The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 197 Opening Ceremony (400 monthly tickets plus more updates)

Chapter 085 Opening Ceremony

"Welcome to Japan, Your Majesty the Queen." Although this time it is said that the Puritan Pope broke the ice, in fact the Queen's influence on politics is definitely greater than that of the Puritan Pope.

Japan and the United Kingdom are two island countries that are unique in that they are both constitutional monarchies. Although the monarch is nothing more than a mascot, both mascots have extremely high rights and status.

The people recognized these two monarchs, and the travel and diplomacy between these two monarchs were of extraordinary significance.

For example, when Her Majesty the Queen arrives this time, it stands to reason that she should be received by the Emperor of Japan and accompanied by the Prime Minister.

It's just that the emperor is too old and has changed his reign name three times. He really doesn't have the good looks of the Queen of England and can run around all over the world.

But the Queen's visit to Japan is indeed of great significance and has such strong political significance that people can't help but want to extract some benefits.

You must know that even if the sun never sets, it is still the leader of the West and has deep connections with Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and Canada in the Commonwealth.

The power of this Commonwealth country is simply unimaginable. It is understandable that Japan, which is controlled by the United States, is eager to break the ice.

It's just that Her Majesty the Queen is ruthless and has no intention of trying to gain friendship. She directly said: "We are here just to participate in the Great Star Festival. Can my security personnel replace your security personnel?"

"This, this..." The prime minister and the deputy prime minister looked at each other. Originally, this was against the rules, because the security of the two countries was coordinated by the security systems of the two countries. After all, the security of the other party did not exist at all. Knowing what the situation is like here, if someone is mixed in, it is likely to cause irreparable consequences.

But with such a strong request from the other side and so many reporters present, this refusal could easily turn into a diplomatic issue between the two countries.

"I understand, then please ask your escort to take over here. The Prime Minister and I will accompany the two His Majesty's Majesty to Academy City. I hope the two His Majesty's Majesty will have a good time this time." Prime Minister Koi said with a forced smile.

"Then I'll trouble you." The reserved and decent reply made people marvel that she was worthy of being a queen, but the aggressive momentum made people sigh that she was worthy of being a queen.

The tail of the Boeing 747 slowly opened, and a Bentley slowly drove down from behind.

This Bentley is no different from an ordinary extended Bentley, but the tires are slightly sunken and the chassis is lower than an ordinary Bentley. Obviously, this is a modified Bentley. It may be bulletproof, explosion-proof, anti-detection, anti-photography, etc. .

Of course, these functions are not the most important. The most eye-catching thing is that there is a platform on top of the car. There is something like a glass cover on the platform, showing a diamond shape, and then there is a small platform and microphone inside the glass cover. .

Obviously, just having this thing on the roof adds a lot of weight.

And the lifting platform seems to only be able to accommodate one person.

When the double doors of the Bentley opened, the two Prime Ministers, the Second Chancellor, the Queen of England, and the Puritan Pope sat in, and then they realized that the two rows of seats were symmetrical, and more importantly, the interior decoration inside was absolutely top-notch.

The car comes with a small refrigerator, leather seats, massage, heating and other functions. Even if there are four people in it, including the driver and a security guard, it will not feel crowded at all. In the middle of the four people is a small lifting platform. When the sunroof opens, the Pope will You can slowly go up to the glass cover above through this lift platform.

It is also a missionary work to believers.

It’s just that Laura and Elisa are not here today to preach, so the car roof above is actually useless.

The other two people brought by them got into the Lexus driven by Japanese security guards. These Lexus were all modified bulletproof high-end goods, but they were requisitioned by the British. However, because of the Prime Minister's In spite of this, the Japanese people had no choice but to feel humiliated and "borrowed" the welcome car, leaving them bleak in the airport.

But the reporters ran faster. After they got in the car, they ran away without a trace. They had reporters' cars, whether it was a satellite broadcast truck or something else. As long as they could catch up with the Puritan Pope and the British According to the queen, it is definitely worth it. As for the dozen or so security personnel in front of them, they have no news value and are abandoned like walking shoes.

Although you can't see what's going on inside Bentley from the outside, Bentley can clearly see what's going on outside.

No matter how many times she comes to Japan, she will always be amazed by its cleanliness, which makes her more and more wary of the Japanese race. The Queen of England looks at the receding greenery and has many thoughts in her mind.

But Pope Laura held her chin up and looked at the scenery outside with boredom.

Suddenly, the scenery changed, and high-rise buildings stood up one after another. Such dense clusters of high-rise buildings are absolutely rare in earthquake-prone countries like Japan, and a large airship in the sky constantly refreshed and consulted, here Everything here is hugely different from Japan. This difference makes this place vibrant and different from any other country or city in the world.

"Is this Academy City?" Lola Pope murmured to herself.

The Second Chancellor's ears are very sensitive. He had done enough homework and he was very proud and said quickly: "Academy City, a city with a population of 2.3 million, 80% of which are students, and people with super powers account for about 80% of the students. , is a truly huge academic city composed of major universities.”

"Here are the best educational institutions, scientific research institutions, and the most developed research institutions in the world. Even people from all over the world can enter here for further study. They are proud to study. There are countless students who come here to develop their own superpowers. .”

"Can you wait for me?" Laura suddenly burst out with astonishing energy, raised her hand to stop the Prime Minister's rambling words, and then stood in the middle of the car. After pressing some button, the sunroof slowly opened. Opening it, she slowly rose up.

Passers-by watched in amazement as Lexus vehicles with sirens blaring opened the road on both sides, and nervous traffic policemen on motorcycles rushed to the front to drive away other vehicles.

Then a beautiful woman with super long blond hair slowly rose up from the car in the middle.

The beauty smiled, then opened her hands, supported herself on the stage, and shouted loudly: "Hello everyone in Japan! I am Laura, the Puritan Pope! Please give me your advice!!"

The speaker that came with the Bentley amplified her voice far and wide, startling a large number of crows, and then the news that she had come to Japan spread throughout the entire circle within ten minutes...

PS: I’m really tired today. I’ll try to learn today’s lessons tomorrow and then slowly speed up... including the 4,000-word article I owe.

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