The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 277: : Really superhero?

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Queen Maeve put her hands on her hips and looked at the Asian man in front of her with a perfect business smile, "Can you let me go, I have to check the captain's situation."

"Oh! Yes!" Li Wei leaned to the side when he heard the words, and got out of the way.

Then, Queen Maeve ignored Li Wei, walked to the cab door and pulled it a few times, only to find that it was locked.

She frowned, turned her ears to listen to the movement inside, and then heard some different sounds!


Queen Maeve called out to the natives who were still showing off, and gestured to him for the location of the cab.

After finishing the interaction with the fans, the natives walked to the cab in a hurry. X's sight has penetrated the door of the cab and saw the situation inside.

The co-pilot is dead, the captain is still in control, but there is a robber behind him.

The situation is still under control!

These two superheroes are not superheroes at all...

Li Wei felt that the two of them were nothing like the superheroes in his impression. Without knowing the strength of the other party, he decided to wait and see.

No matter what kind of superheroes the two of them are, since the robber appeared and solved the robber, it should be able to solve the robber in the cab. As a qualified passerby, he should walk aside and wait for the end of the matter before making a decision.

Thinking of this, Li Wei walked through the narrow aisle and returned to the passenger area, where people from the motherland passed by.

When the two turned sideways, the natives gave Li Wei a thumbs up and a confident smile...

Although he was a little unclear about the situation, Li Wei still found an empty seat and sat down. Various induction fields were always watching the situation in the cab.


The door lock of the cab was forcibly destroyed by Queen Maeve, and the entry of the two immediately aroused the tension of the armed robbers.

"Relax! Young man, relax, don't do stupid things!" The natives immediately comforted each other with their low and gentle voices, although they were thinking about how to cut him in half.

The robber had Arab facial features, was young, and had a neat black beard.

He held a pistol in his hand and pointed at the shivering captain.

The words of the motherland seemed to have an effect, and the robber slowly calmed down, and then pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The bullet popped out of the chamber, and after penetrating the back of the captain's head, the glass in front of the cab was also broken.

When the people of the motherland saw that the robbers started, two hot eyes came out with anger, directly cutting the upper body of the robbers in half, and destroying the instrument panel of the plane by the way, and the alarm followed.

Queen Maeve on the side was not surprised. She ignored the **** corpse on the ground, and immediately went to the captain's corpse and took off the earphones.

"Call Air Traffic Control! Please answer!"

Called twice in a row, but the dashboard has been destroyed, and their signal can't be sent out at all!

Unable to ask for help on the ground, Queen Maeve had to look at the motherland who seemed to have nothing to do with her, and asked, "Can you fly?"

The people of the motherland looked at the dashboard that was burned to scrap by the hot sight, spread out their hands, and said, "Even if I know how to do it, I can't drive it."

The instrument panel was burnt through by two skewed heat sight rays, and at a glance, it was clear that it was useless.

Li Wei, who was sitting in the passenger area of ​​the plane, was going to be subverted by this scene. These two so-called superheroes acted recklessly.

The point is that you can use your fists to solve the robbers, but you have to use heat vision. Although people are killed, the dashboard is broken.

The plane is out of control and is now just coasting, and it won't be long before the plane crashes into the sea.

At the current altitude and speed, there is no difference between the plane hitting the sea and hitting the concrete ground.

If you don't stop it, the result will be obvious...

Li Wei has no plans to take action. After all, why the motherland is so superman-like, should it be able to prevent the plane from crashing?

At this time, the natives turned their heads and returned to the cabin, smiled again, and comforted the passengers who got up: "Listen to everyone! Keep calm and sit back, everything is under control!"


Sure enough, it can be solved!

Li Wei is more relieved now. Although this world is a little different from the two worlds he imagined, it is not very big. It's a superhero. It's easy to understand!

Although the two of them murdered and were burdened by idols, he believed that both of them were good people!

The flustered passengers listened to the assurances from the motherland, and became obviously calmer, and began to return to their positions to put on their oxygen masks.

Stepping out of the cockpit, Queen Maeve whispered to the native who turned her head, "You must hold the plane up!"

"Take it up?" The natives of the motherland asked back, as if they had heard something incredible and stupid: "How to hold it up? There is no foothold, it's **** air outside!"

Queen Maeve was going to be **** off by the attitude of the motherland. She raised her voice a lot and said, "Whatever you want! Fly over and hit it right!"

"No, at this speed, either the plane will overturn or the entire hull of the plane will be smashed."


Li Wei, who heard this conversation, widened his eyes and hesitated many times.

Great, dirty-talking superhero! And powerless superheroes?

A white middleman next to the seat kindly handed him the breathing mask and motioned him to put it on.

"Oh, thanks!"

Li Wei looked at it, smiled and thanked, and then put the breathing mask on his face.

At this time, the plane suddenly encountered a cyclone, and the plane that lost control shook violently!

The plane suddenly turned on its back for a while, and the passengers who did not fasten their seat belts were abandoned and slammed into the top of the plane.

"Wow!" The natives heard the exclamations and riots of the passengers behind them, and used words to deceive the panicked passengers, "The airflow just now was so strong! Everything is normal, don't worry!"

Although passengers with eyes have seen the messy scene in the cab, based on their trust in the positive image of the motherland, they still try to keep calm as much as possible, after all, they are the motherland!

Hearing the conversation between the motherland and Queen Maeve, Li Wei had already doubted whether the two were superheroes.


The motherland rejected another stupid decision, and then gave Queen Maeve, who had a painful expression, a meaningful look, turned and walked slowly towards the tail of the plane.

When the passengers who returned to their seats saw the natives walking towards the tail of the plane, they began to panic a little.

"Wait! Are you going to leave us?"

"Don't leave us!"

"No, no, no!" Although it was indeed the plan, the natives denied it, "I just went to the back of the plane to see what was going on!"

"No! Don't leave us!"

But the completely flustered passengers are rarely smart once have seen that the people of the motherland want to abandon them, and they have been crying out.

"As I said, I won't leave you behind."

Li Wei looked at the people from the motherland who passed by again, with no expression on his face. He listened to the conversation between him and Queen Maeve without a word. This clown wearing the stars and stripes just wanted to take all the information on the plane. People are abandoned.

A little girl looked at the people from the motherland who came, and asked in a trembling voice, "People from the motherland, will you save us?"

The motherlander squinted at the little girl, squatted down and pinched the little girl's cheek with a smile, "Little sweetheart, of course I will save you!"

Li Wei rolled his eyes, then stood up from his seat.

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