The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 291: Weak and Belong to the European Union (130,000 recommendations plus more updates)

Chapter 057: Weak and belong to the EU

The only thing in this era that Keilar found very good was relatively good entertainment equipment.

For example, something like this that can be completely projected is perfect for establishing battlefield simulation operations.

During the renovation process, things like this are almost everywhere in this base.

"Then let me briefly explain my thoughts." When Kelar said this, everyone present felt their hearts pounding.

Keilal is... a very good person.

This is the consensus of everyone. Whether they are working together or studying military and political aspects with him, this person's thinking is extremely clear, and so is his articulation. Under his command, can the EU stop Bunitaglia? The empire is really a bit mysterious.

Keilar looked at their reactions and smiled: "Do you think it's cheating to use my intelligence to plan to conquer the EU?"

The following nodded sharply.

Kelar shook his head: "But think about the huge territory of the Bunitalia Empire, with more than thirteen Knights of the Round Table, Schneizel and Cornelia are both the best among them, look at the nearest city This is the fortress."

Keilal's words made Feicilia, Liwang and others in the crowd look strange, but the expressions of others were even stranger. It was obviously a great victory, so why did Keilal say it alone?

Kelal kept zooming in on the map, zooming in, and zoomed in to the vicinity of Sezi Fortress.

The huge wasteland stones of Seitz Fortress make people look very uncomfortable.

"This is a place where even birds don't want to go, everyone's blind spot, but Cornelia saw it." Kelar slightly enlarged the map, and could see a very obvious Marseille defense line, and the Marseille defense line On the periphery, a place ignored by everyone, Kelar drew a line with a ray pen.

"They followed this line and hit Saez directly."

"And they are ready for a long and arduous battle. They have prepared at least four energy packs alone."

"When they arrived in Sez, they should have gone straight in. There is a railway in Sez that can lead directly to Paris. Although the ordinary train speed is only 60 kilometers per hour to 80 kilometers per hour, the Knightmare of the Bunitalia Empire has The guide rail boosting device can push the speed on the rails to 100 to 120 kilometers per hour..."

"It only takes them one day to get from Seize to Paris."

Keilal slowly drew the route on the map, and everyone broke out in cold sweat as he drew.

"In other words, they just had bad luck this time." Keilar put away the ray pen and turned to look at the group of people. "Next time, I won't be so lucky."

"But Commander, luck is also a part of strength." Layla stood up and said loudly. It seemed that she did not agree with Keilal's opinion.

Her patriotism cannot recognize that the EU is so vulnerable.

"Okay." Keilar laughed dumbly, so why Keilar continued to forge them when these people were already very good was this reason, sometimes very naive.

"Then let's do another breakthrough line." He gave up the area near the Aegean coast, and then changed the picture to the English Channel.

The world still seems to call it that.

"If I were the commander of Bunitalia, I would land directly on the English Channel." Keilar said, pointing here.

"Just grab the beach and land here." Keilard said, pointing to Normandy.

The Bunitalia Empire has always wanted to take back the British Isles, their former homeland, but it has never succeeded because of the desperate resistance of the local red-nosed Irish and Scots. However, for Spain, Portugal and other places The strategic goals are obvious.

But even so, the Bunitalia Empire actually did not say that it planned to annex the entire European Union in one fell swoop.

But Keilar has already set a precondition: "Defeat the EU, and then slowly annex it."

Everyone knows the prerequisite for defeating the EU, which is to occupy Paris.

How should the other side occupy Paris?

"Just send the air force to cooperate with the navy and land directly in Normandy." Keilard pointed at Normandy and said. The Normandy area is smooth and the railways are very developed. The nearest city, Rouen, can reach Paris in only 60 minutes.

As long as Normandy is captured, half of France will be targeted by the troops of the Bunitalia Empire.

"It's impossible. If they want to land in Normandy directly, they have to transport troops directly from the Americas of the Bunitalia Empire. They don't have such strong transportation capacity." Layla is indeed the girl that Keilal likes, and she immediately Caught Kelal's loophole.

That's right, even for the Bunitalia Empire, a country that occupies half of the earth, it is absolutely impossible to send troops directly across the Atlantic from the Americas to the European mainland.

"That's right, but what if they take these four places." Kelal was in Portsmouth, England, Cork, Ireland, A Coruña, Spain, and Porto, Portugal. Draw a circle.

These circles were marked by Keilar with the arrow keys.

"Actually, with the strength of the Bunitalia Empire, it is very simple to capture any of these places. If we only need to withstand your counterattack, we can then continuously send troops here. "

Keilar focused on two circles in Cork, Ireland, and Portsmouth, England: "These two places are separated by the English Channel. As long as you occupy these two places and withstand the attack, then the next step will be Even if we take Europe back, we will have to pay a heavy price."

"What's more, do the big men in the parliament really have the courage to recapture strategically important non-European territories? It will cost countless European lives." Keilar is teaching them another lesson. They can't just consider There are more military aspects to consider, as well as political aspects, the politics of both the enemy and ourselves must be taken into consideration.

In fact, the Bunitalia Empire does not need to consider political factors at all, because it is a centralized country. Even if there is a prime minister, a noble group, and an emperor as the support for the balance of the three powers, in fact the emperor still has the supreme righteousness and only needs to issue orders. Then there is a natural right to obey.

It is precisely because of this that the Bunitalia Empire army has far fewer things to consider.

But what about the EU?

Everyone's face looked a little ugly. How could those guys in the parliament send a large number of precious citizen soldiers to fight to the death in a different place?

"If I were the general of the Bunitalia Empire, it would only take 10 days to defeat the entire Europe."

Keilal concluded lightly.

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