The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 190 Mrs. Misaka (Additional update for reader Jinchen’s birthday)

Chapter 078 Mrs. Misaka

"Huh? Oh? Wait...who are you? What are you?" Misaka Mikoto finally came to her senses and asked, dancing with joy and confusion.

"The Misaka sister project was launched based on the genes provided by my sister a few years ago."

"We, who were complete clones of my sister, were abandoned because of our congenital deficiencies, and were eventually made into weapons to test the strength of each level 5 ability user."

She was wearing a green tactical monitor, looking at Misaka Mikoto, without any modal particles in her tone, just reading (without expression) these peripheral matters of the plan.

It is impossible for my sister to tell Misaka Mikoto about deeper things.

"So, onee-sama, are you ready? Misaka raised the gun and asked." She looked at Misaka Mikoto with no expression on her face, but Misaka Mikoto became panicked: "Wait, wait, you are me Sister... we shouldn’t kill each other, shouldn’t we?”

It took a lot of strength for her to admit Misaka's sister. Unexpectedly, Misaka's sister was about to draw her sword and she immediately became confused.

"We are not fighting, we are just doing an experimental plan, onee-sama. Misaka is about to start, Misaka said murderously." She fired the bullets mercilessly, and Misaka Mikoto hurriedly defended her position, twisting These bullets either twisted up to the sky or bent down to the ground, but none of them hit her.

This is also the reason why Misaka Mikoto is not very good at dealing with gunpowder weapons.

Her strength lies in her variability and aggression, but her defense is much weaker. It would be fine if she was on iron-containing land, but once she loses what she has, she will be in a hurry with gunpowder weapons.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible to blow her up.

As long as a weaker counter-electromagnetic field is established like Accelerator, it is impossible for metal weapons to harm Misaka Mikoto.

But the problem is that Misaka Mikoto has no way to fight back.

How to fight back? The opponent is a level 3 electrical user. Misaka Mikoto's electric shock is too weak and useless, but if she uses too much force, she is afraid of electrocuting her sister to death. As for the electromagnetic gun, it is even more useless.

The younger sister didn't have this worry. For her, her elder sister was more invincible than Accelerator, so after she fired all the bullets, she pulled out the pistol from behind her waist, holding the gun with both hands and shooting while approaching Misaka. Mikoto.

Misaka Mikoto remained motionless, not knowing how to hit her sister.

After she finished all her bullets, she threw away the pistol, grabbed a dagger of the same standard from behind her waist, and then rushed towards Misaka Mikoto.

The dagger was made of iron, so it meant nothing to Misaka Mikoto.

In a sense, Misaka Mikoto is Magneto in another field. She can do everything Magneto can do. When faced with a dagger, she can block it by just spreading her electromagnetic stance.

Everyone knows the physical principle of electromagnetism, so when she built a huge repulsive magnetic field directly around herself, the dagger could not move in even an inch, and even showed signs of rebounding.

Sister Misaka tried her best to hold the dagger, but Misaka Mikoto held the dagger gently.

Electric sparks appeared between her fingers, and the dagger melted into molten iron in an instant.

Sister Misaka took a step back in surprise, but she didn't expect Misaka Mikoto to step forward and hug her.

"I'm sorry." She said, and then tears couldn't help but flow down her cheeks: "I'm sorry, you must have suffered a lot because of my immaturity, right?"

"I'm really, really, really sorry."

The sister's whole body was tense, and then she slowly relaxed. The hand holding the bladeless dagger also relaxed, and the dagger with only the handle fell to the ground with a clang, making a crisp sound. Come.

Misaka Mikoto's tears wet her shoulders. For some reason, strong sadness emerged from her heart, and then she couldn't help it, and her tears slowly flowed down.

The tears flowed more and more, and the two hugged each other in this empty place, weeping silently.

When both of them were better, Misaka Mikoto grabbed her shoulders, looked into her eyes, and said seriously: "I will save you, I will definitely save you, and I will defeat him! I will definitely Defeat him!"

Japanese, like English, has very strict classifications in spoken language, so she immediately knew who onee-sama was talking about.

For Misaka Mikoto, Kelal is the big devil who must be defeated, but for Misaka sister, he is her savior, the man who owes him 20,001 lives, so she broke away from the emotion she just felt. Then he looked at Misaka Mikoto with an indifferent expression.

"It's better not to know how much Sir Kelar has done for us, onee-sama. Misaka said indifferently."

"Also, this is just an experiment. There will be more experiments in the future. Please make sure to have a good rest, onee-sama." Misaka said goodbye. She did not pick up the weapons and turned around and walked outside.

Misaka Mikoto stretched out her hand, but ultimately failed to pull her back.

Early the next morning, Misaka Mikoto rushed to Kelal's convenience store in a furious manner, but she couldn't get rid of her "loyal servant" Kuroko, who didn't even get out of bed for some reason.

When she arrived at Kelal's convenience store and saw the scene in the convenience store, her hair suddenly exploded.

Her mother, Misaka Mirei, was in Kelal's convenience store for some reason. The two of them were leaning on the checkout counter of the convenience store, laughing and chatting, as if they were two lovers sitting face to face in a cafe. , the conversation was lively.

Misaka Mikoto's scalp suddenly exploded. She simply couldn't imagine what Keilal would look like after he attacked her mother and became her stepfather.

You must know that this is not impossible. The Japanese have become more and more Westernized in recent years. At the same time, the concept of marriage is weak. Divorce and remarriage are commonplace. Not to mention Misaka Mirei and her husband have been separated in two places for a long time. This time Misaka Mikoto came to watch the Daihasei Festival alone. Misaka Mikoto didn't dare to say how much love the two had left. Facing a tall and well-proportioned Western handsome guy like Keilal, she was like a master killer. By the age of sixty or six, there is no woman who doesn’t like Keilal!

His natural affinity makes it difficult for Keilal to pick up girls.

Misaka Mikoto opened the door roughly and rushed in.

PS: Sorry, the temperature suddenly dropped and I have a headache today, so I can’t write.

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