The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 145 Kanzaki’s purpose

Chapter 033 Kanzaki’s purpose

It's not surprising that Kanzaki is here, she was the one who provided this room to Kelal.

And the reason why she was wrestling with the women in the props team was very interesting.

When she came to visit Keilal, she was naturally not there. Keilal's barrier couldn't even convey the sound out or in. So when she opened the door and walked into the house, she found that she couldn't get out. Already...

She stepped into Keilal's barrier, and naturally lost any magic power, and her knife couldn't be used.

This forbidden magic shield comes from someone from Fairy Tail. After Kelar has been improved and optimized, it has become the first-class magic in the world. If Kelar's most powerful killing magic is Fairy Law, Then this magic barrier can be regarded as the most powerful confinement magic in Kelal.

Of course, Kelal's Lock of Light also has the effect of magic, but not many people can discover it.

Then Kanzaki Kaori couldn't get out, which was a bit embarrassing.

When Mugino and Shenli and the others discovered that it was not Keilal but Kanzaki Kaori who came in, the next thing fell into place.

It was called a meeting on a narrow road. Enemies looked at each other. With anger and resentment, Mugino Shenli pounced directly on him.

Kanzaki Kaori subconsciously wanted to draw his sword, but found that his magic could not be used. Mugino Shinri punched him in the eye, and his left eye immediately turned blue.

The furious Kanzaki Kaori was not a vegetarian either. As a daughter of the samurai family, she hit Mugino Shenli in the abdomen with one elbow, knocking out a mouthful of sour water from Mugino Shenli.

Mugino Shimizu lost his combat power!

But the props team who had reacted here rushed forward one after another.

Except for Mugino Shenri, a level 5 user who often bullies people due to his abilities, even Flanders and Kinuhata both have certain hand-to-hand combat abilities. For example, in the original work, they used dust explosions to scare them away. Misaka Mikoto, Flanda, who beat her for a long time, is definitely not weak in hand-to-hand combat.

But no matter how strong they are, they are still not as strong as Kanzaki Kaori, the daughter of the samurai family, a battle magician, and one of the twenty saints.

Kanzaki Kaori could almost hit them with his punches and kicks, but it was difficult for them to hit Kanzaki Kaori. However, the advantage of having more people was here. Kanzaki Kaori, who was attacked from both sides, was swarmed by them. They were pressed to the ground like a bad fight. The ones at the bottom were the heaviest Mugino Shimuri and Takitsubo Rikou, who were crushing Kanzaki Kaori and tearing them apart, while Kinuhata Aoi and Frenda were behind them.

All I saw was that Kanzaki Kaori's white shirt was torn into strips, like a beggar's uniform, and even the bra (you don't need to search if you don't know) was torn, and Mugino Shinri was even more miserable, with his hair being scratched It turned into a messy henhouse, the purple stockings and skirt were all torn, most of the shoulders were exposed, and the bra was torn and piled on the abdomen.

Takitsubo's sportswear is extremely advantageous. The loose cotton sportswear is not easy to tear or tear, but the bra inside is too big and has completely shifted.

But Frenda was the worst, because she hit her very hard, either on her lower body, or on her armpits or throat, so her clothes were torn in half by Kanzaki Kaori's counterattack. Now, except for the hat on the head and the stockings on the feet, they are basically naked.

Sure enough, women's fights look much better than men's fights...

Keilal closed the door, brought the food, threw it on the kitchen chopping board and asked, "How long are you going to keep this up?"

Now Kanzaki Kaori is pressed at the bottom, while Mugino Shinri and Takitsubo Rikou are pressing on her body, grabbing her hands. Kinuhata loves grabbing her feet most, and the outermost parts are bare. Frenda is at work.

Seeing Keilal coming back, the women froze. Even though they still had several pieces of cloth on their bodies, none of them could actually cover up the scenery inside. It would only be cheaper for Keilal to continue fighting now. That’s all.

So the several women silently let go of each other with a tacit understanding, and then began to tidy up their appearance.

"Haha, it's true that women look the best when they fight." Keilar said sarcastically next to her. Fighting and fighting are two different things. If Arturia pulls hair and clothes with others all day long, he won't like her so much. He hates fights without grace like this.

Mugino Shenli said angrily: "Whose fault do you think it is that we are fighting like this! It's not because of this damn thing like you!"

Kanzaki Kaori looked at Keilal with some resentment. Without his magic shield, she would not have been suppressed and beaten in such an embarrassing manner. You must know that during the pursuit of retaking the Holy Cross, she was suppressed. They are fighting!

Keilal shrugged without any sympathy: "Who calls you prisoners? How about showing a little consciousness of prisoners?"

"I'm sorry, Kanzaki, I didn't expect you to come." Kelar turned to Kanzaki and said, her clothes were torn into strips, like a beggar, and the bra inside was even torn, and now only The expert covered his chest with his hands and looked charming.

"Would you like to change clothes?" Keilar walked into the bedroom and rummaged in the closet next to it.

"Then please give me a shirt, thank you." Kanzaki covered his chest and said.

"Get one for me too!" Flanda, who hid under the quilt, raised her hands and shouted.

"I want it too." Mugino Shenli said angrily.

"Me too." Takitsubo raised his hands and said.

"Then so do I..." Kinuhata, whose clothes were a little messy, said the most.

"No, you don't have to..." Mugino Shenli, Takitsubo Rikou and Flanda said in unison.

Her combination of denim shorts and a medium-thick jacket really didn't require any change of clothes.

When Keilal found four pieces of clothing, Mugino Shimori, Takitsubo Rikou and Kanzaki Kaori were wearing a casual white shirt, but Flanda was wearing a pure white T-shirt, which immediately made her Frenda shouted dissatisfied: "Why am I the only one wearing a T-shirt?"

"Because I only have these few clothes..." Keilar was also very distressed. After wearing these clothes for them, he had no change of clothes today.

"Okay, let's get down to business first." Looking at the looming girls, Keilal couldn't help but praise his habit of wearing white, and then said with a straight face.

"Kanzaki, what are you doing here today? What is Puritan's decision?" Kailar crossed his legs, sat on the ground, opened his eyes slightly, looked at Kanzaki Kaori, and asked.

Although he is a legendary "god", a phoenix that landed on the ground is not as good as a chicken. He who held the power back then does not have any power now. Although his power is still there, his survival in this world still depends on the breath of these big powers.

PS: First update guaranteed, keep working hard

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