Chapter 055 Puritanism

The wind quickly glided over Keilar's body and passed through his wings. Even if they were gathered behind his back, the two wings still acted as delta wings, constantly accelerating.

He is like a hawk, like a dove harrier, like a shooting star, cutting through the sky, Bai Lian can clearly see it in the sky even at dusk.

He suddenly landed on the ground, exploding a large amount of mud and sand. The beach seemed to have been hit by a comet, and a huge depression sank into the ground.

"Where is she?" Keilar walked out of the pit. Although his clothes and shoes were a little tattered, no one present could look down upon him.

They finally began to face up to this convenience store owner who always smiled, made delicious food, was easy to talk to, and had a personable demeanor.

Kanzaki Kaori finally remembered his illustrious reputation in myths and legends, and his shining military exploits seemed to be definitely not blown out by future generations.

As the number one mage at the time, Kelal had the ability to stand out from the rest.

This capital is the same in modern times.

So what about one hundred and three thousand magic books? What about the twenty saints in this world? Kelal treats everyone equally, not because your identity is based on one hundred and thirty thousand magic books, or twenty saints, or a level 5 ability user, or something else.

Keilal only looked at the shining points of this person, and did not care whether the person's identity was humble, whether he was born noble, whether he was wealthy, or whether he was powerful.

Anyway, he will not be as noble as Keilal, nor as rich as Keilal, nor as powerful as Keilal, so there is no point in worrying about these.

"We haven't looked at the building over there yet." Index was shot down, so the landing point is not controlled by anyone. Kanzaki Kaori is still standing here because of her absolute confidence in the Mobile Church. .

"Well, I'll go take a look." Keilar hadn't taken back his wings yet. He just flapped his wings and he flew up again, heading towards the building.

Just like his previous flight, the huge wings suddenly took him high up, making Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko envious for a while. Flying, the first and earliest dream of human beings, is so enviable!

After Keilal landed in the reinforced concrete three-story building, he saw Index crashing through the first floor and floor and landing on the second floor. If it was an ordinary wooden building, she would It is absolutely impossible to be hurt so much.

Unfortunately, modern reinforced concrete buildings are so strong that only heavy artillery of more than 200 mm or bombs of more than 500 kg can completely demolish a building.

And she fell from such a high place, and she was still using magic spells. It was like installing a jet on her body, and she accelerated towards the building, crashing through the first floor. Then it landed heavily on the second floor.

With such power, acceleration, and gravity, it would be damning if she could still move well.

She tried hard to use her spilled blood to write something on the broken concrete next to her, but she couldn't write it at all.

"Does it still have a self-healing function? Think about it. If not, if someone can really destroy the Mobile Church, she should have awakened her self-defense mechanism after being fatally injured, and then healed the injury." Kaylar He folded his wings, landed in the room, and then walked quickly to her side.

Her injuries needed to be healed, but more importantly, she needed to seize the opportunity to directly destroy her defense mechanism.

Now that she has very little magic power left, her defense mechanism will never be too strong.

He came to her side, squatted down, stretched out his hand and pressed her head: "Purify."

The magic of purification seems to be used to expel negative states of magic, but the actual principle is to exclude magic from the entire area through the domineering style of the light element. The effect is the same as Kelal's forbidden magic field.

In other words, this is actually a smaller version of the forbidden magic realm.

Such a purification set on a person's body will greatly increase the person's resistance to magic. It will also expel the positive effects of magic on the person.

But it would be perfect to use it on Index at this time.

Index's fighting personality still wanted to resist, but the injuries just now were too severe. Even with the protection of the Mobile Church, two or three ribs were still broken, and the body was bleeding heavily. Let alone fight back and resist, even The slightest movement could kill her.

Keilal knew the seriousness of the matter, so he didn't hesitate at all.

He quickly came to Index's side and purified it. Suddenly, the magic power in Index's body began to be excreted by him, and the fighting personality was slowly drained and destroyed along with the magic power. Index's body completely disappeared.

Keilal did not stop, and began to shoot out white rays of light one after another, washing over Index's body.

The capillaries in the body were quickly destroyed, and the broken and damaged internal organs were also repaired. As for the accumulated blood in the body, it was directly forced out. Index began to vomit out the congestion in the body, and her own consciousness Also began to recover slowly.

Looking at Keilal who was half-kneeling next to her with tattered clothes, Index showed a weak smile.

"Good man, are you done with your work?"

Keilal gently held her hand and smiled softly: "Yes, I'm done. Thank you, Index."

She showed a sweet smile, full of satisfaction: "Well, it's great to be able to help such a good person."

"Haha, don't call me a good person. My name is Kelal, Kelal Pan Dragon." He picked her up. There was basically no big problem with her body. The rest... It's a matter of Puritanism.

Puritanism said that Index was abducted, but in fact, as one of the three major religions in the world, how could Puritanism be surrounded by wind?

You must know that the Puritan religion's sphere of influence spread directly from England to the United States, and Australia and other regions were their parishes.

Due to this blessing, the religious forces in the Russian Far East, Japan's native sects, and South Korea, which originally belonged to adult religions, were eroded. Except for this city that was able to strike a balance with Puritanism, most of the religious forces in other countries were conquered or surrendered. Under Puritanism.

Because of Kanzaki Kaori, Kelal also went to check the situation of the Puritan Church in detail.

In the end, I found out that it was completely different from what Kanzaki Kaori said!

First update guaranteed.

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