The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 28 Disciple (more updates after 7000 recommendations)

Chapter 028 Disciple

Hermione's mind went blank.

She didn't know how she ended the dinner, she didn't know how she got home, and she didn't know how she fell asleep.

But when she woke up the next day and sat on the bed with her sleepy eyes and messy hair, she recalled the scene last night, her eyes opened wider and wider, and she became completely energetic.

All kinds of unknown hormones were rushing through her body, and she suddenly let out a scream of "ah" that resounded throughout the whole house.

Mr. Granger heard her scream, rushed up to the second floor, banged on her door, and asked loudly, "Jenny, Jenny, what's wrong with you?"

It is a common practice among Westerners to directly use two of the sounds in a long name as a nickname.

For example, Kelal's acquaintances and friends call him Kai.

Hermione ignored her father, but hugged her pink quilt and rolled around like a fish out of water.

While she was rolling around, making her already messy hair even more messy, she blushed and recalled what she had done yesterday.

She couldn't understand what happened at all, but the only thing that impressed her the most was still deeply engraved in her memory.

She struggled for several minutes before she calmed down.

Her dad was still banging on the door, and then she yelled, "I'm okay, Daddy!"

The banging on the door finally quieted down, Hermione's fever subsided, and she began to think about what happened at dinner last night.

She stood up and said with confidence: "I will not let you down."

God, what have I done. Hermione covered her face, completely ashamed. This answer was so shameful that after she answered it, her mind went blank and she couldn't remember anything at all.

She usually seems to think that she is smart and clever, but now she wants to slap herself twice. Where is her usual wit? Once you reach the critical point, everything disappears!

So how did Keilal answer her?

"Very good, starting from tomorrow, you will be my disciple."

He stood up and waved to his attendants.

"I hope you can be mentally prepared." He said to her: "I will use the most harsh methods to educate you."

But he said yesterday what time he would go to Hogwarts to find him today...

Hermione turned to look at the time.

"Oops." She exclaimed, and she remembered that their appointment time today was at nine o'clock.

But it’s almost half past eight now!

She quickly rushed out of bed, opened the door, and rushed into the bathroom under her father's stunned gaze. She brushed her teeth, washed her face, and combed her hair at a speed she had never seen before in her life. Although Westerners had the habit of taking a shower in the morning, it was obvious that , it's too late now.

She rushed back to her room, slammed the door, put on the clothes Keilal bought for her yesterday, and then rushed out of the house like the wind.

Only her shouts floated in the air: "Daddy, Mummy, I'm going to Hogwarts. I want to go early this year."

Since she had already passed the period of first grade that required a lot of luggage, she had no problem even if she packed lightly.

I took a taxi, arrived at the Leaky Cauldron, sprinkled a handful of Floo powder, and after arriving at Hogwarts, I looked at the time and saw that it was already 8:55.

When she rushed to Keilal's office, she was still five minutes late.

She knocked on the door in frustration, and the door opened naturally, which was naturally a magical effect.

"Professor, I'm here." She walked in and looked down at her toes, as if she had made a big mistake.

"There's no need to be in such a hurry," Keilar glanced at her heaving chest and waved his hand, and the chair opposite him naturally opened up, "Sit down and drink a glass of water."

Naturally, one cup tipped over, and the kettle jumped up, filled the cup with eight cents, and then returned to where it was.

"Okay, Professor." Hermione sat on the chair, holding the cup in both hands, but still didn't dare to look at Keilal.

"You still call me professor?" Kailar snorted pretending to be dignified and said.

"Old...teacher?" She asked, looking at him cautiously like a hamster.

"Well, that's an okay title." Keilar nodded slightly, took out a book from the pile of books next to him, and placed it in front of her.

"Before school starts, your assignment will be this book," Keilal said.

This time, Hermione finally dared to raise her head. She looked at the book, which contained one word written concisely and clearly.


She thought Keilal would give her some powerful magic, but what was this.

"Students at Hogwarts enter at the age of ten and spend most of their time learning potions, astrology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, transfiguration, herbology and so on."

"But in fact, most wizards will not do dangerous work after going out. The number of people who can use these things is actually less than three-tenths."

Hermione's eyes widened. She had never heard such detailed data, but where did his data come from?

Keilal seemed to have read through her thoughts, picked up the cup and took a sip of water: "It's something I calculated based on the work of past generations of students after graduation."

"In other words, the witchcraft they actually use in daily life is not the witchcraft they learned at Hogwarts."

"For example, Mr. Weasley from the Muggle Management Department. His best and best Oblivion Curse was not learned in school, but in the Ministry of Magic."

"In other words, most of the teaching at Hogwarts is ineffective." Kelar's theory shocked Hermione from ear to ear in surprise, and her bright red mouth opened into an O-shaped shape. cute.

"So what should we learn?"

Hermione wanted to know the answer.

"First, black magic defense." Keilar stretched out a finger: "No matter what the situation, protecting your own safety is always the first priority."

Hermione nodded convinced. Hogwarts felt the same way, so there was Defense Against the Dark Arts class starting from the first grade, but it was not onerous.

"Second, attack spells. Simple attack spells are fine, including deflection spells, disarming spells and stun spells. Students only need to choose one or two of them and practice until they can launch them instantly These spells will do the trick.”

This theory went against the ideals of Hogwarts, and Hermione had never heard of a teacher who encouraged students to learn attack spells. For a moment, she couldn't help but hold her breath, waiting for Keilal's next high blow. Argument.

PS: More updates are coming.

PS1: Lalachai. In the past, Wife King’s collection was close to 20,000, and the average subscription was only 1,000. The subscription ratio was about 20:1. It was quite pitiful. After four years of writing, I don’t know how many readers have grown up and started working. Now that we are financially independent, let’s see how many people are willing to read the original version of this book this time. I rely on this to make a living and worry about the future. After all, otaku readers are famous for not wanting to read the original version_(:з」∠)_Let’s cry miserably for now.

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