The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 201 Excalibur (600 monthly tickets plus more updates)

Chapter 089 Excalibur

Kelal didn't listen to the queen's shouts at all.

He just gently put his hand between Laura's hands, held the staff that felt familiar, and then lifted it up, letting him leave Laura's hands, holding it upright so gently and familiarly Knocked on the ground.

As if a special effect had been added, a white ripple spread out in circles. Everyone swept by the white ripple felt their bodies lightened, as if their long-standing illnesses had been cured, even their age. They all seemed to be two or three years lighter.

The ripples were endless, as if they would never stop, with Kelal as the center, slowly spreading in all directions.

Of course, the Knight Commander of the Round Table was also touched by the ripples. He subconsciously put on a defensive posture, but the ripples passed over his body for a moment without any abnormality.

Because his body was strong enough, he didn't have any reaction or feeling. However, all the ordinary people showed expressions of surprise. They looked at their hands and felt that this feeling of being as light as a swallow was so fresh. , so interesting.

The leader of the knights showed a defensive posture and then moved forward without any pause, rushing directly in front of Kelal.

His armor lit up with runes, and his long sword shone with light. He looked like the rebirth of the ancient Knights of the Round Table, majestic and domineering. A knight's two-handed sword really made people feel angry and friendly.

Kelal raised his hand to stop him.

But Laura spoke quickly behind him: "He has sworn a loyalty oath in this life and will never harm the royal bloodline."

After hearing this, Keilal's heart moved, he moved slightly, and slowly lowered his hand.

The knight leader was too close, and he also heard Archbishop Laura's words, but at this time he had no way to stop.

With one move, he slashed Huashan on Keilal's face. The blade was only a millimeter away from Keilal's skin, so it couldn't be cut, and all the magic was reflected on his own body. .

This is his oath, and the huge power he gained from his oath will definitely abide by it. If he doesn't want to abide by it, then his power will force him to abide by it.

As it is now.

The armor on his body exploded instantly, leaving streaks of blood all over his body, and the blood all over his body spread out like it was free.

But compared with the physical harm, he still suffered more spiritual harm.

The blond knight leader swore never to harm members of the royal family to show his loyalty, which meant that he would never hurt them when facing members of the royal family.

In this world, the oaths taken by magicians are more stringent than those taken by ordinary people.

Keilal didn't make any moves, no magic, no reactions just now. He just heard Laura's words, and then gently put down his defensive hand.

Then his magic rebounded, and his attack rebounded, all applied to himself.

The magic sword Guelfo in his hand bounced high, and when it was about to land, Kelal gently fished it out and took it into his hand.

Holding a staff in his left hand and a sword in his right hand, he appeared in front of everyone like the most standard "god" in mythology.

"Gelver, Beowulf's holy sword, good boy." Keilal raised the sword and looked at this simple Western hand sword carefully. The power of these holy swords does not lie in their own materials. , they were just fine weapons in history, but the blessings of generations of myths and beliefs gave them great power.

"You, you...!" The trembling blond head of the Knights of the Round Table wanted to point at Keilal and say something, but as if he thought of something, he put his finger down.

Then he gently lowered his head and said no more words.

Only the three of them knew about this matter.

This person is also of pure British royal blood, no, or maybe even purer than the royal blood.

"Carissa! Go! Take Katina!" The Queen of England was furious because the Staff of God was taken away. She took off the holy sword Katina from her waist and handed it to her second daughter and said .

Her eldest daughter Melia serves as the brains.

The second daughter, Carissa, serves in the military.

The third daughter, Villian, is a kindhearted person.

Although she is also very strong, she is already a fifty-year-old woman. There is no doubt that she is not as good as her daughter in terms of physical functions. Moreover, her daughter has already been recognized by the Holy Sword Katina and holds Katina's sword. The second daughter was able to surpass the saint in just an instant and gain power comparable to that of an archangel.

Carissa happily took over the sword of mercy without a tip, jumped off the high platform, and before she even landed on the ground, there was a sudden surge of power in her footsteps and she rushed toward Kelal.

Keilal watched her rush over and smiled slightly.

She waved her staff and blocked, and the long sword in her other hand rested on her neck like an antelope hanging its horns.

Keilal held the girl in his arms like a lover. He held the staff of God in his left hand to block her sword. Then Guelfo in his right hand held her neck and placed it along her neck. on her veins.

Only the Rod of God can withstand this holy sword Katina, which has the ability to cut off space dimensions, and prevent it from being cut.

Kailar looked down at the group of fiery red young girls in front of him, and smiled softly. He didn’t know what kind of seal Laura used, but his voice was clearly transmitted to the entire conference venue, and even the conference venue. Outside, Keilal's voice can be heard clearly.

"Haha, you are so cute." Keilal and her cheeks were close to kissing each other. He stared at her carefully and couldn't help but think of the girl who was also wearing a fiery red costume. Lu.

Is she okay? Is it ashes to ashes, or is it consecrated? !

"You call it Katina?" Kelal gently took Katina off her hand. Katina's dimension cutting was of no use to Kelal, and neither did her martial arts. Kelal's opponent was really frustrating, and had no power to resist other than letting him gently take off Katina.

As for magic...

I don't know when, the three meters around Keilar were filled with light elements. It was behind his halo that he had completed the ban on demons in a small area.

He put Guelfo into the girl's hand, then took Katina from the girl's hand and raised it high.

“In our day, that’s what we called it.”


PS: This lottery event was held very successfully. Everyone was very positive. However, the instant explosion of the group was not very pleasant. Then let’s slowly play this kind of game in the future. Let’s finish this long-distance race slowly together.

PS1: Let’s continue tomorrow. This climax is endless!

PS2: Please vote for recommendation! ! !

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