The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 192 The Arrival of the Daha Star Festival (200 monthly tickets for additional updates)

Chapter 080 The Arrival of the Great Star Festival

That's right, they have been stuck in a misunderstanding. What are they doing occupying a research institute? They are not researchers, nor do they know how to calm down and do research.

They just need to use the researcher's money to do something.

They have never considered occupying a research institute to develop their abilities, and they have never thought about it.

This is the so-called logical misunderstanding.

Although Kelal was tacitly approved by his superiors for doing this, as level 5 ability users, it was absolutely possible for them to develop their own abilities in exchange for leading a research institute.

It's just that they have always been frightened by the idea of ​​"slice anatomy research". They are actually extremely disgusted with that kind of research institute and find it difficult to integrate into it. This is why Keilal looks down on people with super powers.

The abilities of superpowers are basically "given" by heaven, that is to say, "by luck". As for what they call hard work, exercise, etc., that is all a later matter. No one with superpowers can say that he Where does the ability come from, why does it come, and what is the principle behind it.

Even the magic of this world is like this.

Keilal was simply incomprehensible.

In Kelal's time, there was already a normal system for learning magic, but after that, in this era, their magic relied more on themselves and God's blessings. This kind of power is actually the same as the super Abilities are no different.

I know it, but I don’t know why.

The magicians and superpowers of their time were like the natives in ancient times who were invaded by colonizers into their homes.

The colonists showed their friendliness, and then gave them a semi-automatic rifle and taught them how to load the bullet, how to load it, how to aim, and how to shoot. Then this group of magicians and superpowers worked hard to practice the speed of loading the bullet. The speed of drawing a gun, and then the accuracy of shooting. When they run out of bullets, others will ask them: "What is the principle of this gun?"

have no idea.

"How was this gun made?"

have no idea.

"If you use up this gun, can you still do it?"

No more.

The more powerful a person is, the more afraid he is of losing his "gun", and the more afraid he is, the farther he will stay away from the institute.

But Keilar is different. Keilar's own strength comes from his own hard work, steadfastness, and practice step by step. Although his practice is by no means as hard as those of real magicians, his talent plus A certain amount of effort has indeed reached this level without any moisture.

Moreover, he is also a researcher and a scholar. He is actually most curious about these things, which are the truths in this world.

In fact, he traveled through three lives, and what he wanted most was different in each world.

In the first world, what he pursues is the survival of mankind, righteousness, and unrivaled justice.

In the second world, facing Artoria's love, he chose to play a game of hegemony with her. For his game, for Artoria, it was everything in life.

When he arrived in this world, he began to seek freedom and truth most.

There is actually no conflict between the two.

Facing Mugino Shenli's question, Kailar smiled: "You didn't do it, did you?"

Mugino was at a loss for words. What's the point of them being the leaders of a research project? Will he still become an experimental subject in the end?

They do not have Keilal's wisdom and means, so they do not have the confidence to control everyone in the institute, so they do not intend to copy Keilal's path.

"What I'm asking is why you control the third clone." Mugino Shenli said with some irritation.

"That's naturally because they have this plan." Kailar smiled: "They had prepared this plan a few years ago..."

Keilal didn't want to talk about these things in this convenience store, so he drove the two of them: "Okay, okay, go change clothes and start working."

The two of them wanted to ask questions that they were holding back, but found that Keilal had no intention of answering. Mugino Shenli almost suffered internal injuries from holding back the questions.

After Accelerator arrived in the afternoon, he also had various questions that he wanted to talk about.

Keilar looked at the two of them who were restless, a little disappointed, but also a little relieved. Finally, he handed over the convenience store to Flanders and the three of them, and took Mugino Shenli, Accelerator and Takitsubo Riko to a nearby restaurant. inside.

The four of them sat down, and Takitsubo Rigo was the most obedient and sat next to Keilal.

In fact, Takitsubo Rikou is more loyal to Keilal than Mugino Shiri. Although they have known each other for less than a month, Keilal healed her body, gave her strength, and also gave her defense. , as for blessing and protection, following such a person is naturally more promising than following Mugino Shenli.

Not to mention, I have done all the embarrassing things with him, so there is no barrier. (Remember to remind me of the UP episode here)

The four of them finished cooking and ordered a drink. Keilar knew that the three of them were not thinking about eating at all, so they slowly began to explain the cause and effect.

The three of them were frightened when they heard this. Accelerator's eyes changed when he looked at Kelal. If he could defeat Emperor Kakone, wouldn't that already threaten his ability?

When he heard this, Accelerator was simply eager to give it a try.

Mugino Shenli's heart was full of turmoil. She knew that Keilal had beaten Misaka Mikoto, but she didn't expect that even Emperor Kakone was no match for him. If this continued, would he still have to fight a dozen Accelerators?

Takitsubo was thinking the same thing as her, and they both turned to look at Accelerator, and saw Accelerator eager to try.

Keilal could naturally see Accelerator's eagerness to try. He laughed and said, "If you want to help me complete all of Misaka's sister's experiments, how about I fight with you."

"Interesting, okay!" The expression on Accelerator's face became more and more impatient.

"Oh, by the way, are you going to have the Daiha Star Festival soon?" Kailar asked, looking at Accelerator.

"Well, what?" Thinking of that phone call, Accelerator frowned and asked.

After his previous perfect impression of Keilar was destroyed, no matter how Keilar made up for it now, he would never be able to go back to before.

"Come on," Keilar stood up and patted his shoulder: "If you want to win this time, I will give you a gift."

"You're kidding, who do you think I am? I'm..."

"Accelerator, right." Keilal laughed, stretched out his big hand to grab his silver hair, and then walked to the cashier to pay.

PS: Sorry, because of what I mentioned before, I have been busy all afternoon, sorting out and selecting, and other things. I’m sorry for everyone, but I have an indescribable chapter of 4,000 words to write to you tomorrow. laugh

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