The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 289 On the right track (800 monthly tickets plus more updates)

Chapter 055 On the right track

What is surprising is that the [Secret Service], which is likely to deprive the military of its power, successfully passed the parliament and became operational.

The military has absolutely nothing to do about it.

This is also a helpless matter. The military has no say in politics, and it has nothing to do with the parliament, because the parliament controls the money bag and the allocation of military funds.

It is precisely because of this that the military is actually a vulnerable group, but if the military and finance are combined, a terrifying monster that is not subject to political control may emerge.

The monster Kelal controls is slowly taking shape.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs is something that originally existed in the EU.

But now, the Ministry of Economic Affairs has become Keilal's property, but what is strange is that Keilal has not made any changes.

In the canteen of the [Special Countermeasures Room], a huge canteen can accommodate hundreds of people to eat. There are only more than forty people in the Special Countermeasures Room. What is the use of such a large canteen?

Apparently, soldiers in blue military uniforms came quickly and lined up in formation and walked into the canteen.

This institution in Caerard is very interesting. This institution on the outskirts of Paris is newly built, but originally it was an old air raid shelter. After a few days of renovation, it became the base of Caerard, and the facilities here Although everything has been renovated, the place is still very empty, so Keilar directly threw in the security department and the research and development department.

In addition to his [Command Headquarters], the most peripheral one is the Security Department.

The Security Department is led by Li Wang and has a training program written by Kailar. It has a total of one hundred and twenty people, divided into three shifts, training, resting, and guarding. Each shift has forty people, guarding this air-raid shelter with only one exit. enough.

In fact, outside the air-raid shelter is their training ground, which has been reinforced and sealed with towering cement slabs. No one cares about this kind of suburbs in Paris. Kelard has sealed off two football fields and plans to use one football field as a warehouse in the future. Come to store the machine developed by Noerome and the others, and the other side is the training ground for this group of people.

The training ground has been sorted out, and it is very flat. Sand, concrete, iron piles, and a series of training grounds used by armed police that Kailar had heard about in his previous life are all here.

In the absence of Knightmare for the time being, Kelal could only beat their bodies and let them start training first.

The people in the EU are all veteran soldiers. Except for people from the German area, most other people are not good at it. France, Italy, Austria and other places...

These are no places to send out good soldiers.

The United Kingdom is one of them, but it is a pity that it is already an enemy. As for other countries and nations, they are scattered and scattered by nature, and they do not have the basic soil to send good soldiers.

But the soil is cultivated by oneself, and the soldiers Keilal wants must be cultivated by oneself.

The first was a questionnaire on political leanings.

Keilar first called out the young people with obvious "unwillingness". These young soldiers, whose average age is less than 18, have a strong unwillingness to the EU. Maybe they are just suffering from middle school disease, or maybe they are just middle school students. They have seen the problems in the EU, but it doesn't matter. Keilar just needs to promote them, train them, and start to instill political ideas, and they can become Keilar's excellent subordinates.

They are so passionate that as long as they hear that it is for the European Union and for Keilal, they will not hesitate to go through hell and fire.

Keilar has been living and eating at the base for the past ten days, just to teach these young people political lessons every night.

In addition to the necessary guards every night, the conference room is crowded with people who come to listen to the lectures. The conference room with 100 people cannot sit at all. Eighty soldiers plus more than 30 people in the [Command Room] serve as commanders. The staff officers who came to train, plus a dozen people from the research department led by Noeryu who came to attend the lecture because they were interested in Keilal, made him a popular person.

Now more than forty people came in neatly under the leadership of Li Wang, exuding a chilling air and looking mighty and majestic. Everyone along the way saluted, including this group of male and female soldiers. The two teams walked in without changing their expressions, and then went to get the food trays to eat.

Bread and soup, two meats and one vegetable will always be the same, but the special countermeasures room under the leadership of Keilar is not short of money, so it can find some chefs to make delicious food.

Under the leadership of Li Wang, these soldiers took bread, one of three soups, two of five meat dishes, and one of three vegetarian dishes. Then they picked up their plates and sat down one class at a time, starting to eat in silence. .

"I have never seen such elite soldiers." Kou Kou was opposite Kailar. The two wanted to talk about work matters, but they watched the soldiers come in, watch the soldiers carrying plates, choosing dishes, and eating. Sitting down, it was only at this moment that Kou Kou said to Keilal with emotion.

In fact, let alone the European Union or the Chinese Federation, not even the Bunitalia Empire has such elite troops on this planet.

The Bunitalia Empire has an elite selection system for nobles. The nobles are more advantageous first, and then the elites. As for the miscellaneous soldiers and numberers, apart from the necessary training, they don’t have much, and no one expects them to have it. any performance.

The same is true for the European Union. Those with background can be promoted even if they fight poorly, while those without background may remain a captain until they die even if they are unparalleled.

As for the Chinese Federation, Kelal has too little information and doesn’t know much about the system there.

But what is certain is that there is absolutely no such elite army in this world. With such orders and prohibitions, thirty or forty people are like an army of one person. They can exert their combat effectiveness and cooperate...

Absolutely appalling.

Kou Kou's words made Kelal smile and said, "They are still very early!"

Indeed, Kou Kou has definitely never seen thousands of people as one person walking past the gate of a great man with an error of no more than one centimeter.

But Keilal did ask them to follow this rule.

Establish the system first, and only with the system can we have combat effectiveness.

This group of soldiers had only been training for less than seven days. It was only because of Li Wang's example and the political class in the evening that they were able to achieve such a spiritual outlook. If they had been ordinary EU soldiers, they would have been turned into scum by Keilal. .

Speaking of Liwang, Keilar was also extremely surprised. He had already prepared to take off his white military uniform and take the lead, but he did not expect that Liwang, a woman, had such willpower and fighting power. Keilar proposed She trained every day, and she, a woman, actually finished it without even pulling a finger!

It is precisely because of the existence of such a female captain that many men and women are able to grit their teeth and persevere. Men will never lose to women, and women are thinking: If she can do it, I can do it too!

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