Chapter 012 Nimbus 2001

After buying the snowy owl, Keilal carried the cage containing it with one hand and walked on the road, pacing.

He silently thought about what else he needed.

As for textbooks, he should go to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore or Obscurus Books to read books about dark magic.

Of course, the main reason is that, as a mage of ancient magic, he is very unfamiliar with modern witchcraft and even has to learn it from scratch.

And the second issue is about the learning progress. Keilar has no idea what kind of magic the second grade students should learn. If the teaching is too profound, they will not be able to understand it. If the teaching is too shallow, they will underestimate themselves.

If this degree is not handled well, it will make a joke as soon as it starts.

Kelar frowned slightly and decided to go back to Hogwarts first and ask Dumbledore for advice.

This is not a shameful thing, he can even go to Professor McGonagall or Professor Snape for advice openly.

He believed that as teachers at the school, both of them would be happy to help him.

Keilar was very good at reading people. After just a few meetings, he knew that although Professor McGonagall was rigid, she had to maintain her dignity in front of the students. The same was true for Snape. McGonagall was very strict in her work. But a very nice person outside of work.

Snape, on the other hand, used his cold appearance and potions to scare people.

Although many wizards turned into Snape in the end, Kelar looked at Snape's clean coat and neat clothes and knew that although he was a Potions teacher, he was actually the same as those dirty people. The Potions wizards are completely two factions.

Although he has never been to Snape's potions classroom, he believes that the things there should be neatly arranged on the table or other places. Don't be fooled by the terrifying appearance of the potions. scared.

Now that he had put aside his thoughts about the teaching materials, Kelar began to wander around the streets of Diagon Alley to his heart's content.

Entering Mrs. Malkin's robe store, Kelar ordered three sets of robes, one white, one gray, and one black.

After Mrs. Malkin measured him, Kelar walked out of Mrs. Malkin's robe store. After Mrs. Malkin made the robe, she would courier the robe to Hogwarts via owl.

It won't take long, after a few days of preparation, Keilal can get the new robe.

People often paid attention to him along the way. Of course, the reason for this was Keilal's handsome appearance, but Keilal's out-of-time clothes and outer clothing that were incompatible with modern magic robes were also the focus of other people's attention.

According to Keilal's observation, mages are now in a stage of clothing transformation.

Old men like Dumbledore still wear traditional magician robes, but even the traditional magician robes are very different from Kelar's robes in style.

And young people began to imitate the British dress of the early 20th century, cashmere or wool suits, plus a jacket or sweater, wearing a skirt or trousers on the lower body, looking upright and energetic, and then put on a black cloak outside. , looks both handsome and mysterious.

In fact, except for people of the older generation, such as Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall, the rest of the people under middle age are more interested in the new era dress. Even Snape is wearing a close-fitting black cashmere casual suit, isn't he? ?

Although he was shrouded in black robes, Kelar could still see that he was wearing casual underwear.

So now this so-called robe is closer to a robe jacket, and the clothes inside will not use robes.

When passing by the magical animal store, Keilar walked in by accident.

There are more than just owls here, but friends that wizards like are sold here...

Puff velvet, giant orange snail, fire crab, deformed rabbit, black mouse, owl, raven, two-tailed newt, purple giant toad, giant toad, crested toad, clown toad, western green toad, yellow-striped toad, Black cats, ginger cats, Siamese cats, white cats, calico cats... you can find them all here.

"Sir, what do you want?" A short man, probably over fifty years old, whose gender is unknown, and wearing a thick wizard robe asked coldly.

After looking around, Keilal was a little disappointed, but he still asked: "Do you have a unicorn here?"

"Ha, you actually want a unicorn?!" he/she screamed in a mean and bitter tone, "The mane is transparent, the body is white and flawless, only virgins are allowed to ride, the blood has supreme vitality, But when you hurt it, it will be haunted by a powerful curse, go away, go away, selling unicorns is illegal, we don’t do that kind of thing here.”

Keilar looked at him/her and sneered slightly. If someone in the wizarding world talks to you so righteously, then he must have done these things, but is unwilling to expose his crimes.

He said no more and walked out of the store.

While walking slowly to the Leaky Cauldron, I ordered a set of cauldrons from Partridge's Cauldron, two sets of stationery from the Diagon Alley stationery store, and a year's worth of Prophet from the Daily Prophet main store. Daily, a store that made Kelar's eyes light up appeared in front of him.

Quidditch Boutique!

Keilal was very interested in the handsome-looking broom in the Quidditch boutique window.

There is no price at all, just emphasizing that this is the latest model of flying broom.

Nimbus 2001!

Although this year is only 1992, they have actually extrapolated broom technology to the situation in 2001.

Keilar knows that this is the same as the "concept sports car" launched by those luxury sports car manufacturers at the station every year.

Although they have developed the latest sports car, they are actually unwilling to launch it. Instead, they let the rich make reservations. After a certain number of orders are reached, they will start production, and it is also limited. In this way, they have received part of the deposit, reduced most of the risks, and also obtained a large number of orders.

The same must be true for this magic broom shop.

After Kelar woke up, he had never tried the magic broom here!

He is very interested in the magical flying technology of modern wizards!

Thinking of this, he opened the door and walked in...

PS: There are still 200 recommendation votes to add updates, come on, squeeze out my saved manuscripts!

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