The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 194 Refutation (300 monthly votes plus more updates)

Chapter 082 Refutation

"Academy City has been really troubled recently." Keilar went out of his way to feel the magic power of that little girl. It was not adulterated. A little girl of thirteen or fourteen years old has this kind of magic power. If there is the right person, As for magic casting methods, then the combat effectiveness should be around level 5 ability. If used well, it may even exceed that of a level 5 superpower.

But considering that Misaka Mikoto is only fourteen or fifteen years old, and Accelerator is about the same age, Keilar becomes somewhat clear.

It's just that the other person doesn't look like Index's monastic uniform, but the style from Italy. Is he an orthodox person?

When Laura is about to arrive in Academy City, what do they want to do with such a high-profile appearance in Academy City?

Keilal's logic is completely different from that of Orthodox people. They thought they were lurking in mysteriously, but in fact they were not! There are cameras everywhere, nano-robots everywhere, and security robots everywhere. As long as the opponent comes in, they will be discovered immediately. Even the prisons outside or the presidential residence are not as tightly guarded as here.

As for the Orthodox Christians, they thought they could easily enter Academy City, but in fact, Academy City tracked them very easily.

Kelal didn't know what they were thinking or what they wanted to do.

However, he is not the ruler of Academy City. The soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it. It is not his turn to take charge of things for the time being.

But obviously, the mastermind behind Academy City is not that simple. As the hanging silver-haired man watched more and more people on the stage, he became more and more excited, and he became more and more happy.

Regardless of whether all this is a problem in Academy City, as long as they enter Academy City, they can only perform puppet shows next!

The wind in front, the water in the back, the fire on the right, the land on the left, these people with the bodies of saints have never taken a serious look at the half-wasted man in the nutrient dish. , if the silver-haired man hadn't been nestling in his lair, they would have sent someone over and killed him to pieces.

It's just that although Keilar doesn't know the existence of these four people, he knows very well who the deepest person in Academy City is, a person who can compete with him on the same stage, a person with very deep thoughts. Man, anyone who dares to underestimate him will pay the price.

Even the four saints are the same.

Kanzaki Kaori is here, Steele is also here, and the Japanese native Amakusa Shiki, the sect to which Kanzaki Kaori belongs, a subordinate sect of Puritanism, is also here.

They are here to beat the front line.

It's just that when this group of people saw their female pope standing respectfully next to the convenience store manager and obeying his teachings, they couldn't accept it or understand it.

"Kanzaki, I have been thinking about something in the past few days." Keilal is making a cup of ground coffee by hand. The whole shop has the kind of coffee that is quickly ground and brewed, and squeezed under high pressure. It tastes good, but For people like Kelal, after squeezing the coffee beans evenly into the size you want, and then brewing them, the taste is completely different from that of mechanical squeezing.

Because strong people like them can squeeze coffee beans to a finer level than a coffee machine.

"Say." Steele, a tall and thin young man with red hair, and a group of Amakusa-style people who looked like Japanese hippies and wore loose clothes stood outside the door, blocking the guests and looking at the two people inside. Something.

Kanzaki Kaori has never given such a serious order that they are not allowed to offend each other. This is offensive. I am afraid that this kind of order is already on the same level of respect as Pope Lola!

With this in mind, they couldn't help but want to take a look at the silver-haired young man opposite.

If she is Kanzaki Kaori's lover, then Kanzaki Kaori would not be able to make everyone respect Keilar so much. She makes everyone respect Keilar for only one reason, and that is that Keilar deserves their respect.

So what is it about him that deserves their respect? The people in the Amakusa style looked left and right, but they couldn't figure out why.

"What exactly is a saint?" His question made Kanzaki Kaori tremble slightly, and he finally came.

"That is the name of your seventy-two disciples after they were sanctified, and we are born with their marks after we are born."

Kanzaki Kaori bowed slightly and saluted.

"Oh? Is that just that?" Kelar pressed the ground coffee into the coffee machine. Sure enough, the coffee still needs Italian high-pressure extraction.

"Yes, we have inherited the saint's name, skills, physical strength, and more legendary things. We are their spokespersons walking on the earth." She became more humble and cautious.

Answered cautiously.

"So, here's what I've been meaning to ask."

"If I were God." He turned his head, ignoring the smoking coffee machine that was slowly dripping coffee liquid: "Then as saints, can you cause harm to God?"

"Don't dare!" Kanzaki Kaori knelt down on one knee violently, her face turned pale.

A group of Amakusa-style people outside suddenly became commotion. The grumpy man immediately broke in and wanted to hang Keilal up and beat him, but was stopped by Steele.

He is more than 1.8 meters tall, has a slender build, and is wearing a black cloak. He is not too hot in this sultry weather. He spreads his arms a full two meters, making it very easy to stop three or four people.

"Calm down, you idiots." He cursed in a low voice.

"She is trembling, Kanzaki is trembling." As Kanzaki Kaori's partner, he really knows her best. If there is anything that can make that heroic Valkyrie tremble with fear, then there are definitely only a few. A few things, such as Pope Lola, Her Majesty the Queen of England, Index’s safety, and...

who? who is he? Steele looked at Kelal solemnly, trying to identify him.

"Haha, don't be so excited," Keilar was also very troubled about his identity.

To be honest, all the forces on the magic side are biased towards religion. Rather than magic, they are the guys who have inherited the mysterious power of religion.

How do they look like magicians?

It is precisely because of this that Kelal has a detailed understanding of their religion.

Then regarding the only god in their religion, Keilal really wanted to know whether the magic "given" by their god could attack and kill their god?

This is like arguing that "God is omnipotent" but "Can God create a stone that He cannot lift?"

PS: Today’s time is a bit delicate. First of all, I apologize for the late update. Then tell me what happened today. Class started at 10 o'clock this morning and didn't end until 5:30 in the afternoon. Then when I got home after dinner, I saw the group of cheaters who were trying to grab red envelopes began to fight back aggressively. The entire book review area was filled with a group of people who seemed to be fair and biased. In fact, it was completely biased towards them, and they were extremely disgusting to reply to every post. I could only review the people in the group and delete posts at the same time. Then I entered the dark room at around nine o'clock, and the other party started to open a small account. The book review area has been flooded. I estimate that I will start writing negative reviews for this book soon. Don’t be surprised when you see this book fall below 5 stars. The other party is a group and organized group, but There are not as many red envelopes as the Q group's red envelopes. They really fought hard for my two hundred yuan. The theory is "You are wrong about this matter. If he asks you to send red envelopes, you don't have to send them, or you can let them go after sending them." New people who join the group, please keep posting] I’ll say it again, I don’t bully new people in the group! Don’t force people to give out red envelopes! No one can force me to give out red envelopes! I can do whatever I want! Only send to my readers! If you are not my reader, even if you have fully subscribed, you are not my reader! You don't even know that Keilal has been fucked by anyone, yet you still dare to come to the group to ask for red envelopes?

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