The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 293 We are all flying soldiers (more updates on Ye Zi’s birthday)

Chapter 059 We are all flying soldiers

"What project?" Anna's eyes lit up when she heard Keilal's words.

Noeru also looked at Keilal, waiting for Keilal to tell the story.

"Flying parts, develop flying parts for Knightmare."

"First use Sakurashi's levitation technology to send Knightmare into the sky, and then I want to see that the propulsion components can send Knightmare to a speed of 100 kilometers per hour."

One hundred kilometers per hour is nothing more than a joke to flying units, even propeller planes can fly faster than it.

But if you want an eight-ton object to fly into the sky and still have a certain combat effectiveness, 100 kilometers per hour is just the initial version.

The speed of the initial version was not important, what was important was that it could fly.

Being able to fly freely is much more important than speed.

Kailarding's "simple" request made both Anna and Noeru fall into deep thought.

"How about it? Can you do it?" Kailar looked at the two of them and asked with a smile.

"It should be possible." Noeliu nodded: "Although the program needs to be rewritten and new modes added, it can be done."

Keilal nodded: "Where's the time?"

Noeliu thought for a while: "One month is probably fine, no more than three months at most."

"Okay, then I'll give it two months. I want to see the first test flight." Keilar used to be a researcher and knew that this kind of thing can't be rushed, so he gave him an extra month. They were all their own people, so Keilal didn't mind the time.

But when it comes to war, time doesn't wait for me.

Once Keilard and the others develop Knightmare that can fly, and greatly increase their airborne time, Keilal can even directly set their base in Paris and appear in any European Union homeland anytime, anywhere. On the battlefield.

But Keilal's goals go far beyond that.

Keilal gently patted the heads of the two little girls. Noeru was less than 1.6 meters tall, and Anna was only 1.6 meters tall. They only reached Keilal's abdomen.

"Come on." He encouraged with a smile.

Anna's face turned red and she lowered her head. Noeri looked up at Keilal with her little face raised: "If it's completed, is there any reward?"

"Oh? What reward do you want?" Keilar looked at her with a surprised expression on his face.

Noeliu came closer, and Keilal bent down slightly. Listening to Noeliu's words in her ear, a surprised expression appeared on his face. He turned his face sideways and looked at Noeliu, Noeliu. The words left were somewhat beyond his expectation.

Keilar shook his head and said warmly: "You are too young, no, please wait two years."

Noeliu sighed in disappointment, and then said something in Keilal's ear. This time, Keilal readily agreed.

"Noeliu, what did you say to Mr. Keilal?" After Keilal left, Anna asked Noeliu in a low voice.

Noeliu said this in Anna's ear, and Anna's face suddenly turned redder and redder, almost dripping with water. She grabbed the corner of Noeliu's clothes and whispered: "Noeliu, you Japanese are all So open?"

Noeru turned to look at Anna and said, "I'm from EU, and what's wrong with Kai."

There was something else in Naeliu's mind that she didn't say out loud.

Why can't I do what Cornelia did?

That's right, why can Cornelia be favored by Keilal but not her? She was obviously the one who came first, and she was obviously the one who defeated Cornelia.


At the same time, in District 11, a big event is happening, which may affect many people in the world. Clovis, the governor of District 11 of the Bunitalia Empire and the son of Emperor Charles, died.

Inexplicably, even the murderer could not be found, died.

Everyone knew that Clovis fought a bad war in old Shinjuku, but no matter how bad he was, he didn't deserve to be assassinated in his own flagship.

Unless he appears on the battlefield and is killed, even if he is defeated and captured, people in this world should not be killed, let alone assassinated.

This matter is a very big one, enough to break the rules of the entire battlefield.

It is precisely because of this rule that no one understands why Cornelia really risked being killed on the battlefield. It is precisely because of such a unique exception that the ruthless Cornelia won the for the service of so many die-hard soldiers.

To the soldiers, Cornelia was different from all other princes and princesses.

The murder of Clovis not only shook the entire District 11, but also the Bunitalia Empire and even the entire world.

Don’t the terrorists in District 11 have too much disregard for morality and battlefield ethics?

Clovis's death sparked an immediate reaction.

Even the emperor himself gave a speech, but then, the Bunitalia Empire fell into a strange silence...

District 11 was originally rich in cherry blossoms, right under Mount Fuji, and it was originally a developed country. After being invaded, it only took a few years for it to return to pre-war levels. Recently, it has become even more prosperous than before the war. Although the resources and hot money were withdrawn back to the Bunitalia Empire, but being a governor in this kind of area is an absolute fat job. If the family has no background and he has no ability, he is untouchable.

Now, Clovis, who died inexplicably, told the other princes and princesses that coming here may be life-threatening.

Now, everyone hesitates...

The former fat and beautiful job has turned into a pit of fire. Who will go...

Everyone turned their attention to Cornelia. This sister Wang was different in her own right and often appeared on the front line. For her, District 11 was not a fire pit, but maybe it was just a good job. She just happened to lose. Having killed most of his subordinates, he could just use the economy of District 11 to recuperate and regain his strength.

Cornelia didn't want to go, but thinking about Yuffie being assassinated and her army being hit hard, District 11 happened to become a war zone, but it was not the kind of war zone that was in full swing. Cornelia felt that District 11 Just suitable for myself to go there.

Just in time to put down the rebellion in District 11, and even let her sister take over District 11, then she would go out to fight on her own and no longer have to worry about her sister being assassinated again.

Cornelia was sitting on the plane going to District 11. The Bunitalia Empire had this kind of suspended heavy-duty aircraft, but it flew very slowly, almost like a hot air balloon or an airship.

Suddenly, her personal communication terminal rang.

This is the mobile phone of Lelouch's world.

Cornelia raised her head and glanced at the other side. Both her closest subordinates and Yuffie were in this plane. Who called her?

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