The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 140 The Healer (10 more helmsmen added)

Chapter 028 Healer

A fire truck was parked near the fire site and was spraying water, of course facing the bank gate. As for the two burning cars, they were completely invisible, so it was better to save a little bit.

The police, no, the security guards were on the tourist side, looking nervously at the tourists and asking for their welfare.

The system of Academy City is very interesting. Although it belongs to Japan and is outside the Tokyo circle of Japan, Academy City is actually more like a future city, implementing its own independent set of laws and order.

For example, security guards, disciplinary committee members, and mechanical police officers.

Many people who come to Academy City, a highly automated city, don’t even know how to use a flush toilet. It is precisely because of this that a large number of people come to Academy City to travel. Traveling to a highly modern city is not only safer, but also more convenient. It’s comfortable and opens up people’s horizons more.

For example, most of the people in this car now, except for the tour guides, are basically children. These children will come to Academy City to travel, and then after seeing high technology and people with super powers, they will decide to study in Academy City. In a certain school, and then became the next generation of Academy City.

This is sustainable development from generation to generation, and the administrators of Academy City must not underestimate it.

Kelar waved his hand, and the strong wind brought by the magic blew up, directly extinguishing the two burning cars.

Everyone looked up and saw the man raising his hand, which was the strong wind. They thought he was a wind-type superpower, and they had become accustomed to it. However, Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, and Midoriya Izuku showed expressions of surprise and uncertainty.

Isn't he a healer? Why does it still have the power of wind?

"Is anyone hurt? I am a healer. Does anyone need my help?" he shouted.

"Please come here! Someone is injured here." someone shouted.

Keilal quickly walked over there and threw the money bag in his hand on the ground.

Midoriya Izuku quickly walked up, picked up the money bag, and then followed him.

Kuroko and Mikoto were also very anxious. They were fine just now, so why did an injured person suddenly appear?

A woman wearing tour guide clothing and black silk stockings on her lower body was lying on the ground. There were some cushions on her upper body to raise her up slightly. Then her belly was bright red. She had unbuttoned her black travel clothing and her white shirt was cut open. There were some cuts, and hemostatic cotton was pressed on her wounds, but blood was obviously still leaking out. It was obvious that her internal bleeding was very serious.

"Give me a moment." The medical staff wanted to lift her onto the stretcher, but Keilal blocked them: "Let me see her. I am a healer."

Keilal uses a little language trap, he is a magical healer, but not a psychic healer.

However, there was no difference in meaning. These few seconds were not wasted. The rescuer moved away from his position and the stretcher. Kelal squatted down, took away the hemostatic cotton, and then examined the wound.

There were many wounds. Judging from the small ones that were not deep, it seemed that the exploding glass shards had pierced her body. The initial velocity was probably too high, so she didn't feel it at the time. By the time she came to her senses, it had already begun to spread over a large area. Bleeding.

She was wrapped in pain and fear, with tears on her lightly made-up face. She grabbed Keilal's clothes with bloody hands and asked tearfully: "Am I going to die?"

Keilal held her hand gently and shook his head: "It's okay, I'm here."

That's a force.

It is an indescribable force that makes people settle down and quiet down.

The noisy sound suddenly disappeared.

Even the crying and frightened children fell silent and looked at the man.

He shook the tour guide's hand with determination and confidence, then smiled, and his other hand unconsciously covered her wound.

Misaka Mikoto and Midoriya Izuku looked at Keilal, dumbfounded and stupid. They had never seen this expression before. This kind of confidence, this kind of heart-warming, this kind of confident and firm expression made people want to move. , there is something in the heart that is ready to burst out.

His hand pressed against her wound, and then white light spots overflowed from his fingers and penetrated into her body.

This kind of trauma must not come from the outside in. If there are still glass shards left, blocking the blood vessels, or scratching the internal organs along the blood vessels, it is estimated that you will cough up blood and die in a few years, and the glass shards are not metal. Even large magnets are not easy to use. If it gets worse, it is naturally hopeless.

This can only be treated slowly from the inside, using the healed muscles to squeeze out the glass slag.

However, Keilal pressed his finger near the wound, and the wound was not healing for a long time. Naturally, some people became impatient.

An ambulance worker asked impatiently: "Uncle, can you do it? If you delay the treatment time, you will be in trouble when something happens."

Naturally, other onlookers also have this thought, but they are not parties or stakeholders, so naturally they will not say much.

"Don't touch me!" The tour guide suddenly shouted angrily. She didn't look like she was about to lose a few liters of blood, but now she looked at the wound, and it began to slowly stop. bleeding.

"My body is getting better, I can feel it..." she shouted: "Don't touch me."

She wasn't lying. The numbness and itching inside her body was a sign that the wound was healing again. Although there was no movement outside, there was no bleeding either. It was obvious that Keilal's treatment methods were like those of a fairy.

When he heard the rescuer asking Kelal to go away, he couldn't help but feel the numbness and comfort in his body, and he quickly screamed.

Her opening made others feel that she was angry.

A person's breath is always internal. If the internal energy is sufficient, there will be no pain. If the breath cannot be sustained, the weakness can be heard in the language.

Just now she was speaking intermittently, unable to speak a single sentence, but now she can speak so much in one breath. It is obvious that her condition has improved greatly and is even almost cured.

Just as she was talking, she saw several glass shards squeezed out of her wound. These glass shards were as big as a thumb and as small as a toothpick. Obviously, these were all from her body. A deadly invisible killer.

Then I saw that after these glass shards were forced out, several larger wounds on her outside began to heal slowly, and finally turned into a white patch. Although the skin of the wound was whiter, the previous wounds could still be seen. Traces come.

Everyone murmured together, all surprised by Keilal's methods.


PS: Please watch the original version if you are pirated copies, the one in Chinese... Wife Wang is a pirated version reader who often joins the old group to express support for me... This It’s embarrassing...

PS: This chapter is an additional update for 10 rudders, and there are 15 more rudders, Yuewan Xiaohuang Guardian, and Deep Sea Guardian. After paying these, I the monthly ticket to get additional updates (ahem, I vomited) Why is the sputum coming out red...)

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