The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 137 Misunderstanding

Chapter 025 Misunderstanding

"Hey, part-time worker, I'm going out for a while, and you keep an eye on the store." Accelerator has been here for three days.

After handing over most things to Accelerator step by step, Keilar can safely leave most things to Accelerator.

Although Accelerator has a bad attitude, it is just a bad temper after being challenged countless times. For ordinary people, as long as he does not provoke him, he will basically not have any problems. In fact, he is in Kelal After working here for three days, I finally understood the meaning of Keilal's mouth.

Unlike his world, the world of ordinary people is indifferent. Indifferent people don't care who you are, your superpowers, or how many people you kill.

To them, you are just a store clerk or a passerby. Your attitude cannot be said to be amiable, but you are by no means repulsive.

This is the life of ordinary people.

Occasionally, I meet a cheerful and generous person, say hello, and chat a few words when I am not busy, and everyone is very happy.

Is this the life of ordinary people? Accelerator felt a sudden enlightenment and became much more cheerful.

Just think about it, in the original book, except for the absolute level 6 ability user plan, he just kills his sisters and those who come to provoke him. He has no contact with anyone except Kamijou Touma, and he is completely withdrawn.

Humans are social animals. No matter how much we like the mountains and forests, we still have to come out and interact with others.

And Accelerator walked in the steel forest of the city and spoke no more than 10 sentences to others a day. Even an ordinary person would become deformed like this, let alone a child like Accelerator.

When he comes to Kelal, starts chatting with ordinary people, starts to interact with people, and discovers that he is not surrounded by people who want to take his life or take away his No. 1 throne, he will naturally start to change his perception. Personality will change.

This is the inevitable path of human beings, and it has nothing to do with humans.

Accelerator, who didn't know when his name changed to "Part-timer", clicked his tongue in displeasure, reluctantly agreed, and then saw Keilal walking out the door carrying two bags.

The two bags were so huge and seemed to be quite heavy. It was obvious that Keilal was carrying them with two hands very easily. This made Accelerator somewhat impressed by this handsome and amazing store manager. If it were him, there would be no need for vectors. The operator couldn't pick up the two coin bags.

If you are not in Japan, it is difficult to imagine how annoying Japanese coins are, and how much Japanese people love coins.

Obviously there are already card swiping machines, and the Watermelon Card is supported on trams, subways, convenience stores, and vending machines, but Japan still maintains a considerable amount of coins on the market. These coins are extremely heavy, ranging from 500, 100, 50, 5 , 1 is all there. If you want to buy something for 111 yen, give them two 100 coins, and you will get back 8 10-yuan coins, 1 5-yen coin, 4 1-yuan coins...

This is simply anti-humanity and anti-economics stuff...

Keilal was walking on the road carrying two bags of gadgets weighing 30 kilograms, and these two bags of stuff... only cost less than 50,000 yuan...

How stupid... what age is this?

Kailar sighed in his heart and walked to the nearest bank. Generally, in convenience stores like his, people go to the bank to exchange money. Capitalist banks will not send a car to escort the transportation for a mere tens of thousands of dollars, unless It is a cooperation between large clubs to escort change on a regular basis.

Self-employed people like Kelal can only bring their own change to exchange for whole banknotes.

The piercing siren sounded faintly, and Kelar, who was walking in the alley, was surprised. There would be police in a place like Academy City?

The surveillance of Academy City far exceeds that of other countries in the world, and even the corners are not spared. Various cylindrical robots, from cleaners to police officers, have dedicated robots, plus a certain number of superpowers. Discipline committee members and teachers serve as security guards.

There are even ANBU that Keilal knows about that are specifically used to clean up trash, similar to Mugino Shimri and the others.

The entire composition of Academy City is flawless and foolproof.

Obviously, this kind of defense is layered. Whether it is a fight between gangsters, an esper using force to break the law, or an attack from an outside magician, Academy City can handle it with ease.

Just as Keilar was walking slowly in wonder, a huge explosion suddenly came from the front.

Huge explosions, noises, thick smoke, and flames billowed up.

It's like a battlefield.

"That direction..." Keilar frowned.

It seems to be the direction of the bank.

"Hoo, ho, ho..." The voice sounded like a broken bellows and quickly approached, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of Kailar.

When he saw Keilal and the two bags of money in Keilal's hand, he showed an ecstatic expression on his face. He quickly passed Keilal and said loudly: "John, I'll leave it to you later, help me." Stop her."

Three question marks popped up on Keilal's head.

He even looked behind him to see if there was anyone else behind him...

John? John, your sister, you are John, your whole family is John...

Keilal resisted the urge to curse and suddenly reacted.

This guy didn't say this to himself, but to others, to others!

"Is there another fish that slipped through the net here?" A sharp female voice rang out. It was very childish, but it sounded very distinctive and recognizable. A little girl appeared at the door of the alley, that The guy who was escaping had been pinned to the ground, and his clothes were nailed deeply into the ground. The guy struggled to get out unless he had the strength to break through all the clothes.

"Wait, you have a bit of a misunderstanding..." Keilar said as he suddenly lowered his head. The girl who was a full 10 meters away from him appeared behind him without knowing when, and then kicked him out. .

Where are the lace purple panties...

Kelal thought as he dodged her kicks.

"Let me finish!" Keilar suddenly took a step back, and several nails suddenly appeared in his place. The steel nails looked extremely hard, and they suddenly appeared in front of Keilar just now. s position.

"Is this teleportation..." Keilar analyzed the other party silently, but at the same time he had a headache.

"Children they have to be beaten before they know the pain..."

Keilal turned back suddenly, stretched his hands forward, and suddenly grabbed the neck of the girl who appeared behind him...

He looked at the girl carefully and asked seriously: "So can you listen to me now?"

PS: The first update with guarantee.

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