The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 186 Taking over (60 monthly votes)

Chapter 074 Take over

More than a hundred researchers in the entire institute exploded as if they were detonated.

Everyone looked at Keilal in disbelief, buzzing, everyone was whispering, and everyone couldn't believe that Keilal would actually make such a request.

The bald director of the Mediterranean was full of enthusiasm. He stood up and looked at Keilal with a red face: "Really, really, do you understand us? Are you also a Friend?"

"But it must be started under my auspices and guidance." Keilar crossed his legs, crossed his hands on his knees, leaned back, looked up at the director of the Mediterranean Sea, and smiled.

To the director of the Mediterranean, Keilal's smile was like a devil's smile, making him feel chilled and chilled all over.

"The sisters will become the security personnel of this research institute. They are not only the experimental subjects in charge of the experiment, but also the security guards of this research institute. They are also the monitors for you, and they are also my subordinates." Keilal took power in a very standard way Sitting there, even if he looked up, he was still very arrogant. He looked at the director with a very contemptuous look, with the calmness to control the overall situation.

The director was shaking all over as if he had Parkinson's disease.

"You can't do this, you can't do this, it's illegal." He suddenly roared.

Kelal burst out laughing.

His laughter made all the researchers look at each other. He only laughed for two or three seconds and then stopped. Then he stood up and looked at the director of the institute from a height of 1.88 meters to 1.7 meters. The director of the research institute is full of tremendous pressure.

"Then tell me, which of the things you are doing now is legal?" Keilar was full of fierce momentum, forcing the director of the institute.

The director of the research institute was sweating profusely, and then he remembered that even in Academy City, which has little legal awareness and is like an enlarged version of an ivory tower, experimenting on human bodies is the most outrageous thing.

Although the whole style of Academy City is human experimentation, this is the so-called political correctness. They can do it, but they can never say it.

Human experimentation, human cloning, human weapons, no matter which one is taken out, they may be arrested and imprisoned. If it is exposed now, what way will they go?

They should be thankful that Kelal didn't call the police. As for them calling the police themselves, don't they think they have never been to jail?

The director of the research institute stared blankly at Keilal, who was questioning him. Big beads of sweat slid down his Mediterranean head to his temples, then to his temples, and then fell on his cheeks and chin.

It looks extremely funny, like a clown.

He finally seemed to have all his strength drained from him and flopped down into the chair he had been in before.

"I understand." He said dejectedly: "If you have any other requests, please tell them."

"Very good," Keilal nodded as he looked at them surrendering.

"First, I ask you to make another Misaka sister. I hope this Misaka sister will be perfect." Keilar looked around.

"I want a person with superpowers who is around 20 years old and whose physical functions and superpowers have reached their peak."

"Use all your strength to complete this work for me."

The bodies of the researchers he glanced at tensed up, as if they were being targeted by an evil dragon.

"Second, continue to launch Sister Misaka's battle plan."

"Academy City's No. 1, No. 3, and No. 4 have all become experimental subjects. The plan is to go from one sister to a thousand sisters. Calculate for me how many sisters are needed to defeat a level 5 ability user."

"This is impossible." Director Mediterranean retorted dejectedly: "No matter how many defective electrical devices with level 2 abilities there are, there is no way to defeat a level 5 ability user in the entire province."

Keilal looked at him and smiled proudly: "Who told you that they are level 2 ability users?"

The director suddenly raised his head and looked at Kelal with uncontrollable horror. Because he raised his head too quickly, his cervical vertebrae made a snapping sound, but Director Mediterranean didn't have any time to worry about himself. His cervical vertebrae were numb. He looked at Keilal, his pupils were dilated, and his breathing was as rapid as a bellows: "Could it be...could it be?"

"Yes, after my treatment just now, they are already level 3 electrical ability users."

Keilal said proudly.

The director stood up, walked around in place, rubbed his hands, and his whole body was slightly cold, but his face was flushed with excitement: "If you are a level 3 electrical ability user, if you are a level 3 electrical ability user... …Maybe, maybe, maybe.”

"If you are willing to help, we can produce level 3 ability users in batches. Even level 4 ability users are no longer a dream!" He raised his head and said urgently using honorifics.

"No need to talk, all our negotiations are based on these 20,001 sisters, which means that except for the perfect individual I require, I will not create any more sisters!" Keilal stared at Looking at him: "Also, don't forget, I already have the final say here! You can do it only after I say yes, don't make any plans for me!"

"Yes...yes." He looked at Keilar, and then he remembered that the entire research institute had changed hands, and he responded dejectedly.

"Very good, then your goal for the next week is to complete the physical examination and ability examination for all the sisters, and then wait for my order."

Kelal circled around and asked loudly: "Did you hear that?"

The researchers who were attracted by Keilal's momentum tensed up, and then all responded: "Hi!"

Keilal nodded with satisfaction, pointed at a female researcher and said, "You,"

The female researcher was stunned, pointed at herself and asked, "Me?"

"That's right, it's you. Go find her a pair of shoes that fit her feet." Keilar pointed to the last piece and said.

"Others, go back to your posts and let me take a look at your research progress."

Keilal was indeed very intimidating, and all the researchers dispersed, but there was still a trace of disdain and luck in their hearts: Do you understand our research progress?

When the female researcher came back with a pair of children's shoes, she realized that the atmosphere in the entire institute was completely different.

Seeing everyone sitting upright with their hands on their knees like elementary school students, she couldn't help but ask a researcher next to her who was close to her: "What's going on? What happened?"

"What's wrong?" The researcher looked at Keilar, who was typing on a computer with flying hands, with strange eyes, and let out a long sigh.

"We got a monster!"

PS: My back hurts today and I will have another day of repair.

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