The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 260 New Knightmare

Chapter 026 New Knightmare

Keilal and Cornelia slowly asked and answered questions without any reaction.

But they were very awkward with Gong Liwang and the others.

Although she has the status of a Grand Duke's daughter with Miyazaki, she has never felt that she is a noble, and she has never felt that her status is superior to others for so many years, but Cornelia, the second princess of Bunitalia, is Before they knew her identity, they could treat her as a prisoner without any problem.

But now that they know her identity, it is very difficult to regard her as a prisoner. This is human nature, and Keilar does not force them.

This kind of thing requires practice.

For example, when a person whose monthly income was only 2,000 yuan suddenly faces the CEO of his superior company, he will involuntarily change his attitude when facing this person who may change his life. This change is natural. Yes, but outsiders can see it very clearly.

Because of this, Cornelia looked down upon them, which made Keilal even more extraordinary.

Only Keilal, who has been interacting with and chatting with high-level officials from various countries for many years, has the status to face the world's largest country and the second princess closest to the throne without paying any attention to it, and continues to ask his own questions. .

Today's questions were almost all asked by Kailar. He picked up the slightly cold black tea on the table and took a sip. He didn't care about the taste or problems of the black tea. It was just that it was refreshing. For him, tea and cold water None of it makes sense.

"By the way, what have you been doing these days?" Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit cold, Fesilia quickly opened her mouth to warm up.

"I'm adjusting the Knightmare." Noeru finished eating, wiped the crumbs around her mouth, and said.

"Hey, do we still need to adjust this?" Feicilia didn't understand this very well and asked a little confused.

Cornelia also pricked up her ears. Of course, there was no need to adjust this for her. Bunitalia’s pilots had helped her adjust the machine to its best condition, but Noeru was Even she had to listen to the words of the pilot who defeated her.

"Well, the hardware is very good, but many parts of the joints are not adjusted well, and the soft armor is very poor." In fact, what she said was not wrong, and the original original body, Lancelot, was because of this bad Hardware performance so far few people have been able to drive it.

However, Knightmare is actually similar to a racing car. It first builds the highest performance model and then uses the engine, chassis, and control system of the highest performance model to slowly reduce the performance until it reaches the lowest level of the car.

The same is true for Knightmare. Making the highest-performance model first, and then whether to put it into actual combat are two different things. For example, it is normal to not consider putting it into actual combat due to economic reasons, but to weaken it before mass production.

For example, Cornelia's Gloucester came from the machine Lancelot developed by her royal brother Schneizel's special technician, Colonel Lloyd.

Named after the strongest Knight of the Round Table in history, he obviously has strong confidence in his own machine, but unfortunately, the development of Lancelot has not gone smoothly. Until now, no one has been able to sit on it, so he can only continue to As a research and development machine, it was tested in Area 11.

But even if Lancelot cannot fight in actual combat, the weakened and weakened version of Gloucester can still be used as a machine for the Bunitalia front-line combat legion.

Cornelia's legions, for example, all use Gloucester, although their special version will have better performance than ordinary Bunitalia soldiers, and Cornelia's body is better than others. The body performance is better.

But these are not the reasons why Cornelia's body is invincible.

They rely more on their bodies and believe in their abilities than software.

There is nothing wrong with this, but the help of machines in development is also essential.

Keilar has seen how powerful individual human beings are, but he cannot deny the help of mechanical assistance. So for these things, it is like a person's two legs. No matter which leg is cut off or which leg is not well developed, both run away. If you are not fast, you will not be able to run well.

The Bunitalia Empire's machines undoubtedly focus on the control system. Although they don't care about software, they are still relatively weak.

Noeru is a very versatile pilot. He is both a mechanical engineer, a software engineer, and a driver. Such an all-rounder is actually only sixteen years old. Even in the Bunitalia Empire, such an all-rounder Talents are rare, and even Anya whom Cornelia knows is not more powerful than her.

But after hearing her words, Cornelia was still quite unconvinced. She snorted. Now that she was watched by Kelar every day, there was no way she could get close to Knightmare. Moreover, Noeru would be equipped with a gun. If she wanted to It was almost impossible to break into the Knightmare, so I could only endure it until now.

Noeru glanced at her and didn't care about her. The only people she cared about were Fesilia, Kelar and the others. As for Cornelia, she was not in the scope of her attention, and she was still defeated. . "Knightmare's hardware is almost perfect, but the parts in many places are too tight. The tighter the Knightmare, the better. Too tight will limit the toughness of the parts, and the processing in many places is not good..."

"But I've already taken care of it." She and Keilal explained: "Now I'm modifying and customizing the model according to your requirements."

Keilal smiled gently at her: "Thank you for your hard work, Noeru."

There were two blushes on Noeliu's face and she shook her head: "It's nothing, this is what I should do."

Wakami Rika looked at Noeru who was blushing in surprise. Although it was not surprising that sixteen-year-old Noeru would fall in love with her, Fesilia did the same, and so did Noeru. They were so easily attracted by Kai. Lal was captured in a few words, this kind of thing is almost like a story.

It seems that there is some prejudice against Keilal, and Liwang still refuses to admit Keilal's talent.

If she looked squarely at Keilard, she would be impressed by his intelligence, layout, and strategy. For example, her father Archduke Ferland on the other end of the phone had already admired this "suggestor" of the layout. He was so smitten, thinking that his daughter had hooked up with such a talented guy, and he had already begun to consider passing the throne to her in his heart.

If there is help from people of this level, then the Grand Duke Ferland's family will definitely become the most prominent family in EU!

"Hey~~~~ Is anyone here?!" A female voice came from outside the warehouse...

PS; Guess who is here?

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