The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 182 20,000 sisters (570 monthly votes plus more updates)

Chapter 070 20,000 Sisters

"Quick! Transfer the data!" The old man from the Mediterranean looked at the night sky on the monitor, which was as beautiful as fireworks. He was suddenly startled and shouted loudly.

At this time, all the researchers woke up, and they suddenly started busy.

Someone asked: "Dean, do we need to move the experimental subjects?"

The bald Mediterranean dean looked at him like an idiot: "That's 20,000 experimental subjects! Are you an idiot! There's no time to move that now! Just let them stay!"

So all the other researchers got the order and began to prepare for the transfer quickly.

In order to fear that electrical-type ability users like Misaka Mikoto would hack into the system, a very large part of the key data in the entire institute uses paper carriers. The biggest problem with paper carriers compared to electronic carriers is that if they want to transfer , the size of the required carrier is very large, such as a paper mountain the size of a trolley. These documents are placed in file bags, and then the file bags are placed on the cart. The cart is like a hill. According to researchers Given their physical fitness, trying to push such a small mountain would literally kill them.

Fortunately, there were many of them. Since there were many people, this kind of thing wouldn't be a big problem. Like busy ants moving, they began to move materials quickly and efficiently.

Just as they were moving like ants moving, the winner had already been decided on that side.

Teito Kakine may be very good at suppressing enemies at high altitudes, but he is not good at fighting enemies at high altitudes. And Keilar is extremely good at aerial combat. He carefully moves his body to fight with the opponent, moves around, and tops them. The artillery fire of Emperor Sumigaki finally approached him and found the opportunity.

And ending the battle is very simple, all it takes is a chain.

A chain appeared in the void at some point, and then wrapped around his body along his hands and feet. When he discovered that it began to secrete defensive Wei Yuan substances on the surface of his body, he found that he could not secrete it. No more material!

"What? How is this possible?" His shield and wings did not disappear, which also proved that what he said to Kelal before was not a lie.

But what's the use?

Unable to continue producing unfinished matter, he had his hands and body locked, so there was only one way to die.

Keilal landed on the ground with him. Looking at Emperor Kakine struggling on the ground, he smiled slightly, waved to sister No. 00002, and said warmly: "Come on, let us go in."

Sister No. 00002 slowly walked over from a distance, then followed him obediently and quietly, and the two of them walked slowly towards the inside of the research institute.

At this time, the institute was already in chaos.

"He's coming! He's coming! He's coming!" A researcher shouted in despair.

"Run! Run!" a female researcher screamed.

"Quiet!! Calm down!!" What they said about transferring data is just to move the data out. How much data can be moved in this short time?

"Calm down. Now, wake up all the experimental subjects first, and then write. The final test target is him." He said with gritted teeth as he watched Keilal slowly walk into the research institute on the monitor.

"Director, is this really necessary..." The researcher at the computer desk hesitated again and again, but couldn't help but turn around and ask.

"Tsk, you loser, get out of here." The bald Mediterranean director knocked him to the ground and started typing quickly on the keyboard.

It's just that most people at his level only need to give instructions and control the general direction of research. Now that he is suddenly asked to start inputting these instructions, it is not as fast as these ordinary researchers.

Looking at his old and stiff fingers, he slapped the keyboard angrily and ordered the researcher next to him to come over and input instructions.

Even so, it still took them 15 minutes.

During these 15 minutes, Kelal just clapped his hands gently, and countless light balls began to spread in all directions.

These light balls are spies. Originally, this was a job that should be summoned by goblins, but I don’t know why the world can’t summon goblins. It seems that with the passage of time, all the goblins have died, Keira You can only summon this more primitive and simpler elemental spirit.

It is precisely because of this that the information fed back by these elemental elves is not obvious, but it is enough for exploring the path.

However, what these elves fed back made Kelar frown.

Big cemetery? More than 20,000 corpses?

Could such a sensational thing happen here in Academy City?

Keilal frowned and took Misaka Sister No. 00002 to the deepest underground.

He was wearing sneakers and stepped on the cold steel floor. He made no sound at all, just like a ghost.

Instead, sister No. 00002, who was following him, was wearing middle school student leather shoes and made a crisp sound when she stepped on the floor.

After the two of them reached an open area, even Keilal couldn't help but gasp slightly.

Here, there are more than 20,000 culture tanks. In these densely packed culture tanks, countless naked sisters are lying in them. From a distance, they look like tombs, dimly buried in this gloomy underground. In the light, Keilal even got goosebumps when he saw it.

Of course he was not scared or shocked, but angry.

"Ah, ah." He slowly came to the first culture tank, caressed the opened culture tank, and murmured: "Is this the place where No. 1 slept for more than ten years?"

"A Misaka Misaka only costs 180,000 yen and takes 2 years to cultivate, not more than ten years. Misaka Misaka corrected." Sister Misaka No. 00002, standing behind him, raised her hand expressionlessly. said with a finger.

"Really?" Keilar came to her and touched her head: "You have worked hard too."

"Misaka Misaka doesn't know what Kelal-sama is talking about..." She tilted her head and looked at Kelal, then tears slowly flowed out of her eyes and slowly fell down her cheeks. .

She reached out her hand and caught the tears that fell: "Al... what is this..." She looked at Keilal, with an expressionless face and slowly weeping eyes and asked: " Sir Kelal, can you tell Misaka Misaka what this is?”

Keilal put his hand on her head and said in a positive tone: "Don't worry, I will tell you what it is, I will teach you everything."

Misaka No. 00002 closed her eyes, but her tears couldn't stop flowing out.

Although I don’t know what it is, even though I don’t know what he is talking about, my hands are so warm and reassuring...

PS: The 2027 monthly ticket is -570, divided by 30, the difference is 48 for everyone. I can’t exchange them all this month, I’m sorry everyone.

PS1: I woke up very early today, but I went to help others move, so let’s not talk about it for now.

PS2: My roommate has a day off today. He cannot use the mechanical keyboard after that because it is too noisy and the efficiency is -30%. The key tone in the small black room cannot be used because it is too noisy and the efficiency is -20%. The newly purchased headphones have not arrived. Listen. Listening to his voice coding while playing games and talking to himself, the efficiency is -30%. To be honest, the fact that the headphones were not delivered today has something to do with him. Today, his mentality is completely explosive. I am really sorry for everyone.

PS3: There is a new two-dimensional essay competition worth RMB 200,000 at Qidian. After thinking about it, I decided not to go. I will treat everyone wholeheartedly. I will go to a cram school for studying abroad soon. I don’t know how much time I have left to code. I will try my best. of.

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