The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 222 Message (27,000 collections plus updates)

Chapter 110 Message

This is a luxurious hotel, but the people coming in and out are not the upper class people you imagined. Instead, many people are wearing student clothes, even women's OL clothes.

But for them, they may feel a little uncomfortable, but it is far from embarrassing.

Because if the waiters knew a little about this group of people, they would know what kind of people they were.

Academy City's thirteen level five superpowers, all of them except Emperor Kakone, have arrived.

Even the head of the ANBU organization in Academy City, several others including Mugino Shimri, also arrived, and even many people from the magic side came.

On the contrary, the Queen of England, because she is the spiritual king of the British, can still be a symbolic royal family even if she loses her magic, but there is no big loss. It is also a pleasure to continue to return to the UK to be her own queen.

But anyway, most people came.

They used to be strong, but now even if they have lost their strength, they are still mentally strong, upward and positive.

For example, Accelerator is currently a student at Changdian Computer Academy and is preparing to enter college. He plans to enter college one year early and graduate two years early.

Misaka Mikoto is much more mediocre, which is also because of her parents' wishes.

"Yifang, how are you doing?" Flanda, wearing a cute little skirt and pink and white stockings, followed by a doll-like girl, her sister Fremia, came over to say hello.

"Oh." Accelerator's tone could not be said to be nice, nor could it be said to be cold, but when faced with his friends who used to work in convenience stores, they were the only people Accelerator could speak to.

"I can't say it's good or bad, but I've finally returned to the life of ordinary people." His tone was full of emotion, but he was not disappointed either.

"That's good, I was worried that you would just sink." Flanda patted Accelerator's shoulder familiarly and laughed. She had completely forgotten that seeing him in the convenience store was like seeing a cat and mouse. Time to shiver.

Accelerator still remembered, he snorted sadly, and just when he was about to say something, Flanda's sister Fremia had already pulled Flanda's clothes and said: "Hey, sister, there is someone over there. Hot chocolate, can I have it?”

"Go, go." She petted the cute hat on her sister's head lovingly, and Fremia ran out to have fun like a puppy being let out of a cage.

"Hey, Frenda, you're here early." Mugino Shenli and the other three came in together, but Kinuhata likes to wear a men's suit. She looks decent and handsome. She has become more and more convenient and handsome in men's clothing. Going further and further.

And Mugino Shenli looked very dazzling in a purple dress and red high heels. Behind him was Takitsubo Riko who was wearing a white coat and looked indifferent. In fact, if Takitsubo Riko hadn't heard that If he had invited her to the reception this time, she would not have come at all.

Years of living together have made the three people living together closer and closer, but Flanda moved out. This caused the four people who were so close to each other to suddenly become awkward even if they didn't think much of it. Because they have absolutely nothing to talk about.

Faced with this situation, an awkward atmosphere spread among the four people, but it was quickly broken by more and more people coming in.

"Hey, good evening." Misaka Mikoto, this always radiant girl, is enviable. She, the original stone Sogiita Gunba, and the designated inheritor Midoriya Izuku are the only three people who have been arranged to live a stable life. People with superpowers, who do not involve too much darkness, are always so radiant and dazzling, without any darkness.

Not even 20,000 sisters can influence Misaka Mikoto, after all, Keilal has saved them.

Behind her was the famous follower Shirai Kuroko, and also came in with Uiharu Shiri and Saten Ruiko. These two people were a little embarrassed, and their pattern could be clearly seen.

However, after she came in, Misaka Mikoto was very popular. Both Kanzaki Kaori and Mugino Shinri were greeting her, not to mention Sogiita Gunba and Midoriya Izuku.

Uiharu Shiori and Saten Ruiko, who were covered by Misaka Mikoto, were just two high school students. No one would lower their profile and throw away their qualities to embarrass them.

This is the most basic quality of being a human being.

Hong Jiao Dong noticed a girl eating jelly next to her. The girl had blue hair and looked extremely cold. He walked over involuntarily.

Just when he opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

The two-hundred-inch monitor in the hall suddenly lit up.

On the monitor, there was only a person wearing a white suit sitting with his legs crossed. There was no way to see who that person was.

But on the man's lap lay a little girl who was sleeping in a daze. She looked no more than twelve or thirteen years old, but she looked exactly like Misaka Mikoto. Everyone involuntarily looked at Misaka Mikoto, and then immediately reacted.

"Everyone is in good spirits." The gentle and mellow voice sounded, and the whole hall was quiet for two or three seconds, and then suddenly exploded.

The fact that Keilal is the new chairman is only spread within a small area, the so-called circle. It is very confusing for people outside the circle to hear the news in the circle.

The fact that Keilal is still in Academy City is even more surprising, so that everyone is screaming and screaming, forgetting other things, because everyone is thinking the same way, Keilal I should either go to live in seclusion in a small village in England, or hide in the mountains and forests of Siberia. How can I still appear in civilized society?

But looking at him now, he is not only in a civilized society, but also alive and well, and even in a high position. How can this not make them scream in surprise?

"Haha, I haven't seen you for three years, and seeing you still in such good spirits is better than anything else." His voice was steady and mellow, quiet and peaceful, as if he was afraid of disturbing the children in his arms, and seemed to be comforting everyone.

Everyone is holding back a lot of questions, but everyone knows that now is not the time to ask.

"I am very happy to see that after losing your magic and superpowers, you did not lose your true nature, and each of you returned to the normal track of life, studying, working, and moving forward. I am very relieved."

"And some of you have graduated and become useful people to society, and some of you are still studying. Thanks to you, the entire Academy City is getting better and stronger, and human society is getting better and better. progress."

He finished speaking in one breath, seemed to pick up a glass of water from the table next to him, took a sip, and then put it back.

"I have been in this world for four years, and the most precious thing for me is nothing else, but meeting you." His voice was still so gentle and peaceful, but for some reason it touched everyone's heart, slightly emotional The woman's eyes were already red.

"You are both the proof of my existence and the witness of my glory. You are also the highest gift I have ever made and the evidence of my achievements. Thank you. It is my honor to meet you."

His voice was polite, but sincere without even a trace of falsehood.

"Please forgive me for not being able to see you in person, but you should also see the correct steps and progress of humankind's progress."

"You are witnesses of history, experiencers of history, and witnesses of the future. You should be able to guess my position."

"My identity is too sensitive, I can't go to see you, but if you want to see me, then become stronger, become more powerful, and become better."

"I will wait for you at the top of the tower, waiting for you to arrive and ask your doubts and questions in person."

"I'm right here, waiting for you at the top of the tower."

The man smiled and said such inspiring words, made a thumbs up gesture, then gently touched the girl's cheek and turned off the video.

Two or three seconds after he turned off the video, no one in the entire venue spoke.

Saten Ruiko had never been in contact with that man, but she was very worried about Misaka Mikoto's condition. She carefully came to the side and was shocked when she looked at Misaka Mikoto's expression.

She had never seen such a burning, determined, fighting, and fighting expression on Misaka Mikoto's face.

She seemed to have noticed something. When she turned her head, she looked around and saw an unprecedented fighting spirit on almost everyone's face.

That burning will seemed to melt her.

【Are you there? 】Everyone turned their heads. Outside the huge floor-to-ceiling glass window, the Academy City Council Building stood there with flashing lights.

【wait for me! ! 】

...The end of Academy City...

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