The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 276 EU Parliament Massacre

Chapter 042 EU Parliament Massacre

In the conference hall, the old people in clothes and leather shoes had age spots all over their faces and gray hair. More than 80% of them were bald. Even if they put on suits and tuxedos, they could not block their old age and weakness.

If you look at them, you will know why the EU has such a slow response and development. Obviously, the elderly are the weakest in their ability to accept development, change, reform, and acceptance. The resources they have give them no motivation to change. .

The principle of "the strong do not change" in everyone's mind actually does not apply. Their field of vision is too small. They can only see their own territory. At most, they can only see the entire EU. No matter how much more, they can only see their own territory. Just see the Bunitalia Empire.

But they are still too small to the world.

If you compare the field of view a little, the first thing Kelal pays attention to is the colonies and numberers of the Bunitalia Empire.

Even if we can't support them with weapons, we should at least start developing an intelligence system.

When a large number of revolutions break out in 24 regions at the same time, the Bunitalia Empire will be in dire straits.

Coupled with the Chinese Federation, a potential ally in the east...

Although Kelal has only been awake for less than a month, he has already understood the political situation in the world clearly.

Even if EU does not upgrade its equipment and technology, political means alone can make the Bunitalia Empire want to die.

And these old men...

I can only look at my own one-third of an acre of land.

"Is Archduke Ferland not here yet?" a tall, skinny old man with a pale head asked loudly.

"It is said that there is a traffic jam in the city, and Grand Duke Ferland is stuck on the road..." an attendant said respectfully.

"Okay, the meeting is about to start..." The Republican whip is the leader second only to the party leader. If the existence of the party leader is to compete with hostile parties, then the existence of the whip is to whip the party. People, let them not get carried away, have a lot of power.

The reason why he cares so much about Archduke Felan is that Archduke Felan is a rare person who has defected to their party. Today they will use Archduke Felan to severely attack the opponent's momentum.

And Malucal is also looking for Archduke Ferland.

After hearing the same answer, the two of them showed an unhappy expression at the same time: "Forget it, since he is late, let's wait until he comes."

Malucal originally wanted to discuss with Archduke Ferland today about replacing his daughter's merits, but since he won't come, then let's kill it first and then tell the story later, right?

There must be nothing that Archduke Ferland can do, right?

Malukar showed a proud smile on his face and walked to his seat.

This is a circular opera house-style venue that can accommodate hundreds of people.

But there are only more than 280 members of the parliament.

The people serving here are all beautiful young women in uniforms, and you can also see a lot of black-haired Oriental women. They are all women who fled overseas after the fall of old Japan. They are already very good here. After all, you don’t have to go hungry or worry about tomorrow after you work.

And most of the Japanese Ronin fugitives are worried about what tomorrow will bring.

The EU's welfare system will never include this group of homeless people.

While this group of people were chatting loudly, holding champagne in their hands and laughing happily.

Keilal had already driven the Knightmare to the venue.

He drove extremely unrestrainedly, and his whole person was extremely excited. Cornelia sat in Keilal's arms and had never seen Keilal so excited.

"Cornelia." He said to Cornelia without lowering his head, looking at the retreating scenery.

Cornelia raised her head and looked at the man.

This man had his silver hair tied back, without any mess at all, and he looked in high spirits.

"What's the matter?" Cornelia asked.

"Wait a minute, after I turn on the external broadcast, you will be responsible for all the talking."

Keilal said biting her ear.

"The woman who killed the entire EU Parliament, this honor will be given to you." Keilal said softly, holding her earlobe in his mouth.

Cornelia snorted softly, like a kitten, but then her whole body seemed to be electrified, and she figured out all of Keilal's plans in an instant.

"It's you! You want to kill all members of the EU Parliament!" Cornelia shouted.

"Yes, it's me." Keilal said with a confident smile on his face.

"Then you will push Archduke Ferland to the position of Speaker!" Everything in Cornelia's mind was connected together and integrated in an instant.

After all the MPs have died, even if there is a successor, the age, experience, experience, or prestige of the successor will not be comparable to the "surviving" Archduke Ferland. By then, Archduke Ferland will become the Speaker. There are no more enemies.

And Kelal... will naturally become the [Shadow Chancellor] behind the control of Archduke Ferland.

By that time, Kelal would go from being powerless and worthless to being one of the most powerful people in the world.

And of course Cornelia is the one to bear the blame for this matter.

No, how could Cornelia take the blame? ! As a defeated general, she unexpectedly rushed into the depths of the EU alone and avenged her own guards. From a political point of view, her recklessness could gain more political capital for herself.

After all, how can her hundreds of guards compare to the head of the EU?

If she does these things, it will basically be equivalent to Guan Yun's heroic feat of passing five levels, killing six generals, and then successfully returning to the Shu camp.

Will it be sung all over the world?

This is definitely very good political capital for her, and can even reverse the impression of previous military defeat.

Has Kelal even considered this matter?

Cornelia looked at him in disbelief.

Everyone in one's own camp benefited from this incident, and those who died were just a group of corpse-like people who blocked Kelal's path!

It’s simply a win-win situation, isn’t it?

Cornelia finally discovered that her previous hunch was right. Kelal had no intention of being loyal to anyone at all. He was choosing the best route for himself from beginning to end, including annihilating Cornelia. The Guards, including killing the entire EU Parliament, including letting her live.

After letting her live and covering up her capture, he was already preparing to find someone to take the blame for killing the EU Parliament!

And she is the best!

Cornelia couldn't help but feel chilled in her heart. Even her second brother Schneizel had absolutely no such scheming, means, and ability to act!

Guaranteed update

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