At this time, the sky has gradually darkened, Liuyun looked at the elf watch, the time is almost five o'clock, the sky is about to get dark, at this time, for Liuyun has been training more than a day of Pokemon elves, although it has been used to it for more than two weeks, but more or less tired, after taking everyone back to the elf ball, Liuyun took Nazi's hand, and by the way, called Xiao Mao to prepare to return to the elf center.

"Haha, I took the big pincer crab, ah, what's going on, how did my Poké Ball suddenly disappear. Just as the three of Liuyun were about to leave the beach, they heard such words from the beach.

Liuyun turned his head and found a figure that had been familiar in his previous life, wearing a red and white hat that was limited to the alliance on his head, wearing a blue and white coat and green gloves on his hand, and Ash appeared in front of Liuyun's eyes.

Also, standing in front of Ash, the same confused look is our popular king - Pikachu, Pikachu, Pi Shen!!

About Ash's skin god, let's not mention that it has many places that make people complain, such as washing something every time you go to a new area, being defeated by the pokemon of the rookie trainer or something (in fact, this is really a point that countless people complain about, even if the washing points are not washed so thoroughly, this is like a level fifty or sixty Pokemon defeated by a level five novice elf, even if it can be defeated by basic attributes alone...-).

And Ash's two battles are facing divine beasts: Ash was fighting in the development area, and he met a man who had three god pillars at the same time - Shindai, challenged the other party for the first time, defeated, challenged again, and the other party finally sent the ice god pillar Regiace, and at that time Pikachu was once forced into a desperate situation by it, (frozen), and finally awakened by Ash and defeated the opponent with the last iron tail - and sealed the god in one fell swoop!

And in the Lily of the Valley Conference of the Divine Mystery Alliance, it may be that the screenwriter does not want Ash to win, in the Final Four, the screenwriter directly sent a mythical beast male Daktor to stop Ash, and defeated the other party's first divine beast Darkrai under the efforts of Ashdo's elves, and finally Pi God and Latios faced each other, the high-voltage electric shock of Pi God and Ladios' big move clean luster collided head-on, although Pikachu was not strictly defeated Latios, but died with it, this record is actually proud enough, after all, it is a battle with the legendary mythical beast。 (In fact, I personally feel that the Shen Mysteries chapter is a pinnacle of Pokemon, especially when Ash fights Darkdor, it is simply explosive !!)

Seeing that Liuyun suddenly turned his head, maybe Xiao Mao also felt that this voice was a little familiar, and then also looked towards the source of the sound, "Ash ?!!" When he saw that it was Ash, Xiao Mao was stunned, and then shouted out.

"Xiao Mao?!! it's actually you guy?!" After hearing someone call his name, Ash also saw Xiao Mao.

When the eyes of the two met, Liuyun felt a gust of wind blowing, Xiao Mao beside him had disappeared, and then looked forward, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Mao had already met head to head together...

Immediately Ash seemed to remember something, "Let's not fight with Xiao Mao and you guy, my newly adopted Pokemon is gone." Looking at the panicked Ash in front of him, Xiao Mao suddenly lost his mind, but still said viciously, "Your Pokemon is missing?

"Xiao Mao, this guy is still so poisonous, it's not like you, I just took a big pincer crab, I don't know why suddenly the elf ball is white, and then the essence of the big pincer crab is gone, what the hell is going on?!! Ash inadvertently spit on Xiao Mao, that is, he kept scratching his head, looking distressed,

"Eh, Ash, do you already have six Pokemon on you?" asked Liuyun, who also pulled Nazi here.

"Well, who are you, how do you know my name, hey, don't care, I do the math, Bibi Bird, Ba Da Butterfly, Little Fire Dragon, Magic Frog Seed, Jani Turtle, no, I only have five Poké Balls here?" said Ash who took out the Poké Balls from his belt and counted them suspiciously.

"Pickup ... Pickup..." At this time, Pikachu, who came to Ash's side, helplessly pulled Ash's pant legs, did this trainer forget himself... Pikachu grudges ╮(╯▽╰)╭.

After seeing Pikachu, Ash smiled embarrassedly, "Ahaha... By the way, and Pikachu, there are six Pokemon. "After Ash added Pikachu, he really already had six Pokemon.

·· Ask for flowers...

Nazi, who was watching this farce on the sidelines, couldn't help but cover her mouth and smile," That's right, the Elf Alliance stipulates that each trainer can only carry up to six Pokemon, and when the extra Pokemon are taken or obtained, the Poké Ball will automatically teleport back to the previously set teleportation location through the teleportation system on the Poké Ball, while the Poké Ball without a teleportation location will automatically shrink and lock, and there is no way to use it, and people like us who have the Poké Book in their hands will teleport to the Pokédex issuer, that is, to Dr. Ohki. Liuyun replied.

In other words, any trainer should know these basics, should it really be said that this is Ash's style?


xing prosperous disaster, cut to eternal rule ******

Pokemon Guide:

Serial number: 098

Large pincer crab, attribute: water

Features: Monster Pliers: The Pokemon attack ability level of the Monster Pliers characteristic will not be lowered in any way.

Hard Shell Armor: Will not be hit to the point. Moves that are sure to hit the point will not hit the point.

Hidden Features: Forcible: Pokemon with the Forcible trait have greatly increased their power using attack moves with additional effects, but the additional effects of these moves are no longer activated.

Introduction to the book: The pincer is a powerful weapon of the large pincer crab, but the pincer occasionally falls off when attacking. After shedding, new ones will soon grow. If danger approaches, foam will be spat out of the mouth to wrap the whole body, making the body look bigger.

PS: Friday actually worked overtime until now, dare to believe it?!The author didn't eat the mushroom rice and hurriedly sent it to everyone the sixth more, today's off-work time is a little late, everyone is sorry, the old way, the author fungus sells cute and rolls for subscription!! your subscription is support for the author, readers, the author is waiting for your support, it will continue to be updated tonight, please subscribe, please customize... The author fungus is going to eat now, so hungry..... Above._

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