The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 250 The final counterattack

Chapter 016 The final counterattack

"Are we going out?" Feicilia and Liwang looked at each other, feeling a little moved. The dust on the entire battlefield has settled. There is no danger for them to go out now... right?

"No." Noeliu, who was in the cab in front, denied without hesitation.

Here you can see the difference between being on the battlefield and not being on the battlefield.

Noeru, who has been on the battlefield, knows how fragile human beings are on the battlefield.

Not to mention Knightmare, just ordinary soldiers' pistols, rifles, and sniper rifles can cause huge damage to the fragile commander. A driver's life is precious, it goes without saying that you know this, and ordinary soldiers' The value is not so precious.

If the value of an ordinary soldier is 1, then the value of a pilot is 1,000, and the value of an ace pilot is 10,000. And if they run out of the mecha, it will be 10,000 or 100,000. Value is just a matter of a bullet.

"Kai, he's outside, waiting for news about him." Noeryu believes in Keilal the most now, because Keilal is not a pig teammate, but also a good teammate.

With the help of such a great teammate, she killed more than two hundred Knightmare. This unprecedented achievement, she knew in her heart, was absolutely impossible to achieve with this old Thor. .

Because apart from its mobility and firepower, this Thor has almost nothing outstanding.

The Knightmare opposite has been equipped with a Sakurashi radar. Although it can only detect a frontal sector of about two hundred meters, and it may not be able to penetrate thick stone walls, as long as it works once, the enemy will die.

There are also large-caliber electromagnetic rifles (which Kelal only learned about later), and the MVS vibrating sword can be combined with knight guns, minions, flying swallows, and other weapons.

These weapons are coupled with high performance and high mobility. If they are not on such terrain, in cities or in wild battles, they can easily defeat old models like the Thor with just a few Knightmares.

But here, as Keilar said, the right time, right place, right people, coupled with the condescending genius command, everything has created the current glory.

So Noeru listens to Keilal even more now.

She knew that Liwang and Feicilia were both recruits. Although their military rank was higher than hers, they were complete recruits, so they could not listen to them on the battlefield.

Compared with Riwang and Feicilia, Noeru trusts Keilal's judgment more.

Hearing that Keilal was coming, Feicilia and Liwang stopped talking. They just looked at each other silently in the cab, their eyes and expressions were very strange, and they couldn't tell what the other was thinking at all. .

You know, the two of them have been living together for many years. Regardless of the other's movements or looks, they both know what the other wants to do.

But now, rarely, after the battle, the two could no longer understand what the other was thinking.

On the other side, Cornelia was firmly fixed to the rock wall.

Her face was calm, and she just silently took out the pistol from her waist, carefully counted the bullets in the pistol, and cleaned the gun oil in the pistol. She was already prepared for a life-and-death situation. 17 bullets, 16 left for Enemy, keep the last one for yourself.

It didn't matter whether the other party guessed her identity or not. They kept her just for this moment, to capture her and get more information from her mouth.

But as the second princess of Bunitalia, she still has this dignity.

Even if she dies, she will never surrender or fall into their hands.

Cornelia waited silently, Feicilia, Miyazawa, and Hannagino Eru, they were all waiting for someone.

Waiting for that person to arrive.

Kelal's running speed was extremely fast, almost exceeding the limit of human sprint speed, but he still ran fast and kept accelerating. He ran for more than two kilometers at the speed of a 100-meter race, without losing his breath. Not even taking a breath.

But Cornelia, who was able to see Keilal, had resigned herself to shutting down, but the Thor, which was on, did not have this ability.

When Keilar came to the two machines, he heard Keilal say loudly: "Noeru, let it go, but suppress it."

Noeryu perfectly understood what Keilal meant. She let go of the Knightmare and let it fall to the ground, but she turned her body around, pressed it to the ground, and continued to suppress it with her six legs.

Knightmare's body was crunched, but it was not crushed.

First of all, this is an elite machine, and it is also the machine of the second princess Cornelia. Its performance and materials are completely different from other Knightmare. Secondly, the Thor is not in free fall like just now, but It was a simple movement of stepping on the foot, so even though it was crunched, it was not broken.

Only the cockpit behind was exposed.

Although Kelar didn't know what the Knightmare's cockpit looked like, judging from the structure, it should be almost the same.

This kind of frontal armor will definitely be very powerful and can cope with various attacks, but the back armor is not necessarily the same. The raised thing is obviously the cockpit.

Instead of laboriously making an opening in the thick armor at the front, it would be better to just open an entrance and exit at the back.

Just like many tanks have an RGP sinker behind them, designers must make some choices when designing.

Moreover, the cockpits that Keilar just saw seemed to be able to escape in an emergency. Obviously, the value of the driver was confirmed, and the cockpit was located behind it.

"Come out, I know you are in there." Kelal came under the Thor, knocked on the door of the Knightmare cockpit, and said.

Cornelia loaded the bullet inside, and then with a sharp pull, Knightmare's back was opened, and her seat was slowly brought out.

She held the gun and just sat on the seat. As she slowly came out, she suddenly started shooting.

Keilar had long expected that this kind of pilot would have at least one self-defense weapon, which could be a pistol, a dagger, or even a submachine gun, so as soon as the opponent came out, he hid behind the Thor's feet , those bullets hit the Thor's feet, causing bursts of sparks.

After waiting for five shots, Kelal suddenly rushed forward.

Cornelia was shocked, and she suddenly aimed at Keilal who rushed out and shot wildly.

It's just that Keilal ran in a zigzag pattern and quickly approached Cornelia.

Cornelia's bullets made craters behind him, but they just couldn't hit Kelar.

PS: Guaranteed.

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