The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 110 The Showdown of the Century (End) (19,000 more collected)

Chapter 109 The Showdown of the Century (End)

For these people, their current complex emotions are simply indescribable.

While they were hoping that the wizard, who represented the pinnacle of modern magic, Dumbledore stood up and declared the victory of modern magic.

On one side, Keilal, who was very hopeful and represented wisdom and wisdom, stood up and continued to lead them on the right path.

Half a skill.

The red dragon slowly climbed up, and everyone's eyes were focused on him.

So, the red dragon won? Kelal wins?

Hermione, with tears in her eyes, couldn't help laughing.

The red dragon slowly stood up and said in a richer voice: "What are you still playing at, Dumbledore? Are you dead from this injury? What are you waiting for? Phoenix Nirvana? I'll help You can help me."

The red dragon spit out flames from his mouth as he spoke.

This time the flame has turned blue-white, which means that the temperature of the flame has risen to between 1150°C and 2500°C. Any human being here will be burned to ashes!

This is an extremely terrifying temperature, and only magic in the world can withstand it.

Is he going to kill him?

Everyone was shocked, but only Keilal knew that he was really helping him!

Only the blue-white flames were seen, and the dying phoenix slowly melted into ashes. But after Kelar stopped spraying, the pile of ashes suddenly burned, fierce and hot, and the heat wave distorted the surrounding space. Then it slowly rose up, and a phoenix was slowly born from the flames. The phoenix roared for dozens of seconds.

Then Phoenix slowly turned into the old man in gray robe. Although he was a little embarrassed, in Keilal's eyes, the old man's fire of life was suddenly ignited. He was completely different from the old man before. It's over.

Kelal slowly transformed from a dragon back to a human, with a faint light glowing on his body. The healing magic washed his body and slowly restored the wounds on his body.

"Do you want to continue, Your Highness?" Dumbledore looked at Kelar and asked with his head slightly lowered.

"No need, let's stop here." Kelar laughed: "I am satisfied. I am worthy of being Dumbledore, and worthy of being the number one wizard in the world."

Dumbledore smiled bitterly: "No, after today, this title will change hands."

Keilal smiled slightly, not caring about these things, he just wanted to establish one thing.

That is the concept of "He is the strongest in the world".

When Voldemort was raging, everyone's first choice was to go to Dumbledore for help and ask Dumbledore to come out.

Dumbledore is like a famous person who lives in the mountains. He is not in the world, but there are legends about him in the world. He is like a sleeping dragon and a phoenix, far away from the temple, but he is well-known among the princes.

This matter is actually a sticking point in Kelal's throat. When everyone thinks of Dumbledore when they encounter problems like Voldemort, his government does not have any prestige, as if he has no relationship with Voldemort. There has been a duel, so even when Voldemort was at his most powerful, everyone still had expectations.

It is precisely because of this that Kelal must break this blind superstition.

The easiest way is to defeat him in front of everyone using the simplest and most direct method.

In this way, everyone's faith in Dumbledore will be shattered.

The undefeated legend that defeated the first generation of Dark Lord Grindelwald was also shattered.

Plus the reputation after defeating Voldemort.

Kellard's two purposes had been achieved;

Test the highest magical proficiency of today's most powerful wizards.

And break the myth of Dumbledore's invincibility.

That's all.

Of course, announcing that he was a sage from two thousand years ago was completely impromptu, but in fact, unlike modern people, people in the magical world are very accustomed to such things.

Nico Mele lived for more than six hundred years, and no one in the magic world thought there was anything wrong with him. He was quiet and peaceful.

What's more, Keilal has only been [sleeping] for more than two thousand years. In the magic world, this kind of sealing magic is too normal. Many people have failed, but Keilal is the one who succeeded.

He smiled at everyone on the big screen and disappeared in an instant.

He has really mastered the Apparition spell.

At this time, the noise that suddenly erupted from the stadium of more than 300,000 people seemed to have detonated a sonic bomb. Everyone was excitedly and frantically talking to the people around them, but they themselves did not know what they were talking about. What are you wearing?

This is what happens when a person receives an extremely huge shock. Their brain nerves are completely unable to process such huge, complex, and changeable news.

Keilal was a person from two thousand years ago, the duel between Keilal and Dumbledore, and Dumbledore's failure...

No matter which incident comes out, it is news that can shock the whole world. Now it comes out one after another. Everyone is shocked and incoherent. They have no idea what they are talking about or what they are talking about. .

"Quiet! Please be quiet!!" Dumbledore used magic to suppress everyone with his loud voice. Facing this first person in modern magic, everyone still showed corresponding respect, and the noisy venue slowly calmed down. It got quiet.

"Lord Kelar, he is a great man and a man who has made unparalleled contributions to the magical world." Dumbledore's voice echoed in the venue.

"He was once the prince of Muggles, but he was also a disciple of Merlin, the ancestor of magic. It is precisely because of his protection and teaching that we wizards will slowly prosper. He has contributed to our wizarding world, and now he has become After becoming the Minister of Magic, the wizarding world in England has slowly prospered. This is obvious to all and cannot be denied." Dumbledore's sonorous voice was as loud as a radio.

"Before you are shocked, opposed, or afraid of his identity, his origin, and his [age], please think carefully about whether he is beneficial to us, meritorious, or harmful to us?"

"He killed Voldemort, who even I couldn't defeat. He revitalized the British wizarding world. Think about it with your hearts!" Dumbledore's shout was deafening and thought-provoking.

Everyone slowly got rid of their previous label of "an old monster who has lived for two thousand years" for Keilal, and began to seriously examine him as a person, what he had done, his achievements, and his faults.

Then they found out.

Damn it, this man is really a sage who can revitalize a country. He has done so many things quietly!

This time, Ireland won the Quidditch match, but wizards all over the world were silent...

PS: Second update! No matter what the reason for the update is, it’s just an update.

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