The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 160 Those who enjoy comics and those who work part-time (210 monthly tickets)

Chapter 048 Those who enjoy comics and those who work part-time

Besides...Kelar has another method.

The girl locked up in his room is definitely the weakness of someone like Misaka Mikoto.

Once Misaka Mikoto learns of her existence, she will definitely fall into regret, and then he will rescue her to make up for her mistakes, free her, and then destroy the research laboratory behind her.

It's just that Keilar has a lot of cards in his hand, so there's no need to play them all. It's enough to get Misaka Mikoto to hand over Index.

And based on Keilal's friendship with Misaka Mikoto and Keilal's eloquence, this matter is by no means difficult.

Since it wasn't difficult, Keilal didn't worry about it.

He ordered; "Frenda, Silk Flag, you two stay and help me. From now on, you will be part-time workers No. 2 and 3 in my store."

"Eh?! Ehhh? Ehhhhhh?!" Flanda pointed at herself and Kinuhata in disbelief, turned around twice, made a cute sound, and then said loudly: "Why Mugino and They don’t need Takitsubo!”

Mugino Shenli raised his head high and smiled proudly: "Of course that's because the two of us are level 5 ability users. As long as we work together, we are invincible."

It was clear that Zuotian had no temper at all after being punished by Accelerator! Frenda was complaining crazily in her heart, but she didn't dare to say it out loud.

"No, you two work the night shift." Keilar raised his head and glanced at the proud Mugino Shenli, and said.

Mugino Shenli's face froze, making Flanda almost unable to hold back her laughter.

"Okay, you go back first, Flanda, Silk Flag, you two go in and change into a set of employee uniforms." Kailar has already prepared. There are several XL, L, and M model aprons inside. Tong usually wears an M-shaped apron, but Kinuhata's favorite and Flanda both wear M-shaped aprons...

All I can say is that Accelerator's figure is really...

But he is only 15 or 16 years old. Boys' development does not stop until they are 25, so he still has a chance.

As for why two level 5 ability users were asked to take the afternoon shift, it was naturally to let Accelerator suppress the two of them.

Takitsubo was fine after that, but if Mugino Shimari was upset, he would really tear down the entire convenience store, or he might really get into a fight with Sogiita Junba at night.

But Accelerator...

Accelerator had just given them a slap in the face yesterday. Seeing him today, Keilal was very interested in seeing the expressions on their faces...

Now it seems that Keilal is more caring about Flanda and Kinuhata.

Both of them are smart girls. They are both fifteen or sixteen years old. Now they learn things very quickly, and they can get started with things like convenience stores right away.

On the other hand, Yomikawa and Aiho joked a bit when they came over: "It's child labor to employ such a young child."

Keilal rolled his eyes and blocked him with the disciplinary committee: "When you used Heizi and Midoriya, didn't you treat them like cattle and horses?"

Aiho Yomikawa was immediately intimidated. Although Izuku Midoriya was a level 5 ability user with a physical enhancement system, he was only 16 years old and had just entered high school (the same age as Kamijou Touma).

And Shirai Kuroko is younger, only fourteen and a half years old, not yet fifteen years old. If Kelar uses Flanda and the others as child labor, then Academy City, the largest user of child labor, still has no position to accuse him.

The two people who ran out with their lunch boxes in despair didn't know that the reputation of Keilal's bento suddenly plummeted. That was because the bento made by Keilal in the morning would be sold out by noon, while the bento made by Accelerator Only people at night know the taste of bento...

When it was the busiest time at noon, Keilar began to take some time off. Flanda and Junqi were really good at what they loved to do. Keilal hugged her chest next to her and began to watch them do their work.

After 1 o'clock, the store became quiet, so Kelal stood outside, while Frenda and Kinuhata loved to rest and eat.

While eating the boiled meat slices made by Keilal, shivering from the spicy food and making her nose runny, while cursing Keilal's profiteers in her heart, Flanda also suddenly felt aroused, and it was actually not a bad feeling to continue like this.

She suddenly slapped herself hard.

Flanda, Flanda, you have a younger sister, how can you be so depraved? Is earning 200,000 yen a month in a place like this your pursuit? Where are your beautiful clothes? Where are the shoes? What about cosmetics? Where is my sister! Cheer up, Frenda!

Kinuhata loved mental activities that were not as intense as Frenda's. He gave her a strange look at her nervousness and continued to eat the boiled meat slices in silence. She mixed the spicy soup with a spoon, mixed the meat slices and vegetables and soaked them. The rice soaked in soup is an incomparable enjoyment when you take one bite!

Her little face turned red, but she still lowered her head and ate fiercely. She just felt that she had eaten the most delicious thing in the world.

The door opened with a ding, and the tall Kanzaki Kaori walked in. Keilal nodded gently to her: "Here he comes."

"Well, is she here?" She looked around the store, but found no one. On the contrary, Flanda and Kinuhata, who were eating in the backstage, loved this place the most, so she was not surprised at all.

"No, just wait."

Keilal comforted.

"Okay." She was not polite and went to choose a can of Ayaka green tea. After paying the bill, she opened it and drank it slowly. Even though she was wearing such revealing clothes, there was actually a big and... Nadeshiko girl.

Also, I forgot to mention that she is only 18 years old now...

She drank slowly and looked at the free comics on the magazine rack, which made Flanda unhappy as she started to refill the drink. However, under Keilal's hand, her unhappiness could only be turned into a few thoughts.

Just as she was cursing Kanzaki Kaori, she saw the door ding-dong open.

At half past two, Accelerator came to work.

He frowned when he saw Kanzaki Kaori who appeared on the battlefield last night. He instinctively thought that she was here to cause trouble for him. However, after being with Keilal for a long time, he also learned to use his brain. Soon He realized that they just met each other and he even helped her. What reason did she have to trouble him?

The advantage of using your brain is that you can avoid a lot of troubles. For example, if Accelerator destroyed the research institute of his sisters from the beginning, he would not have gone to the trouble of killing more than 10,000 sisters before Kamijou Touma sabotaged the experiment.

He saw Kanzaki Kaori, and Kanzaki Kaori also saw him. Kanzaki Kaori naturally didn't have any malice. He nodded lightly to him as a greeting, and Accelerator's body also Slowly relaxed.

His body relaxed, but the body that Frenda and Kinuhata loved most slowly stiffened...

PS: 210 monthly tickets will be added.

PS1: I owe another alliance leader... I'll pay off this month's monthly ticket first.

PS2: I'm still working hard, but I will stop it... Don't wait any longer. I have classes in the morning now and I am not allowed to sleep that late...

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