldest lady of the Sethville family. Did you hear me, Mei Niu asked us what we wanted to do? Of course, do it! You! Ah!"

This remark was extremely filthy, and soon caused the laughter of the several rumblings.

Those unintentional laughter fell in Tiya's ears, and they even wished to cut these people directly!

Tiya has never been like this now, regrets running hurriedly!

She was not familiar with the environment here, nor did she have the usual guards to protect her!

"What are you guys doing?"

At this moment, Tiya heard a lazy male voice, and did not know whether it was an illusion or what, Tiya felt that sound was familiar!

Is it someone you know? !

Tiya was already an ant on the hot pot, almost turning his head subconsciously, trying to ask the person who came for help.

"It's you!"

But when seeing each other's facial features, Tiya screamed, and her heart fell to the bottom in no time!

How could it be the most unused peerless straw bag of the Delphi family, Ye Keller?

How could he appear here?

It’s not that the enemies don’t get together, and now Tiya understands what she has fallen into.

After seeing Tijana's tear-stained face, Ye Keller was also shocked!

He didn't expect to see the arrogant young lady in such a place, and he had never seen Tiya, who had always been arrogant, and would cry like this.

The ruff around Tiya clearly saw Ye Keller's expression not right.

They stepped forward obsequiously, and bowed their heads to Ye Keller respectfully, followed by extremely ambiguous laughter.

"Kay, this beautiful girl claims to be the eldest lady of the Hessville family, won't it be your old appearance?"

Good looks?

Ye Keller recalled Tiya's mocking of himself as before, and Fiennes' dismissive attitude. Ye Keller snorted coldly, and a pair of dripping eyes swept Tiya unwillingly.

The look is like a viper, and it also has its own penetrating ability, so Tiya is very uncomfortable!

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