The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 216 The Law of the Sage (1,400 monthly votes plus more updates)

Chapter 104 The Law of the Sage

In the vast white space, it seems that there is no concept of time and space.

The two people with white wings were floating in the air, looking at each other.

"I lost." Aleister looked at Kelal with a calm expression, but there were cracks and cracks in various parts of his body.

He himself is sick, and it is obviously too much for him to resort to such drastic measures.

He had already planned to die since he came, but it was a pity that it ended so quickly.

"Sure enough, I still can't beat you?" He said regretfully.

"Don't you understand yet?" Kelar said softly. His face was extremely calm. It seemed that he was not the winner. He was already accustomed to winning. Even the strongest mage in the world, is also like this.

It’s just that this time it’s really thrilling. The opponent has prepared the divine realm. In the divine realm, the opponent is close to the invincible position, but you have to fight him head-on with something you are not good at. This cannot be said to be stupid. But in the battle between masters, a not-so-good decision can already determine the outcome.

"The gap between us is not a gap in strength, the gap between us is a gap in combat experience." Kailar shook his head: "And, as the strongest mage in the world, you actually gave up on yourself My fighting style and choose to imitate me..."

"Does being strong mean that I am suitable for you?" Keilal's words were deafening, making Aleister lower his head sadly: "Yes, I am already on the wrong path."

"But your persistence is not necessarily wrong." Kailar shook his head: "I agree with your thoughts, but I don't agree with your code of conduct."

"As the most powerful mage in the world, you have unparalleled appeal. Twenty percent of the mage in the world are your disciples. As long as you rise up and shout, you can establish a religion that is more efficient than Orthodoxy and Puritanism. A more capable organization, you are fully capable of bringing magic back to its normal track, but you did not do so. You gave up magic, gave up your original class, and then invested everything in the illusory world. On the scientific side, we try to use science to popularize magic and make it something that everyone can use.”

"Of course this line of thinking is not wrong, but you have taken a detour."

"What about you? You agree with my path, right? Can you correct my path and fulfill my long-cherished wish?" He raised his head and looked at Kelal with hopeful eyes, trying to find what he had been unable to do in his life. Find the answers to come.

"I will, don't worry." Keilar did not give a specific guarantee, but Aleister breathed a long sigh of relief. With Keilar's ability, adaptability, resourcefulness, and layout, as long as he agrees matter, there should be no problem.

"Then, the last thing, my inheritance, please accept the past, and the child, please take good care of her. Although she is... years old, I still hope that you can take care of her throughout her life." He said the name softly.

Kelar showed a strange expression, she didn't expect Aleister's daughter to be her...?

When Keilal slowly floated down from the sky with bright spots all over the sky, facing the white light all over the sky, he was like a god descending from heaven to the world, slowly falling with wings. On the ground, on that platform.

"It seems that all the battles are coming to an end." Kailar raised his head, glanced at the many big screens above, and said with a smile.

Puritan Pope Laura and Queen Eliza of England looked at each other, and at the same time saw the stormy waves in each other's eyes.

Did Keilal win?

So easily? He even had the energy to keep those broadcast screens in mid-air.

Is he really a god? Not even the artificial heaven, not even the artificial angels, not even the strongest mage in the world can fight back against him?

Then who else in this world can stop him?

Unlike the two people who were careful, everyone's eyes followed Keilal's words and moved to the big screen in the sky.

I saw on the big screen in the sky that there were already several wounds on Zhifeng's body.

None of those wounds were caused by Mugino Shinri. They were all caused by Takitsubo Rikou aiming at the neutral position. With Mugino Shinri as the front shooter and Takitsubo Rikou as the precise attack point, even if it was only a 9 mm caliber grid. Locke pistol, but as long as it hits the unprepared Wind in front, Wind in front will have no power to fight back. Moreover, Wind in front is the most sensitive thing to metals. The metals on the body are used to balance magic spells. , now that there are a lot of metal iron pieces in her body, this balance is broken, and her magic power is getting smaller and smaller. Even Mugino Shenli, facing her getting weaker and weaker alone, the two of them are almost certain victory.

On the other side, Accelerator was hundreds of meters in the air, his wings connected to the ground. Countless stones, steel bars, and trees were rushing towards the fire on the right from all directions. No matter what the fire on the right was, it could only Even if a hand can block it, it has its limit. In the end, it can only hold itself in the hand, forming a strange "absolute defense".

But even if it is an absolute defense, it is definitely not sustainable, because his hand can only appear for more than ten seconds, and then he has to summon it again. Although the summoning speed is fast, the non-stop gap is getting bigger and bigger. The limit of the fire on the right will soon be reached.

Right Fire Sora had the world's top level of power, but was suppressed by Accelerator and couldn't hold his head up. It was simply a huge humiliation.

But so what if it's humiliating? Although there is a big gap in strength between the two, under the guidance of Keilar, Accelerator, who fights with his mind, is finally not the No. 1 who only fights with brute force. But think about it, after Keilar's blow, After being hit by the fire from the right, he will no longer be superstitious about his own power.

The situation on the other side was much better. Todoroki Todoroki was ranked sixth, and Imperial Governor Kakine was ranked second. The two of them worked together to secure a left side, which was more than enough.

Keilal shook his head gently, raised his hand, and a beam of light rose into the sky, blooming with endless light.

Then people all over the world heard Keilal's voice.

"Magic has completely deviated from its past trajectory and my original intention. I feel very disappointed. It's time to correct this twisted tool!!"

After his prophecy, all the people in the guild hall saw Kelal let go of the Sword in the Stone and the Staff of God, inserted the two artifacts into the soft soil, and slowly clasped his hands together.

Then when he opened his hands, a bright light appeared in his hands...

PS: Everyone will update in 20 minutes. For the sake of perfect attendance, I’m really sorry!

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