The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 229 Dead River (1,700 monthly tickets for additional updates)

Chapter 007 Dead River

Knights of Wallachia!

Knights of Wallachia!

Even Keilar couldn't help but open his eyes wide and look at the knight who appeared in front of him and stabbed him with his gun.

He is really familiar with these light armored knights. They have fought against the Knights of the Round Table countless times. The best knights in Rome, the Knights of Wallachia led by Dracula, have fought against the Knights of the Round Table no matter how many times they fought. , all able to maintain intact physical strength, spirit, fighting will and combat effectiveness.

Even in that era, he was an absolutely unparalleled top cavalry.

But now, they were bathed in blood, as if they had come out of hell, like the cavalry of hell.

"They...did you eat them, Dracula?" Kelar stepped forward, rushed forward, and then cut off their necks from top to bottom, including horses and people.

This is the advantage of the two-handed cross sword. Although the blade length of the dual-wielding two-handed cross sword is only about 1.2 to 1.3 meters, with the length of Keilar's arms, it is enough to hit a position of more than two meters with one sword. , this position can easily dodge the spear, and then split the opponent's head.

Even so, the second rider followed closely and stabbed Keilal in the head.

Kelal blocked, then split the opponent's hands with the spear, and the sword tip slit the opponent's throat.

If this was an ordinary warrior, he would have been dead. However, after changing bodies, his cut throat healed, his cut hands recovered, and even the spear was condensed with blood again.

Kelal ignored him, because the third horseman had already arrived, followed by the fourth horseman and the fifth horseman.

Even with Kelal's physique and skills, it is extremely difficult to deal with this kind of cavalry that is between heavy cavalry and light cavalry, not to mention that they all ride the best blood horses.

Others just don't say anything.

The weaker ones, those who were scattered, were bitten and caught to death directly in the first wave of Death Apostles' attacks, and became new Death Apostles, while the **, the Crusaders, who were waiting in formation, Surrounded by a large number of Death Apostles, on the outside are the weakest Death Apostles who can be killed with one shot, then ordinary soldiers, then elite soldiers, and then the most elite cavalry.

The terrifying numbers turned the so-called numerical advantage of the Crusaders into a joke in an instant.

Kelal fought in the sea of ​​blood and death, tirelessly, the man of the red dragon, the fighter.

"Beautiful, so beautiful! Human beings, indeed! Sure enough! Sure enough! Keilal, you are indeed! Sure enough! Sure enough! Sage, you bastard is indeed! Sure enough! Sure enough, you are the only guy who can kill me !Kill my existence!”

"That's right! That's right! That's right! That's it, that's it, just like two thousand two hundred and fifty years ago, kill all my troops with the long sword, pierce my chest with silver nails, and use the coffin of dark wood Seal my body, that’s it, that’s it, kill me completely! Kill me! Come on, Sage!”

He looked down upon everyone else in the world. Those rebels and crusaders soon became part of the sea of ​​blood and the river of death, no longer distinguishing between you and me.

Only that man, the silver-haired man who was fighting in the sea of ​​blood and the river of death among the thousands of soldiers, who was chopping up the army, could attract the attention of the crazy earl.

From the sky, it rained the Bible, and the burning Bible swept through the sea of ​​blood and the river of death like a storm.

"AAAAAAAmen!!!" A priest with glasses, a priest with short blond hair, a priest with a cross on his chest, a priest with a blunderbuss in his hand, and a priest shouting Amen, descended from the sky.

The huge power was originally dual-wielding blunderbuss, but in order to achieve the result with one blow, he grabbed a blunderbuss sword from the sky with both hands, and fiercely pounced on Alcatel, the bloody Earl, and the leader of the Roman Knights. He pounced on the Impaler and the ancestor of vampires.

A long line of blood streaked down the face of the man in red, but the man in red was worthy of being the knight captain who had fought with Kelal for many years in ancient times. He instantly pulled out his long sword and blocked the attack. sword.

Just a little bit, just a little bit! Father Andreessen was about to roar at the top of his lungs. He was just a little short of disemboweling him, just a little short of the end of the battle, just a little short of killing Alcatel! ! !

Only then did the man in red remember that there was another enemy here that he should admire and treat seriously.

"Today is such a good day...Andreessen." Blood appeared on his body, and after it swept away, the young and elegant man in red with slightly curly hair was gone.

Instead, a man with fair skin, wild hair hanging wildly on his head, wearing heavy armor, and a mustache appeared in front of Father Andrewson.

"The long-lost sage, the strongest priest, ah, ah, ah, it makes me tremble from body to soul." The pale-skinned man said in an aria.

He was holding a long sword tightly in his hand, matching his height of 1.8 meters and close to 1.9 meters. He was tall and strong, and he was no less willing to give in to Father Andreessen who was over 2 meters tall.

"Today is such a good day..." he emphasized again.

"Yes, today is such a good day!!!" Two blunderbuss swords suddenly appeared in Father Andrew's hand. They combined and intersected. Sparks flew out from the intersection, and a cross appeared on Father Andrewson's blunderbuss sword. superior.

"A good day to kill the ancestor of vampires, kill Alcatel, and kill HELLSING!"

The man in armor with a mustache opened his eyes wide and laughed: "If you can, just do it!!"

"Department 13 of the Papal Hall, Judas Iscariot, Andrewson! Here he comes!!" He roared and began to attack.

Countless Dead Apostles appeared in front of Alcatel, surrounding Father Andreessen.

"Throw, throw, throw, what should we do next! Father! What should we do next! Father!!"

Standing at the end, the man who looked like he was commanding thousands of troops laughed and watched coldly, waiting for the priest's next move.

"Ahhhhhh..." the priest howled and charged, fearlessly. All the Death Apostles around him were killed one by one by him.

But this doesn't make any sense. Keilar knows it in his heart, the priest knows it in his heart, and Alcatel knows it even more clearly. Over the past few thousand years, how many people has he killed and how many lives have he absorbed? Now even he He has already blurred this kind of single-digit beheading, which means nothing to him!

PS: Second update, please vote for recommendation!

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