The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 238 Daily life in the fortress (1900 monthly tickets for additional updates)

Chapter 004 Daily life in the fortress

"You are tired today, go and rest." Feicilia tied a belt around her waist, made a corset, and then put the pistol into the holster of the belt, while pointing at the black-haired man. The girl said.

"Okay, you come in the first half of the night, and I'll come in the second half of the night." The black-haired woman nodded and said.

Feicilia did not refuse and nodded gently.

Although there used to be a Quartermaster Claude who came to deliver goods in this fortress, he basically left after delivering the goods. He only had one meal at most and no men stayed overnight.

Now there is a man spending the night here. Since the other three soldiers are all underage, the two adult soldiers must bear the responsibility. At the very least, they must not be put in danger.

Feicilia now even doubted whether her choice was the right one.

It’s just that they were overthinking it. Keilal lay on the bed and fell asleep quickly. Even though he had been sleeping for thousands of years, the new bed was so comfortable, and the new bedding was slightly scented with mothballs. The smell was still soothing, and he slowly fell into a deep sleep, and then slept until dawn.

It started to get bright very quickly, around 5:30, and it was almost bright at 6:00.

Before dawn, the trumpeter should start blowing the trumpet to wake up the entire military camp. Kelal was woken up by the trumpeter, and the Seiz Fortress is closely adjacent to the Seiz Town. It became the clarion call for the town to wake up.

The horn sound that woke people up before was not bad, but suddenly there was a horn sound that could only be regarded as noise, which made Kelar couldn't help but frown.

very noisy……

Keilar shook his head and stood up from the bed. He only had a set of close-fitting underwear. But after putting on the green trousers and jacket of the military uniform, as well as the thick military boots, Keilar felt that it was actually a little too tight. Yes, obviously, this dress is definitely not for someone with a figure of 1.88 meters like him.

He opened the door and found a woman sitting at the door, it was Fesilia from yesterday. Apparently they had exchanged classes twice last night, and now Fesilia was sitting at the door, as dazed as a kowtowing insect. Generally, bit by bit, it looks very cute.

"Hey, hello." Keilal squatted down, gently shook her shoulders, and asked, "Are you okay? Did you stay awake all night?"

She was shaken by Keilal, and she almost jumped up. She covered the pistol at her waist and looked like she was about to draw the gun. When she saw Keilal, her face suddenly turned red with embarrassment.

"It's a good thing he can't see, it's a good thing he can't see, it's a good thing he can't see." After reciting these words silently three times in her heart, her shame became a little better, and then she spoke in a gentle tone that she had never heard before. Said: "No, I just came here, but I thought you were still sleeping, so I slept in front of the door for a while."

Keilal suppressed a smile to see her lying, but finally decided not to expose her. He nodded slightly: "Thank you for your hard work, good morning."

Seeing Keilal's hearty smile, Feicilia felt inexplicably guilty and quickly began to change the subject: "Oh, by the way, I came to you for breakfast. Breakfast has been prepared and I want to stay with us. Want to eat?"

"It's an honor." Keilar bowed slightly and said.

Feicilia looked at Keilal, whose every move was full of elegance, and once again put a label on him in her heart.

Both of them were hiding and lying from each other like liars, but compared with Keilal, the old monster, Fecilia was still too young and too simple. Faced with Keilal's lies, she didn't Even though she still had some doubts about Keilal in her heart, at least she had begun to let go of part of her heart.

For example, Kaylar didn't take the opportunity to steal her gun just now, which is a good start.

The two temporarily reached a preliminary trust, and then they were led by Feicilia towards the restaurant.

"This is our restaurant and the hall of the entire fortress. Basically, we do all important things here, and we usually eat here."

she introduced.

This hall is already filled with the fragrant aroma.

French mushroom cream soup, French bread, luckily no baguette, plus salad vegetables and so on, it looks extremely bright, and the color and nutrition of the food are all comprehensive. Obviously, the person who made these dishes is obviously a master, and Also a nutritionist.

"Please sit down." She helped Keilal to a seat. Keilal looked at the other seats and asked, "Besides you and Miss Liwang, is there anyone else here?"

"How do you know her name?" Fesilia suddenly became alert.

"Isn't that what you said yesterday when you were chatting..." Kailar smiled and said.

She couldn't quite remember whether Li Wang's name was mentioned in the chat yesterday, but since Keilal said it was, then it should be, right?

She shook her head, and the voice of the black-haired woman from yesterday came from behind her: "Hey, Fesilia, did you sleep well last night?"

"Well..." Feicilia turned to look at Keilal and nodded slightly: "Liwang, how is your new soldier? Is he still healthy?"

"Well, this child is healthy, but he is completely useless as a trumpeter..." Li Wang, a black-haired woman, said in a desperate tone.

"I'm extremely sorry." The small and dainty girl with brown hair whom Keilal rescued yesterday bowed quickly and apologized.

"Okay, okay, I'm not blaming you." Liwang scratched his messy black hair and said with some distress. She was really not good at dealing with such a straightforward child.

"By the way, this gentleman is..." The brown-haired girl looked at Keilar sitting in her seat and asked strangely.

"This is the gentleman who saved you yesterday, Kelal Pan Dragon." Fesilia introduced. She was not only introducing Kelal to the brown-haired girl, but also to the black-haired girl. Liwang introduces Kelal.

"Hello." Keilal nodded towards them, because he could hear the sound and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Hello." The two of them nodded gently to Keilar, looking a little strange. This was the first time they saw a blind man like Keilar.

"This is Wagong Riwang, trumpeter, signal corpsman, sergeant major." Feicilia took Wagong Riwang's hand and said. "Hello." This was the first time for He Gongliwang to chat with Keilar, and he nodded slightly.

"Hello." Keilal smiled and nodded.

"This is the little girl you rescued yesterday, a new recruit in the deep sky."

"Hello." The other side of the deep space looked at Keilal with big curious eyes, but felt that he had forgotten something in his mind...

PS: Because I want to write a long novel, there is no need to write important plot points every moment in every chapter like before, so I can write more about daily life. I don’t know if everyone will like it, but I am a little worried.

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