The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 20 Magic and Witchcraft (4000 recommendations plus more updates)

Chapter 020 Magic and Witchcraft

"I see, first-year students only have one Defense Against the Dark Arts class per week, and starting from the second grade, they have to learn how to deal with gremlins."

Keilar took a quill and dipped it in blue pen water to record something on the paper.

"The third grade begins to learn how to fight against ordinary monsters, the fourth grade begins to learn curse protection, the fifth grade begins to learn how to call the divine guards, and by the sixth grade, they are all internship courses..." He was thinking in his mind. Thinking about something and writing down the conclusion, even he needs to take notes.

Because this is a more intuitive way of memory.

The human brain will occasionally clean up some unimportant memories, including the names of people you think are unimportant, some unimportant information, some painful or forgotten memories, etc.

Kelar's recording of these notes can help him quickly search for the memories he wants in his huge memory bank.

Even if it is him, even if he has a photographic memory, even if his brain is developed more than 50%, when faced with this huge memory bank, he still has to use some methods to help himself search his huge memories in the memory bank. .

While thinking about these things and drawing conclusions, he recorded key words in his notebook. What he wanted to think about was not just these, but also what kind of teaching model he should use, what kind of teaching materials he should use, and what kind of teaching he should do. thing.

There were too many things going on, and even with his thoughts, they started to get scattered.

After preparing the most basic information in the past ten days, he began to visit other teachers everywhere.

He has visited Professor Trelawney of Astrology, Professor McGonagall of Transfiguration, Professor Flitwick of Charms, and even Madam Hooch, Professor of Quidditch. In a short period of time, he learned a lot of modern knowledge by chatting with the professors. The thoughts, concepts, and magic of wizards.

He did think about taking classes with the students.

But in the end he gave up this unrealistic plan. With his learning ability, even the most talented students could not catch up. The students' progress was too slow and his learning speed was too fast.

Instead of taking classes with students, it is better to study on your own and then go to the professors of specialized courses to ask for advice on what you don’t understand.

This kind of efficiency is really higher than attending lectures in the classroom.

In the rest of the time, Keilal kept wandering around the offices of major professors. If he hadn't been so polite, handsome, dignified, lovable, gentle and generous, he would have died early. I was kicked out by the major professors in annoyance.

But thanks to them, Kelal also began to gradually understand modern witchcraft.

He now deeply feels that the power of modern witchcraft, and more importantly, the only thing that can limit the power of modern witchcraft is thought.

Or to put it in a simpler explanation, it's logic magic.

Yes, if you have to say what modern magic is, it is logical magic, or spiritual magic, or causal magic.

When the teacher teaches them a magic and then tells them the waving posture and pronunciation of the magic, they can acquire the magic through continuous practice, but what about reality?

This is a very spiritualistic kind of magic.

When the Dark Lord wreaked havoc on the entire magical world, his [Avada Kedavra] was invincible to everyone.

Everyone believes from the bottom of their hearts that [Avada Kedavra] is indefensible and cannot be broken.

But what about the reality?

Kelar checked the information and found that even when the Dark Lord Voldemort was at his most rampant, Hogwarts was still the only and last piece of pure land. Why? Because Dumbledore is here! Dumbledore's intimidation was enough to make Voldemort timid.

He is known as the only wizard the Dark Lord fears!

So, as long as you have the most basic logic, you should know that if the Avada Kedavra is really unbreakable, then Voldemort only needs to give Dumbledore a shot of the Avada Kedavra. Why should he be afraid? Woolen cloth?

Because his Avada Kedavra is not invincible, because even the entire Death Eater group plus Voldemort himself may not be able to break through the Hogwarts professors led by Dumbledore!

But why is everyone afraid of him? Because in everyone's impression, Avada's Kedavra has never failed, the Dark Lord has never been defeated, and no one can escape whoever he wants to kill, so everyone subconsciously believes that "if I face the Dark Lord, I will definitely will die】.

And the magic they learn is idealistic witchcraft. This kind of witchcraft will become very strong as long as you firmly believe that you are strong. However, if you have distracting thoughts, weakness, or fear in your heart, you will not be able to use your ten-level skills to the fullest. Come.

Keilal has searched for many spells, including summoning the divine guards, the three forbidden spells of Cruciatus, one requires happy things in the heart as a source of motivation, and the other requires hatred and malice as a source of motivation. .

This magic system is so interesting that Kelar can’t stop.

But before that, he had to get a wand.

Although his wand, which is more than two meters long, can also cast spells, when it comes to convenience and handsomeness, you still need a wand.

Thinking of this, Keilal stood up from his chair and shouted.

"Silver Spirit, let's go."

Yingling, who was lying on the carpet, suddenly jumped up, rolled around, and stood up.

Kailar looked at the huge silver spirit, thought for a moment, raised the staff in his hand, and said: "Shrink quickly!"

Silver Spirit, who was two meters tall at the shoulders and weighed one ton, slowly shrank to the size of a puppy.

This experience is really interesting for Yin Ling. It's like a person has transformed into a child. Yin Ling, who has been accustomed to looking at people with tall eyes, now suddenly looks up to other people. It feels like a giant suddenly It's very interesting to become like a child.

It was jumping around Keilal, looking like a puppy. In fact, its current size was indeed not much bigger than a golden retriever.

"Then, let's go." Kailar opened the door and walked out.

"Go to Diagon Alley again."

PS: What I said is right. As long as you vote, you can see 2 updates every day. If the collection increases again, 3 updates every day will not be a dream.

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