The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 208 Accelerator VS Right Fire (1000 monthly votes plus more updates)

Chapter 096 Accelerator VS Right Fire

"Tsk..." Accelerator wore leather shoes on his feet and walked slowly on the road, without any atmosphere of a fight.

But everyone who knows him knows what kind of power he contains under his thin body.

"Hey~Academy City will ask you to stop me?" With red hair, a red suit, and red leather shoes, the whole thing is like a ball of flame, with an extremely arrogant tone. He is in charge of the red, right and four major Among the attributes, "fire" is known as the strongest.

The Right Seat of God refers to him, or the four saints headed by him.

Accelerator looked at the man opposite him and suddenly felt that he was unusually dazzling.

"This uncle" is proud, arrogant, and domineering. He is arrogant when he has power and thinks he is invincible.

He looked just like him in the past, or almost like him in the past.

Accelerator suddenly showed a smile, which looked very bright.

"That's right, it's me." He used a very normal adjective, and he suddenly felt very grateful to Keilal. If it hadn't been for Keilal, he would still have used "Uncle Ben" like the guy with chuunibyou opposite him. He holds his head high, like an arrogant fool, holding himself invincible and arrogant.

Looking at it now, it's so stupid that it makes people laugh.

He couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"You guys, are you laughing at me?"

The Right Fire, who had his hands in his trouser pockets, stretched out his right hand from his trouser pocket, and then waved it gently.

In an instant, a huge palm appeared on Accelerator's right side, and instantly sent Accelerator flying.

The palm appeared so suddenly, so quickly, and its power was so huge. It was like thunder, but its power was like the weight of Mount Tai. At this speed, Accelerator was like a huge cannonball. He was knocked away directly.

Because he shot from the right, Accelerator flew directly to the left, crashing through a building, a block, and countless houses, and then landed on a ruins.

"...Hmph, vulnerable." Right Fire has no desire to investigate Accelerator's life and death. No one can survive his divine attack unscathed. After this attack, it is basically a One hit will kill.

And for these "miscellaneous soldiers" blocking the road, he paid more attention to the man sitting on the Throne of Light in the sky.

He was filled with excitement at the thought that the man was truly a god, and at the thought of the possibility of killing a god.

In the entire Roman Orthodox Church, there are probably only two people who are full of sincere faith. One is His Majesty the Pope who is in charge of the Papal State, and the other is Lidovia who wants to kill Kelal for the sake of quickness.

As for the four people on God's right seat, not even one of them is loyal to "God". I have to say, this is really ridiculous.

Because of this ridiculous thing, even though Lidovia is trying her best to push Agnes' troops forward, in fact, the purpose of these three right-hand men of God is different from Lidovia's.

Of course, the Fire of the Right is just moving forward to kill Kelal, and in a way it is the same as Lidovia.

But everyone knows that a human figure like Pope Lola cannot admit her mistake no matter what, and she will never recognize a mortal as her master.

In other words, the person sitting there may indeed be the [god] who "resurrects the dead"! ! !

It is precisely because of this that it is more valuable to kill, isn't it? If they can kill gods, can they replace them and become new gods?

Thinking of this result, the fire on the right is full of energy.

"Hey, hey, hey." The voice made him turn around in shock, only to see Accelerator slowly walking out, holding on to the wall of the dilapidated ruins.

A few blocks away and a kilometer away, he could still clearly sense Accelerator's anger.

"The blow just now was really fast and painful." He rubbed his head. The blow just now came so suddenly and with so much force that he almost failed to block it.

It's just that after being with Keilal for so long, he has learned to be smart. If he can't block it, he will be beaten out directly as a way to relieve the force, and the force will be dispersed layer by layer to these buildings, residences, and ruins. Among them, it finally stopped one kilometer away.

But the place where the two were fighting had turned into a long ravine. It looked as if it had been bombarded by a huge cannonball, and the traces of it could be clearly seen along the way.

"You're not dead?" Youfang Zhihuo frowned, raised his hand, and flicked it gently.

That huge hand appeared in front of Accelerator again, then slightly bent its middle finger and flicked on Accelerator's body.

This time, Accelerator has adapted to his ability. Two huge repulsive forces filled the entire space. The air and dust were pushed away, forming huge cyclones and whirlpools. Accelerator remained motionless and looked at him coldly. He flicked that finger on his repulsion shield, silently calculating how powerful this hand was.

This hand appears without warning, its speed is extremely amazing, and its power can destroy countless buildings in an instant. It is simply terrifying. If the person who uses it does not need to use his right hand as a guide to influence its actions, even the most basic defense may be impossible. Can't do it.

But it doesn't matter. Compared with Keilal, who doesn't make any movement at all and fires lasers when he disagrees, this kind of attack is really not difficult to read. If you can defend against this, it will be easier to fight.

Accelerator calculated silently, and his calm and calm expression made Right Fire angry for a moment. Not only was the other party not afraid when he saw his right hand of God, he responded calmly. This was simply contempt for him.

He suddenly raised his right hand and pressed down.

The huge right hand that flicked his fingers disappeared instantly, and then suddenly appeared above Accelerator's head with the overwhelming power of a mountain.

With such a huge palm and such a fast speed, Accelerator couldn't avoid it at all. He suddenly increased the repulsion shield, and then the whole person fell into the ground in an instant.

The whole person moved more than ten meters underground in an instant, and then he saw that the side next to him completely collapsed. The slap caused him to sink down more than ten meters, directly spraying out all the groundwater and sewage.

"Tsk!" Right Fire took back his God's right hand, feeling that the other party had defiled his God's right hand, but since he could kill a powerful enemy, it was worth the money.

In just a few moves, he had already determined that Accelerator was a formidable enemy.

PS: There are still two additional updates after paying off the monthly tickets, starting with the leader’s additional updates, and then there are recommended tickets and collection additional updates.

PS1: Please give me a recommendation vote!

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