The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 324 Calm (1100 monthly tickets for additional updates)

Chapter 027 Calm

"That is..." Gilgamesh looked at the pillar of light rising into the sky, his whole body was surprised.

"That is the invincible sword of victory, my king..." Kailar opened his arms intoxicated and said like a poem while looking at the light rising into the sky in the distance.

"Hmph, she is not your king at all." Gilgamesh snorted jealously from the side.

"It doesn't matter, I still have a chance to make her my thing, Jill, you know, it's like collecting, it's addictive." Keilar stared at the light pillar in the sky for more than ten years. After a few seconds of light beam, he turned his head to look at Gilgamesh and said with a smile: "You understand this best, right?"

Gilgamesh crossed his arms and snorted coldly, but his face was a little warm. As the ancient king, he is the one who likes to collect treasures the most. No matter what he sees, he wants to put it into his bag. It has almost become With his instinct, he is as obsessed with money as a giant dragon.

Now he comes to accuse Keilal, what a joke.

After laughing at him, Keilal changed the subject, knowing that he was arrogant and would jump up and explode in a few seconds: "Then, the banquet is settled, you will be in charge of the drinks."

"Qi," Gilgamesh sneered in displeasure, but he also knew that the drinks in this world were unsightly. The drinks used to kill time were fine, but the drinks used for banquets were just laughable.

It is precisely because of this that only he can provide the drinks for the banquet.

Although he was not very happy, Gilgamesh wanted to go to this event.

Compared to other Servants who have a need for the Holy Grail, Gilgamesh is indeed just a god who comes to the mortal world to have fun.

Gilgamesh, who possesses two-thirds of the divine nature, is at ease in the Hall of Valor. When he gets tired of staying there, he comes down to the mortal world to play and have fun. Wouldn't it be a pleasure?

The current banquet was a grand banquet between the kings of the past. Even Gilgamesh couldn't help but be happy. He was in charge of the drinks. Although he was a little unhappy, he still agreed. .

Keilar traveled to several places in a row today, and even he was a little sleepy, so he naturally returned to the distant house of the Tosaka family and fell asleep in his room. In the past few days, He hadn't slept at all, but now, he really needed a sleep to help him recall Camelot's past.

Tohsaka Rin stood on this vast grassland, looking around confusedly.

The breeze blew on her face, making her extremely comfortable.

She looked at the distance of the grassland, but there were endless Romans in red costumes in phalanx, and Roman officers with red cockscombs and broom heads were scolding left and right, making the Roman formation look even more complicated. Compact and consistent.

Suddenly, Tohsaka Rin seemed to understand something. She turned her head suddenly and looked at the countless knights and flags slowly appearing on the hillside. Among the countless heroic knights, the two surrounding them were The individual is extremely dazzling and outstanding.

The blond woman wearing pure white armor and the silver-haired man wearing pure silver armor were like a perfect pair. Riding together, they looked like a match made in heaven. People couldn't help but envy them.

I don't know why Tohsaka Rin's nose started to feel sore when he saw this, his eyes were red, and tears couldn't be suppressed and were about to flow out.

Is this his wife? That perfect king? The invincible King Arthur?

Tohsaka Rin's heart was filled with five emotions. She had really tasted what women call "jealousy" at a young age.

But the two of them look really well matched... doesn't make people think of any competition at all.

"For Camelot!!" The woman pulled out the golden sword mounted on the saddle, raised the sword and shouted.

"For Camelot!" Kelar raised his staff high.

King Arthur's sword and his staff glowed at the same time, and then all the knights raised their swords and shouted in unison: "For Camelot!!"


King Arthur pulled the reins, and the white horse raised its hooves and gave a long neigh, and then stepped down suddenly. King Arthur took the lead, followed by the silver-haired sage, and behind him the Knights of the Round Table, like a rolling torrent, rushing towards The Roman phalanx at the foot of the hillside.

When Tohsaka Rin woke up from her dream, it was already dark morning.

Do heroic spirits also dream? Is that his past? Tohsaka Rin didn't know, but there was a sudden loud bang upstairs, and he heard Mordred's wild voice and furious roar: "Nero, how dare you attack your father!!"

"Ara, he used to be Yu's lover. Even after a thousand years, he is still Yu's lover." Nero's unreasonable and natural words instantly ignited Mordred's anger.

"You guy!" Mordred drew his sword and slashed. Nero's body was half covered by the sheets, and the original fire appeared directly in his hand. The battle between the two was about to break out.

Eight chains of light appeared between Keilal's headache-inducing waves, trapping the two of them tightly. Then he hugged the two of them into his arms, fell down and continued to sleep.

He was actually very tired last night, but he didn't expect Nero to climb into his bed at this time. When he woke up from his hazy dream, Mordred had already rushed in angrily.

Even the door was kicked in by her.

As a last resort, Keilal should let the two of them calm down first.

But thinking about the fact that if they were hung in the air, they would definitely start a quarrel, so it would be better to block all the space for the two of them to chat in one step, and let them be honest in his arms for a while.

In Kelal's arms, Mordred's face turned red and he was speechless for a moment. His whole body was like a cooked prawn, and his whole body began to turn red, hot and smoking.

Compared with Mordred, Nero was even more comfortable. She was tied tightly and showed no signs of struggle. Instead, she arched in Kelal's arms like a caterpillar, giving herself a He came to a more comfortable space, then lay comfortably in Keilal's arms and continued to fall asleep.


In the next two days, Kelar taught Tohsaka Rin and Matou Sakura to carve runes during the day, and visited the heroic spirits everywhere at night.

Diarmuid was completely eliminated and returned to the Hall of Valor. As for Kenneth, he did not escape the fate of being stripped of the Command Seal by Emiya Kiritsugu and killed directly.

It stands to reason that Kenneth should be handed over to the Dongmu Church for protection, and even rejoin the Holy Grail War as a substitute after the death of the Master.

But how could the ruthless Emiya Kiritsugu give him a chance to return to the Holy Grail War for revenge?

Killed Kenneth immediately.

And time is slowly approaching the start of the banquet...


Thank you to the leader of Deep Sea and the regular reader of Wife King. Thank you.

Keep asking for monthly votes, recommendation votes, and rewards. It’s really intense.

My mother and the others will come over tomorrow... I'll see if I can spare some time to code for you...

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