The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 162 Choice (240 monthly votes)

Chapter 050 Choice

"Okay, now we can talk." Keilal walked around to the door, hung up the [Under Preparation] sign, then turned around and said.

"What do you want to talk about?" Misaka Mikoto said a little warily.

Although the two of them got along pretty well that day, that was not the reason why she could trust Index to him.

After spending the day together, she probably understood that Index was the kind of girl who had no scheming at all.

This kind of girl will not do any bad things, which means that the person chasing her is indeed a bad person.

Kelal walked to the corner, took out two stools, and placed them in front.

"It's a long story, so let's sit down and talk."

He said this, and Kanzaki Kaori and Misaka Mikoto looked at each other, then nodded and sat on both sides.

"Kanzaki, you know better. It's up to you to speak."

Keilal's words made Kanzaki Kaori nodded, and then the woman with half of her thighs and navel exposed slowly unfolded the whole thing.

Misaka Mikoto looked at her in disbelief: "Are you crazy? Memory must be deleted every year..."

"And how can magic exist?" Misaka Mikoto, who has been influenced by science since she was a child, does not believe in the existence of magic at all.

This is also a very strange place for people in Academy City.

This is also the most contradictory part of mankind. For example, many scientists in the world have beliefs, most of them believe in Christianity, but the things they create deny the existence of God step by step. Human beings are really interesting.

Looking at the atmosphere, Kanzaki Kaori turned to look at Keilal.

Kelal snapped his fingers.

A chain slowly emerged, and the chain of light twisted in the air like a snake, as if alive.

Misaka Mikoto, who had tasted the power of the Lock of Light, was stunned.

"This is magic." Kelar knew that Kanzaki Kaori's persuasiveness was completely insufficient. Kanzaki Kaori's magic attack was closer to a physical attack, and it could even be done with superpowers. However, Misaka Mikoto was able to convince Misaka Mikoto on the spot. There was only Keilal.

"Magic can be used in many ways." An elf like Misaka Mikoto appeared in his hand. It was made of photons and was extremely flexible. The wings on its back were flying as if they were real.

"It can be both a laser and a physical attack. It is not limited to any object or shape." The elf turned into a dagger of light in Kelal's hands, and then turned into a ball of light.

"In short, magic is intangible and ever-changing, beyond your imagination." Keilar held up his chin and looked at the two of them, smiling handsomely and charmingly.

"Also, you two have known me for so long, and you still haven't noticed that I'm blind, right?"

"What?!" Both of them shouted in surprise at the same time.

He opened his eyes, and they realized that if he opened his eyes, he would actually be more handsome and better-looking. However, he kept his eyes closed all the time, so he was just like a normal person, which made them forget that he had his eyes closed. .

Because he always has a calm and unhurried temperament with his eyes closed, making people unconsciously forget about his eye problems.

But if you look carefully, you can see that there is no focus in those blue pupils.

"These eyes were cursed when I fought a certain monster before, and I can't use them since then. But the light is my eyes, and I can see more things than you."

Keilal's words made Misaka Mikoto unbelievable, but Kanzaki Kaori was one of only 20 saints in the world, but she knew many more legends than Misaka Mikoto.

Of course she knew what that monster was, it was the legendary dragon, the Red Dragon King.

Of course she also knew that those eyes were not actually his, but that he had exchanged his green eyes for the legendary king in a spirit of "sacrifice".

But I didn't expect it to be true.

The reason why legends are legends is because no one can confirm their authenticity.

It's like some people don't believe that someone can endure the highest level of pain burning without moving at all.

Now hearing what happened back then from Keilal's mouth is no more shocking than anything else.

"Okay, let's get back to Index." Keilal silently collected the topic of his body and then changed the subject.

"Now you should believe in magic." Kelar knocked on the table at the front desk, and then said with a slightly solemn expression.

"I guess it's false to have her memory erased every year to prevent her head from exploding, but it's very possible to imprison her memory through magic to prevent her from leaking the Forbidden Magic Book."

"If this kind of magic spell is not lifted, it is very likely that her life will be in danger, so I suggest you bring her over first and check her out. If she is really okay and she is willing to go with you, then we will Don’t stop it.”

Kanzaki Kaori was anxious. She wanted to speak, but Keilal raised her hand to stop her.

"Kanzaki, the Puritans themselves are not well-intentioned. Sending her back will only continue to give them the magic to strengthen her body, confine her freedom, and make her even more miserable."

"Religion has always been dirty. This sentence has not been passed down along with my legend." He sighed softly, and then shook his head.

Religion carries original sin, and there is no exception in any religion. Buddhism, whether in India or ancient China, did not engage in production, but sat on the peasants and relied on religion to enjoy the fruits. Taoism, on the other hand, likes to rebel. From Five Pecks of Rice to Zhang Jiao, they When there is no peace, as for Christianity, it is impossible to describe it. The darkest period of European history was always created by them.

Can today's whitewashing and civilization cover up the barbarism and original sin of the past?

Of course this is impossible.

Puritanism is certainly no exception.

Kanzaki Kaori was silent.

Should he follow the order and take Index back, or should he leave her in Academy City for Index's own good?

This is a torture to her personality, bottom line, and morality.

Keilal ignored her, turned to look at Misaka Mikoto and asked.

"what do you think?"

Misaka Mikoto fell into deep thought. Now it was time for her to make a decision. Although she was only fifteen or sixteen years old, she was now faced with the decision of whether to believe that Kelal would bring Index here.

If what Keilal said was a lie, she would have almost no ability to resist facing so many level 5 ability users.

But if he was telling the truth, she could save Index once and for all.

Both of them were stuck in a decision-making process, and the entire convenience store fell into silence.

PS: Today we are cleaning up the red envelopes in the group and kicked out a lot of people who didn’t respond. If you kicked them by mistake, you can appeal to me in the book review area.

PS1: It’s Friday, I don’t want to code... let me be lazy for a day... I will work hard tomorrow.

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