Chapter 003 I am God

"Fuck you..." Even if Mugino Shenli is lying on the ground, even if his knees are penetrated, even if Keilal lifts his chin, he still has to shout out with his soul...

"Pa." Keilal slapped her casually, knocking back all her words.

She looked in disbelief at Keilal who slapped her, and was instantly hit on the neck with a knife by Keilal, then fell to the ground and fainted.

Kanzaki Kaori looked at this scene. She knew very well how difficult Mugino Shenli was. In order to recover the Holy Cross, she had fought with her more than once on the road, but she was defeated every time. Escape, the strange ability is also astonishingly destructive, but now, this Mugino Shenli has no power to fight back in front of this adult.

But when he thought about this person's identity, Kanzaki Kaori became clear again.

"Hey, you." Kelar turned his head and said to her.

Kanzaki Kaori pointed at himself and asked, "Is it me?"

"Yes, that's you. Is there anyone else here besides you?" Kailar asked with a smile.

"Yes." Kanzaki Kaori hurriedly stepped forward, bowed and asked, "What are your orders?"

"Do you know me? But forget it, take her with you, let's find some clothes." Since the other party has this attitude, although I don't know why, it's okay to take advantage of it.

She has a childlike figure, and she looks powerful at first glance. But for some reason, she wears half of her jeans and cuts them in half, exposing her white thighs. She doesn't wear her shirt properly either, and ties it into a knot, exposing most of it. of the abdomen.

After hearing what Keilal said, the long-haired woman quickly picked up Mugino Shenli. With her strength, she felt that Mugino Shenli was too light, and his body was very soft. It was obvious that he had not been systematically trained. Such a person was actually able to sneak into England and bring out the Holy Cross. Academy City's technology was indeed terrifying.

Kelal ignored Kanzaki Kaori at all and just walked forward naked. Kanzaki Kaori quickly put away his little thoughts and followed him.

Seeing him looking at the nearby buildings with great interest, Kanzaki Kaori quickly introduced: "Sir, this is the world two thousand years from now, a small country in the far east called Japan..."

"Well, I know." Keilal was noncommittal. The other party seemed to know very much about his past identity. Where did she get the information?

After walking for more than two hundred meters, he finally found a clothing store. Keilar opened the door and went in without a care. He tore off a pair of men's XL underwear from the underwear store and wore it.

Keilal didn't care what she thought. There weren't many things he could care about after waking up, but they definitely didn't include Kanzaki Kaori.

Kelal hesitated for a long time between the trousers section and the jeans section, but went to the jeans section and chose a pair of jeans to put on his lower body.

Kanzaki Kaori watched him struggle the whole time, and was very surprised as to why he could understand the writing on the wall.

"Sir, do you understand these words?" Kanzaki Kaori asked in a low voice.

"The characters here are very simple and not difficult." Keilar said with a smile. Kanzaki Kaori muttered in his heart that Japanese katakana is simply the result of English localization and does not belong to any one country. Even if the British came, they would have to mutter about the font, but Keilar could understand it, which was simply strange. What's more, even if he could understand it, how could he know what it meant?

But after she asked one question, she didn't dare to ask another question.

Keilal put on jeans, took out a belt and tied it around his waist. He walked on the cold floor with his bare feet and upper body, and asked casually: "Do you know who I am?"

"Yes." Kanzaki Kaori responded.

"It's interesting. Let's talk about it and see if it's the same as my own understanding." Keilar was noncommittal. He didn't believe that the famous names from two thousand years ago could still be passed down to the present and influence people today. There must be some of them. He didn't know why.

"You are a famous hero, sage, prime minister of Camelot, and husband of King Arthur in history, but you have an indelible status in the religious world." She bowed her head slightly to show respect.

"Religiously, I didn't create any religion." Keilar said in confusion. Not only did he not create any religion in history, but he also severely cracked down on any religious groups, and even in the process of conquering the European continent It also wiped out a large number of uncivilized or just beginning to develop religions.

The most famous among them is the middle-aged man who was born in the province of Judea, a man who plays tricks on gods and has a decisive influence in the religious world.


Not only Jesus, but also his thirteen disciples and his Holy Mother were all beheaded by him with his bare hands. At that time, this incident did not cause any disturbance, because Jesus himself was an unknown little person, and his religion and followers were just There were only a dozen people. He was sentenced to be illegal and was beheaded by Kelal. Killing several people related to him could only be regarded as a bit excessive, but it was not the crime of a person of Kelal's status. .

His opponents couldn't even use this matter to attack him, because it was legal and reasonable at the time.

So when this religion disappeared from the long river of history without even making a splash, Keilar was really confused. Where did the religious status she mentioned come from?

Suddenly, a light flashed through my mind.

Then it occurred to Keilal.

"I see..." He whispered to himself.

"Am I the biggest religion if I eliminate all religions?"

"But that's wrong. Before I fell asleep, Camelot, which had forbidden things, didn't know the theory of deification, so who..." He turned his head, looked at Kanzaki Kaori, and asked.

Kanzaki Kaori is a martial arts practitioner, and with magic around her, her eyes and ears are extremely sensitive. She listened to everything Keilal said before. When faced with Keilal's question, she felt a little... Terrified, if she didn't have a specific impression of a highly intelligent person before, now that Keilal had dissected everything in a few words, she really admired him.

PS: The first update with guarantee.

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