"Oh, is that so?!" Ash suddenly slammed his palm with his fist as if he suddenly realized, and then came to Miss Joy with Pikachu.

"Trouble you, Miss Joy. Ash placed his little fire dragon and Jani Turtle's Poké Ball and Pikachu on the tray in front of Miss Joy.

"Okay, your elf, we'll take good care of it. Miss Joy replied with a smile, and as soon as she finished speaking, Xiao Gang immediately rushed into the counter and knelt down on one knee in front of Miss Joy.

"Ah, Miss Joy, who cares about the trainer, is also very beautiful, Xiaosheng is Xiaogang, please join the Xiaosheng on the premise of marriage... Road...... !! hiss!!"

He gasped, "Yes, yes, Xiao Gang, you faux pas, don't look at what place is here..." At this time, Xiao Gang was directly pulled away by Xiao Xia's ears, and Xiao Zhi could only laugh awkwardly on the side.

"Haha, next, my Uncle Zhi is going to start my training. "It's a pity that there is no one on the scene who echoes him.

"Ash, forget it, your current strength is not enough to deal with the wave training ground here, besides, now you have Miao frog seeds, Bibi Bird and Ba Da Butterfly left on you, do you want them to face the waves..." Xiao Xia hit Ash mercilessly.

"Xiaoxia, Xiaogang, the most important thing for you now is to find a pokemon Internet café, help this guy Ash make up for the basic knowledge needed to come out of adventure, by the way, popularize to Ash about the relationship between the level between Pokemon and trainers, Ash is really too lacking in adventure experience now!"

Xiao Mao really can't stand the way Ash looks now, this guy is simply embarrassing Zhenxin Town...

"Xiao Mao, you are indeed right, this guy Xiao Zhi really needs to learn this knowledge!! "For Xiao Mao's words, Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia nodded with deep feelings.

During the period of travel with Xiao Zhi, although Xiao Gang also found that Xiao Zhi lacked various basic knowledge, he did not find the problem as serious as now, "That's it, Xiao Zhi, let's go find an Internet café now, it's time to study, Xiao Mao, Liuyun, let's say goodbye for the time being." At the mention of tutoring Ash, Xiao Gang instantly felt like his whole body was full of energy, and he immediately pulled Ash towards the outside of the elf center.

"Eh?!! Xiaogang, wait... Wait... Wait for Pikachu to come back first?!" Ash hurriedly shouted after giving Xiao Gang a grab...

"It's okay, Pikachu, they'll be well taken care of by Miss Joy, well... I also want to be taken care of by Miss Joy. "When it comes to Miss Joy, Xiao Gang is like a changed person, Xiao Xia feels that her fingers are about to move again, to Xiao Gang's ears...

"Then, just after the battle, Nazi and I went to the rest area to rest, today I am ready to let my pokemon rest, no training, see you later." Liuyun waved at Ash and led Nazi to the rest area of the elf center, ready to take a look at the news and learn about the latest current affairs news.

When Liuyun and Nazi were just on the sofa in the lounge, "Ding~" A pleasant voice entered Liuyun's ears, "The host defeated Ash for the first time, and since Ash was one of the important groups in the world, the reward was improved, and the points were 20,000, and the magic candy X2..."

The huge number of points and the rich reward of two magic candies directly smashed Liuyun, as far as the current strength of Xiaozhi, he actually gave Liuyun 20,000 points and magic candies, and after consulting the system, he found that only the first defeat would have such a rich reward, but Liuyun was content.

Looking at his own points, plus the points obtained from fighting against other trainers on the beach in the previous half month, the current points have 36472 points, Liuyun instantly felt that he was bulging again, calculating what he was going to exchange and how many points he had to accumulate.......

Just as Liuyun was letting go of his thoughts, the TV that had been broadcasting Dr. Ohki's elven lecture suddenly inserted a breaking news.

"Urgent news, according to reliable sources, there is a new challenger for the long-vacant champion position in the Sinnoh region!! As soon as the sentence was finished, a photo appeared on TV, and a beautiful girl with waist-length blonde hair, two black ornaments tied at both ends of her hair, and a black coat appeared in front of Liuyun's eyes.

"Hirona..." Liuyun looked at this photo that was somewhat similar to the two-dimensional picture of Hirona he saw in his previous life, and said softly. "It turns out that at this time, Hirona is not the Divine Mystery Champion..."

At this time, Shirona still looks relatively young, not as dignified and graceful as when watching animation in her previous life, and looks like a big sister.

The girl, named Shirona, is 16 years old, and in the years she has traveled, she has become the champion of three regional league conferences, namely the Kanto Quartz Conference, the Chengdu Silver Conference, and the Shino Ling Lan Conference. "

·· Ask for flowers...

"According to the rules of the Elven Alliance, as long as you win the championship of three regional league conferences in a row at the same time, you can launch the Heavenly King Challenge to the four Heavenly Kings of one of the regions, and as long as you defeat four Heavenly Kings in a row, you can serve as the league champion of that region. "

"Since the retirement of the previous champion five years ago, no one has been able to defeat the Four Heavenly Kings of Sinnoh to become the champion, this time, will this Miss Hirona succeed in becoming the new champion of the !!Alliance?

When this interstitial news ended, Liuyun stood up directly from the sofa, "Liuyun?" Nazi sat on the sofa and looked at Liuyun suspiciously, "Nazi, it looks like we are going to work hard, see the news just now, 16 years old is already about to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings to seize the position of the league championship, we are still far away..."


"Liuyun, this Shirona looks so young, she may not be able to successfully defeat the Four Heavenly Kings. Nazi said suspiciously.

If others don't know, isn't it clear that Liuyun is definitely the champion of Shen'ao this time, because the alliance has regulations that those who fail the Four Heavenly Kings Challenge will not be allowed to challenge again for three years.

In the previous life, when Ash arrived at Shenao, Hirona had already become a champion, so Liuyun can be sure that Hirona is definitely the youngest league champion Hirona who successfully challenged this Four Heavenly Kings Challenge.....

Liuyun, who was originally a little slack, after getting this news, the whole person's fighting spirit instantly rekindled, Liuyun's favorite character of the Pokemon in the previous life is Hirona, Hirona, just wait for me Liuyun to conquer you!!

Xing prosperous disaster, cut to eternal rule ********

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