The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 214 Angel Aleister (1,300 monthly votes plus more updates)

Chapter 102 Angel Aleister

"You lose!!" Keilal shouted.

He rushed directly towards the girl, a light shield appeared on his body, and then rushed towards her attack.

He just faced the light cannon, then pressed his shield against her body and rushed out a very long distance.

The light cannon hitting his shield scattered and burst like running water hitting a rock, while the wings behind him were still emitting countless light particles, looking extremely beautiful.

But within this beauty, there is extremely terrifying energy dissipation. Ordinary people cannot get close to two people for a hundred meters. If they get closer than ten meters, they will be instantly evaporated. Terrifying energy fluctuations escape in this space. But the two of them were not aware of it.

In other words, these two people can no longer be regarded as human beings. They have transcended the human level and reached a "god" realm.

"So powerful, is this a god..." Carissa, the second princess of England, murmured as she watched the white light streak across the sky, a battle scene like a natural disaster.

"If it were us, we could do things of this level, but if we wanted to reach their level, we would have to do our best. It would be like them, just like an appetizer..." Laura Said with emotion beside her.

"It's so terrible..."

When everyone was thinking this, the battle in the sky was already over.

It ended so quickly and unexpectedly, making Aleister's twenty or thirty years of planning seem like a joke.

When Kailar slowly landed from the sky holding the unconscious Feng Zhan Binghua, everyone stared at the two people in stunned silence. However, the fight lasted less than a minute, and it was over? !

This ended too quickly! Isn’t this the strongest crystallization of Academy City? How could it be so fast!

Keilal landed with a smile and handed her into Laura's hands.

"How did you do it?" Aleister, who had disappeared, reappeared in mid-air, and he asked in an unbelievable tone.

"There is a geography and mathematics problem here." Keilar tapped the ground with his staff: "The higher the sky, the smaller the area of ​​Academy City. Even under vertical influence, Academy City is It's only a few dozen kilometers in radius. In a high-speed, high-altitude battle like ours, she would be pushed out of Academy City in just a few seconds, and could only be transformed by Academy City's [Artificial Heaven]. She has become so powerful, but her flaws in this area are not ordinary..."

"If it's nothing at an altitude of 10,000 meters, then at an altitude of 20,000 meters, I was pushed out of Academy City in just an instant, and then the battle ended."

Keilar sighed softly: "The most powerful thing in the world is the brain, but you are addicted to the thing I am least proud of. Look at this society."

Keilal opened his hands and said loudly: "Ordinary people have built a plane that can travel six times the speed of sound! Bringing the earth closer, ordinary people have built telephones and radio waves that can complete exercises across the entire world in just one second. Let the distance become nothingness. Planes, tanks, cannons, rockets, humans have all been able to land on the moon, but you still cling to God..."

Keilal gave a sarcastic smile: "Thousands of years have passed, and as a religion, you have learned nothing."

"The religious people I see hate and resist science, deny and eliminate progress, blindly worship and ignore the efforts of ordinary people..."

"So I said from the beginning, things like religion..." Kailar spread his hands: "It should be eliminated."

As soon as this statement came out, the whole world was surprised.

"Do you think that I wiped out other religions in order to spread my own religion?" He raised his head mockingly and looked at the right seats of God fighting Accelerator, Emperor Gakone and the others in the sky. .

"Because religion has affected the progress of mankind and is synonymous with isolation and isolation, I ordered the removal of all the most primitive religions. Unexpectedly, my disciples actually forcibly turned me into a [god] for their own selfish desires. ], there is nothing more mocking in the world." His words were deafening, and no one thought that the truth back then was like this.

All the stories and legends are beautifying Kelal, beautifying the founding of the Cross, and even flaunting the justice of the Cross and claiming its own legitimacy.

But in fact, Christianity was just something established by Keilal's disciples for themselves, and Keilal was just a "dead man" whom he placed on the altar.

Since even the founder of Christianity treated Keilar with this attitude, then there is almost no need to continue to ask how much respect and piety the popes have for Keilal. .

Keilal is destroying the world, destroying Puritanism, Orthodoxy, adult religion, destroying the beliefs of people in this world, and establishing a new template.

Kelal waved the sword in the stone and shouted: "Come on, come out, Aleister, use your last strength to fight me, and then I, or you, will re-make this world, re- Change the world.”

The silver-haired man hanging upside down in mid-air smiled slightly and nodded gently: "Then I would rather obey your orders than be respectful."

When he disappeared and then reappeared, he appeared in mid-air in a normal posture. In just one moment, he completed the structure of his body, moved instantly, and activated the extinguished artificial heaven.

Looking at Aleister, who was wearing a green surgical gown and carrying a pair of wings on his back, radiating even more powerful energy, Kelar smiled.

His wings slowly flapped and lifted him into the sky. He slowly came to the opposite side of Aleister and asked, "There are too many people here, shall we go up?"

If the first battle in the sky was just to test the bugs of artificial angels and artificial heaven, then this time, Keilal is completely inviting the battle.

His smile made Aleister nod, and the two of them flapped their wings and flew into the sky.

At an altitude of two thousand meters, the two people suddenly began to attack each other in tacit agreement.

Aleister's powerful laser light and Kelal's laser began to attack each other. The two people with wings began to move quickly in the sky, and the energy shields they carried were also extremely powerful.

Keilar felt as if he was fighting with himself. This feeling of fighting was very uncomfortable.

Sure enough, from the moment he appeared in Academy City, Aleister had been silently and secretly collecting his data!

PS: Pay off the 1,400 monthly tickets tomorrow, and then start paying back the additional updates from the leader.

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