Chapter 019 Daily life

Early in the morning, Keilar still got up very early. He went to bed at 11 o'clock and got up at 6 o'clock. It was no problem for him at all. It seemed that seven hours of sleep was enough for him to rest. On the contrary, it was those girls After taking a nap, I became sleepier and sleepier, and it seemed I still didn't want to get up.

As usual, the smell of Keral's fried pork chops called them to get up, and there were only 45 pieces of pork chops left.

These are to be taken to convenience stores to be fried.

The four women took turns to wash up, and when they started to eat, Keilal had already left. The four women were biting into the pork chops that were fried just right, neither too soft nor too hard. Suddenly Takitsubo Then he sighed.

"How can there be such a person in the world?" she said.

"A man who is extremely powerful, has no airs or temper, and has such a good figure can also cook with such delicious food..." She inserted a piece of pork chop and swung her chopsticks: "It's simply Make women feel inferior."

"Alas." The other three women sighed at the same time. Even enemies had to admire Keilal's strength.

How did they know that more than two thousand years ago, he was so considerate in helping a woman take care of the country, cook good food, and then help her support an entire country.

He's always been that way, there, never changed.

Arriving at the convenience store at half past six, he started to make preparations. In fact, there was not much preparation work for him. First, he turned on the stove and heated the oil used yesterday. The oil was for fried chicken. After closing the lid, he was You can continue to use it until it becomes cloudy.

After turning on the stove, you can basically open the door, because Kailar had already repaired all the goods before closing the door yesterday. It is Kailar's philosophy to finish today's things today and not postpone them until tomorrow.

After opening the store door, he started preparing today's breakfast.

"Good morning." The store door opened automatically, and the carrier was a young man in his twenties. He held three boxes and placed them next to the door.

"Good morning." Keilal greeted him relaxedly: "Wait a moment, I will bring you yesterday's."

These hard plastic boxes are recycled every day and are used to put rice balls, bread, sandwiches and other things wrapped in plastic bags. They are delivered every day.

As for drinks, if Kelal doesn't ask for them, they won't be delivered regularly.

"Thank you, please." He said gratefully.

Keilal was wearing the store manager's apron, and then he took out three hard plastic boxes from the warehouse at the back.

The young man smiled and said, "I'll bother you at the same time tomorrow."

Keilal smiled at him, then nodded, and he walked out directly.

It doesn't take a few minutes to chat like this, and it only takes about two or three minutes to get to the next convenience store. They deliver hundreds of stores a day, and it takes a whole morning, basically at ten or eleven o'clock, the convenience of the entire area The store has freshly made rice balls, sandwiches, and bread.

The shelf life of rice balls is 24 hours, the shelf life of sandwiches is 48 hours, and the shelf life of bread is longer...

However, most of them will be sold out within the next day, and it is rare for them to exceed the shelf life.

By the time Keilal placed these fresh items on the shelf, the oil in his pork chops was almost boiling.

At this time, Keilar rolled up his sleeves, opened the large rice cooker next to him, took out the lunch box, and started preparing.

Turn the fire to medium heat. The fried pork chops will be charred on the outside and tender on the inside, which is the most delicious. Throw the pieces of pork chops vertically, and then you can fry seven pieces at once. At this time, Keilal will You can ignore it. He scooped out a fixed amount of rice and put it into the lunch box. Then he cut a portion of cabbage into strips. He put some in each lunch box and poured it with salad oil. It's salad.

Then the pork chops are ready to cook.

This time, instead of using black pepper, Kelal used something like salt and pepper.

He did not use egg white to coat bread crumbs to make this fried pork chop like the Japanese, but used the rare Cantonese style naked fried pork chop.

This kind of pork chop looks like the meat is fried golden and compact, and looks very appetizing. Sprinkle a layer of pepper and salt, and then...

It smells so good!

This kind of pork chop is thinner than traditional Japanese pork chop, but if you really cut open the traditional pork chop, it is actually not as thick as Kelal's pork chop.

The pork is fried to a brown color and is a bit old, but if it is spread with salt and pepper, the aroma will be mixed together...

So delicious!

After sprinkling a spoonful of pepper and salt, Kelal directly covered the bento with a transparent plastic lid. The browned pork chop, with a slight layer of vegetable oil mixed with the aroma of protein, slowly penetrated into the rice below, with cabbage next to it. Sarah.

In this way, meat, rice, and vegetables are all ready.

Kelal made a total of 30 such bento boxes, intending to serve the crowd during the noon period.

Then the crowds in the afternoon and evening time periods are ready after noon, at 13:00 and 14:00 when there are no people.

After stacking the boxes of lunch boxes in the most conspicuous place, Keilar clapped his hands.

The next step is to wait for the crowd of office workers to arrive.

After 7:30, the flow of people gradually increased. Students coming to school like to buy a bottle of drink, and some students who want to eat a lunch will also buy a lunch here.

The 499 bento is indeed not a heavy burden for Japanese people.

Thirty bento boxes sold out very quickly. Some people bought lunch boxes directly in the morning and heated them up in the company’s own microwave. Coupled with Keilal’s repeat customer yesterday, thirty bento boxes passed by noon. After that, there were only a few copies left.

But he managed to get through it, and as a last resort, Keilal started making the rest of the bento.

When he made fifteen copies and put them out, Aiho Yomikawa and Tie Zhuoli just walked in.

"Oh! Lucky! Freshly baked bento!" Even if the bento can be eaten hot, hot meals are still the best.

Aiho Yomikawa held two lunch boxes in her hands and said to Tie Suizhi.

"Tsk." Seeing that the leftover lunch box he had left in the morning was not sold, Keilal snorted softly.

"You guy...did you click your tongue just now..." Yomikawa Aiho walked over with a smirk and put the beer and lunch on the counter.

Watching this guy eat up is almost better than eating ice cream in the dog days of summer!

"No, it's nothing." Kelal turned his head and said.

PS: First update with guaranteed capital.

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