The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 312 New Heroic Spirit

Chapter 015 New Heroic Spirit

"You guy!" Saber suddenly armed herself, materialized into armor, and stood in front of Irisviel. The invisible long sword in her hand pointed at the silver-haired man and shouted, "What are you doing here?"

Even though we only met him for a few dozen minutes today, the impression he left on Saber was so profound that it was unforgettable. Now facing him, Saber had an instinctive feeling of irritation.

"Calm down, Lily." Kelar put down the coffee in her hand, looked at Saber with a smile and said, "In your world, your name is Artoria, right?"

"I come here with no hostility." He raised his hands and said.

Indeed, he didn't even materialize his bronze staff, so it really didn't look like he was here to fight.

"In that case, please come in and have a cup of tea." Irisviel said suddenly.

"What a smart choice." Keilal praised with a smile.

Artoria's reaction was within his calculations, but the demeanor of the silver-haired woman next to her somewhat surprised Keilal. She had a good mind and had a higher emotional intelligence than Artoria.

I really don’t know how Artoria in that world became like this. Is it a cause and effect problem caused by his non-existence?

Kelal didn't want to go into details, but the only ones who could possibly ally with him now were them.

Kelal's mind is very clear, more sober than Diarmuid's. He has seen everything that Diarmuid saw.

He could even see what happened next.

No matter who he meets on the battlefield, he will face a tough battle. Even if they are all watching, they will come up to challenge him one by one.

When the Master is immature and cannot provide him with sufficient magic power to fight, such a battle will make his magic power even more stretched.

Of course, Keilar could not let himself fall into such a contradictory situation, so as soon as he left the battlefield, he came to the Einzbern family's castle, waiting for their return and seeking an alliance.

Kelar didn't say much when facing Irisviel's reception, but only revealed his intention to form an alliance.

Saber felt something wrong as soon as she heard that this man wanted to form an alliance with her, because what Diarmuid said before made her very uncomfortable, and now she felt something was wrong when she saw this man, and he even fell in love with her and killed her. Mordred fell into the arms of this man and became a revenge against this man, which made her wonder whether her own life was false and whether her memory was false.

This suspicion only existed for a second before she dispelled it, but her displeasure with this man remained.

But now Irisviel stopped her.

This smart silver-haired woman just said "it takes a few days to think about it" but did not mention the alliance.

Keilar didn't expect that the Einzberns had such good minds, and his hope of joining forces to eliminate some powerful enemies fell through. He was not angry, and just left the Einzberns with a smile.

Although he was targeted by everyone today, he actually gained a lot. He knew everyone, and combined with their legends and achievements, he basically had a good idea of ​​their basic attributes and Noble Phantasms.

In particular, what Alexander should have exposed is the Wheel of Divine Power; what Gilgamesh should have exposed should be the king's treasure based on his characteristics as the oldest king and the magnanimity of sitting on the Tower of Babel; as for Arturia, it is even more Needless to say, there must be either the Sword of Contracted Victory or the Sword in the Stone; if Diarmuid did not bring the demonic sword Fury of Fury but instead brought two spears, it should be the inevitable Yellow Rose, the one who breaks the demon. Red Rose; and Scathach and Mordred should not be able to use their strongest Noble Phantasm due to the influence of their classes. Although their basic attributes and retention skills make it difficult for them, they do not have their Noble Phantasm is tricky.

Holy Grail War, or what is the war?

Of course it’s information!

Since the Einzberns didn't want to form an alliance with him and saw his predicament, after making them suffer a little bit, Keilal's return would be very effective.

Among all the Servants, the one who poses the greatest threat to Kelal is Gilgamesh, followed by Scathach, who can mask his aura and even come directly from the Kingdom of Shadows to assassinate him, and finally Diarmuid, who possesses the Demon-Breaking Red Rose.

It can be said that these people are extremely troublesome guys, and Kelal does not necessarily have an advantage in other aspects. For example, Saber has A-level anti-magic, which means that she has the ability to invalidate magic circles and instant contracts. Of pair of magic. Even the highest level of contemporary magicians cannot directly harm Saber with magic.

She can even rebel against her master to a certain extent.

Because of the bonus of her dragon bloodline and core, it would be difficult for Kelal to defeat Artoria now.

It can be said that there are no weaklings in this Holy Grail War, and everyone is restrained by each other. However, as a Caster, Keilar is restrained in many places.


Keilar has now thought of a Caster-unique solution to the problem.

He couldn't wait to summon the silver spirit back to the Tohsaka family's branch house in Linshi, and then walked in.

He didn't notify anyone, he just came to the magic circle that summoned him and breathed out gently.

He has the same level of magic furnace as Artoria, and he can absorb magic power from the air just by breathing.

But modern society is completely different from ancient times. The huge magic power in ancient times can easily make up for his magic power even in a breath. However, in modern society, even having a magic furnace requires a lot of effort. Keilar even makes reserves for battle. The violation of magic power and Sakura once again signed a magic bridge.

Now, he wants to use his identity as Caster to exploit the loopholes of the Holy Grail War [As long as he is a magician, he is eligible to participate in the Holy Grail War]. As both a Servant and a Master, he wants to summon a new heroic spirit.

The summoning requires holy relics, and it is too late for him to find the holy relics. Apart from the Tohsaka family's gems and materials, he now has only one choice, using his [fate], from the vast time and space paused A heroic spirit whose bond with him was extremely powerful and could break through time and space was found in the Hall of Heroes.

"The heroic spirit who has a deep bond with me..." Kelar opened his hand.

A Command Spell slowly appeared in his hand. He ignored his hand and the Command Spell, but said slowly: "Answer my call and appear in this world from the other side of the Hall of Valor."

"I am Kelal Pan Dragon."

"Come, my best friend, my comrade, my love!"

Sephiroth in the original version only appeared in the game in 1997, so it was a moderate BUG in 1994, so I replaced him with someone else.

So who are the new heroes? Nero? Lily? Erza? Or... if you want to know, vote for me, you bastard!

This is a 700 monthly ticket plus updates

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