Chapter 001 Holy Cross (Additional update 3 for the fall of the leader)

"Mugino, we have a mission." When the girl's voice came from the screen in the car, all four girls from the Academy City Anbu-Props Team gathered over.

"Well, this mission is a bit strange. The person who posted it is..." The voice on the other side hesitated.

"Who cares who the publisher is, what is the mission this time?" The woman who rudely interrupted the voice on the other side was Mugino Shimari, Academy City's top superpower user, the fourth at Level 5, Atom Breaker, Mugino Shenli.

A lady with fluffy brown hair, about 170 tall and a good figure.

It was said that she was three years old and she didn't know whether it was true or not. Anyway, everyone who mentioned this in front of her was already dead.

"No... this... is the highest-level task assigned by the college council..." The other party's voice was very tangled.

"Is it a mandatory mission?" The person who asked this was the Level 4 ability tracker, a short but unexpectedly powerful adhesive of the prop group. After Takitsubo sorted it out, she asked with a tangled brow.

"No..." the voice over there was even more entangled - "but the reward for this task is 200 million, and all expenses during the period are covered by the Supreme Council."

"Two, two, two, two, two, two hundred million?!" The blond girl jumped up and quickly hit the roof of the car and squatted on the ground covering her head: "Wait, let me do the math, there are five of us. Divide 200 million, one person can get a share...can get a share..." The girl holding her head with tears in her eyes and pointing her fingers but couldn't figure it out is Flanda Severen, blonde, soft girl, small breasts, curly hair , only 150 tall, is a fire support expert in the props team. His abilities are unknown and related to explosions.

"Alas..." Although no one could be seen on the other side of the TV, a sigh could clearly be heard. "It's not's U.S. dollars."

"U.S. dollars..." Now the entire prop team was a little dazed, "Why so much money?" Mugino Shenli frowned, instinctively sensing something was wrong, and finally asked the key.

"Because this time the destination is order to steal the holy relics of the British Puritan Church...Holy Cross..."

"Holy Cross?" Mugino Shenli hugged her breasts and slung her legs, and sat on her seat unladylikely, frowning and thinking. Although she has severe mental mysophobia, she is by no means a brainless person. This kind of thing can cause big problems. Things still have to be planned and acted upon.

She is the leader of the Item group, so everyone looks to her.

"I did it." She gritted her teeth and said, "After this job is completed, we won't have to do anything for three years!"

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered, and the other side also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, it wasn't her who was trying her best. She only had to be responsible for supporting. But what about sharing the spoils in the future...

Hum hum……


"Hey... I've never heard of the Holy Cross being such a big thing!" Carrying a pure white cross of unknown material that was even bigger than her, Mugino Shenri was panting as she walked on the way to Academy City. .

This is something as big as a coffin, but it is straight from the coffin, and the white squares extending from both sides make it look like a cross.

It is said that this thing has existed since ancient times. It has always been regarded as a treasure by the British Puritans and enshrined in the highest church. Of course, the Roman Catholic Church launched holy wars several times to take back this thing, but was beaten back across the English Channel. The Russian Orthodox Church, the Middle East The Catholic Church in Japan is also eyeing it, but because it is not as powerful as the Catholic Church, it has never had time to take action.

This white thing of unknown material has an absolute material and is absolutely indestructible. It has helped Mugino Shenli resist several waves of fatal magic attacks.

This time, in order to seize Academy City, not only the ANBU Item team was dispatched, but the ANBU School team was also dispatched. The purpose of the School team was to stop the Puritan's pursuit troops.

Everything was going well at first, but when I came back on the HsB-00, a supersonic jet that can reach six times the speed of supersonic speed, it was shot down by some kind of magic when it was approaching Academy City. .

Up to now, all four members of the props team have been scattered around and their whereabouts are unknown. The only one with their future meal tickets is the strongest Mugino Shimari.

Carrying such a huge cross while walking around the outskirts of Academy City, Mugino Shiri felt like he was so stupid!

Just when she was about to curse, she found that there was no one on the street anymore.

"That's wrong!" Mugino Shenli suddenly noticed something was wrong nearby. Where was the person...

Japan has a population of 130 million, all crowded together on a small island chain. It stands to reason that there will be no shortage of people at any time.

But now there is no shortage of people on the streets of Japan, but it is obvious that there is no one at all.

"Magician?!" Mugino Shenli sneered twice, but did not throw away the heavy burden, because the other party is a magician, and he does not know what means to take away her trophies. If it takes a lot of hard work, Mugino Shenri would really explode if someone snatched him back at the last step!

With her Level 5 super power, she walked forward confidently, but after a while, when Mugino Shenli looked at the spiky-headed high school student in a white shirt in front of her, her anger suddenly burst out - the magicians were weird. , even a child (Index) is not surprised, let alone a mere middle school student? Is there anyone other than the magician who appears in the empty magic circle?

"Are you the so-called magician?!" I don't know where the strength came from, Mugino Shenli suddenly ran two steps, picked up the Holy Cross, and smashed it on the opponent's body - anyway, it was their holy relic. , and it will never break, so... smash it happily!

"Eh? Eh?! Eh! Eh! Eh!!!!" Looking at the things getting closer and closer in front of him, and the things in front of him getting bigger and bigger, Kamijou Touma finally reacted: "Why is it me again! What a misfortune! !!”

Of course, with his skill and reaction speed, there was absolutely no way he could avoid it. He danced around trying to block it, but Kamijou Touma, who had already prepared for the worst with two broken hands, had already made the worst plan.

If the other party uses his ability, it's probably... no problem, right? The high school boy who has such hopes in his mind

It is said that the tragic emperor Kamijou Touma's right hand can absorb luck and can break all illusions, superpowers or magic. Therefore, women who are touched by his right hand will become his harem and slowly fall in love with him. Any man you can touch will become his gay friend and willingly give you his anus...

Then when Kamijou Touma's right hand touched the pure white cross, the cross suddenly gave out a strong and huge vibration. Mugino Shenri and Kamijou Touma were pushed out by the shock at the same time, and both of them let go of their hands. Start to back away.

Kamijou Touma was glad that the other party actually used super powers.

Mugino Shenli was full of fear. The other party was indeed a magician. What kind of nonsense was this?

PS: Compared to Mikoto, I like Kuroko better...I want to make Kuroko...untouchable

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