The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 107 The Showdown of the Century (Part 2) (18,000 more collections added)

Chapter 107 The Showdown of the Century (Part 2)

Suddenly, the space opposite Kelal was distorted, and an old man suddenly appeared on the opposite side using the method of apparation.

The inner circle of the entire stadium is composed of four large screens, mainly to allow wizards with poor eyesight and without telescopes to see the stadium clearly.

Although wizards can see the center of the field with witchcraft and magical equipment, Keilar, as the organizer, thoughtfully prepared a large screen.

On the four large screens, everyone can clearly see who is coming.

The greatest mage in the world, Albus Dumbledore.

Headmaster of Hogwarts, invented the twelve uses of dragon's blood, president of the International Union of Wizards, Order of Merlin First Class, president of the Wizards Association, supreme independent dissident, and chief wizard of the Wizengamot. A wizard with unparalleled reputation and achievements who collaborated with the alchemist Nico Flamel to refine the Philosopher's Stone.

How could he appear there at this time? !

"I made an agreement with Professor Dumbledore a year ago." Kelar looked around and said loudly.

At this time, even a fool knew that something was not right. Professor Dumbledore was wearing a short robe and a hat, squinting slightly, holding a staff in his hand, neither speaking nor moving, although it seemed that he He seemed to be holding the wand because he had just cast the Apparition spell, but it seemed that his tall and thin figure was full of surging magic power. Even his short robe could not block the surging magic power, which was like magma.

This kind of prepared look is rare.

"I made an agreement and a deal with him."

"Here's the deal."

"I will ensure that the Death Eaters are eradicated, the Dark Lord is killed, and the safety and tranquility of Hogwarts and even the entire wizarding world are guaranteed."

"In exchange, he will promise to fight me without any mercy!"

Before Kailar could finish his words, the whole venue exploded like an explosion. No one knew that this happened. Everyone was shocked. Looking at the two people in the center, everyone felt uneasy. .

Kelal killed Voldemort.

Dumbledore is the world's greatest wizard.

Is it true that we actually want to fight here? !

Doesn't he know that no matter what the outcome of this battle is, it may cause the British wizarding community, and even the world's wizarding community, to suffer unparalleled losses? !

Why did he do this? !

"Please be quiet." Keilal waved his hand, and the violent magic power dispersed in all directions like a tsunami. The magic power almost formed a physical attack. Everyone felt the strong wind blowing against their faces. This was not magic, but a real force. The cyclone formed by magic power, this level of magic power, let alone seeing it, they had never even heard of it.

The entire scene, with 300,000 people in it, was extremely quiet for a moment, with no one making a sound.

"Please let me finish." Keilar said gently, but in front of his extremely powerful magic flow, people were as well-behaved as a little sheep.

"To be honest, I am not a person of this era." His words were shocking enough, but because of the power just now, no one spoke, and the scene was as quiet as a classroom.

"I come from the third century BC, two thousand years ago, the king of the Celts - the husband of King Arthur, the sage of the Kingdom of Camelot, Kelal Pan Dragon." He stood proudly, as if The ancient pines on the cliff are like plums proud of the snow, proud and confident of their identity.

"I am a disciple of the magician Merlin, Kurt's master, and the second person in the world to learn magic." His light tone shocked the entire wizarding world.

No one could speak anymore, everyone was shocked by him, and their minds went blank. Only a few people could still think and speak.

Harry Potter was one of the few people who knew Keilal's identity, so he was not shocked at all, but when he saw Hermione muttering "I knew it", he was a little worried, but he didn't expect Hermione to suddenly ran down.

"Hermione!" Harry Potter exclaimed.

Hermione didn't even look back, she gritted her teeth and ran wildly.

Things don't move forward according to other people's will, just like they are now.

"To be honest, I don't care what you think after that. Your understanding of magic is too superficial."

"It's good that you have integrated magic into your life, but what about the principle? Who can explain the principle of the magic of automatically washing dishes? Who can explain the principle of transformation? Who can figure out the floo powder What’s the principle?”

"You are using this as a matter of course. It is too chaotic."

"In ancient magic, because magic power is converted into heat, there are fireballs. When magic power is converted into low temperature, there are ice cones. Light has extraordinary speed and heat, so there is laser. The chain where magic power is condensed is the representative of physics."

"To be honest, I am extremely satisfied with modern magic, but I am extremely disappointed with modern magicians."

"As the first modern wizard, Albus, can you satisfy me?!" Kelar no longer spoke to the audience of more than 300,000, but yelled at Albus Dumbledore road.

Dumbledore opened his eyes, which had been slightly squinted before, and looked at Kelal with keen eyes. His voice spread to everyone's ears through magic.

"Come on, Your Highness, I will satisfy you!" The loud voice spread throughout the stadium.

"Very good." Keilal laughed. He didn't know when a wand suddenly appeared in his hand. The wand in his hand remained motionless. With a flick of his other hand, a magic wand came straight to him. Dumbledore left.

Facing the strongest mage in ancient times, Dumbledore, the number one mage today, did not dare to show any signs of neglect. He raised the elder wand, and a ripple of magic blocked it.

Kelar raised his wand, and struck again. This time, Dumbledore no longer resisted, but raised his hand. In an instant, a ripple of magic rushed away, directly dispelling Kelar's magic, and rushed away. He ran towards Kelal.

Keilal reacted very quickly, raised his staff again, and a stream of magic force violently resisted the flow of magic power.

Everyone wiped away cold sweat, because Dumbledore's magic flow was only about two meters away from Kelar. If he reacted any slower, he would be hit.

Being hit by such a huge amount of magic power, even Keilal would be wiped out in seconds!

Uncontrollable exclamations rang out among the crowd.

Only then did they truly understand what the concept of "no-holds-barred showdown" was.

If you're not careful, it will turn into ashes! Death and destruction! !

Remarks on the launch

I write 4,000 words every day. A subscription for ordinary users only costs 20 cents a day, or 6 yuan a month. The starting point of these six yuan is divided into half. You can calculate the specific income yourself.

If the order exceeds 1,000 yuan, we will write an EU episode! The average order requirement is very low, starting with an average order of 1,000, 1 update for 1,000, 2 updates for 2,000, and so on, if the average order exceeds 10,000! I'll wear women's clothes! (Well, it’s absolutely impossible to break 10,000, so I’m afraid of being embarrassed if I set a flag)

There is also a simple data. For the 24 hours of data on the first day it is put on the shelves, it is impossible to write one chapter for 3,000. For every additional 1,000, one more page can be written, and there is no cap.

Please come to to support this book! Please come to to support this book! Please come to to support this book! Say important things three times!

Then thank you Mung Bean, thank you Xiao Yuan, thank you Qidian Platform. The collection of the last book "My Wife King Arthur" is 18,000, and the average subscription is only 900, and the monthly manuscript fee is 2,000. I hope it will not be so miserable this time. Although the collection is broken this time It's 20,000, but how much it can be... is really unreal.

That's it, I'm going to code.

PS: It is recommended to add 18,000 to the collection if it is not over 65,000.

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