The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 327: Talking about Kingship over a Drink (2-in-1)

Chapter 030: Talking about kingship over a glass of wine

"I want more fire!" Keilar said to Gilgamesh after neatly cutting the beef into pieces, "I also want bamboo skewers or needles."

Give, give, give!

Gilgamesh's mouth was full of oil as he ate. No matter how good the chef in the world was, he couldn't compete with Keilal, because Keilal's understanding of food was something those chefs didn't have.

He is the best chef among mages and the most wise man among chefs. His understanding of cooking skills or cuisine is unparalleled.

Thinking makes the food more delicious.

Why does beef need to be grilled until medium rare to become tender and juicy? Why does it need to be covered with a lid to lock in the gravy? Why does it need to be grilled with fruit wood to become fragrant? Why does it need to add black pepper to enhance the taste of beef? It becomes spicy but not irritating, why rock salt is more suitable than ordinary table salt, why butter and beef can be so magical...

These secret recipes that generations of chefs have thought up and then regarded as treasures are just a matter of time for Keilar.

What's even more frightening is that his reaction speed is faster, and the perfect cooperation between his body and mind allows him to make a simple fried steak with this kind of ordinary meat, but he can still make the taste explode in an instant. This is delicacy. The difference is different.

Where is the best way to cook something like this?

Is it to make people taste things they have never tasted before, or to make simple things reach an unparalleled level of deliciousness?

Generally, we summarize the latter realm as returning to nature, and there is no doubt that Keilal is such a "cook".

The piece of meat in Gilgamesh's mouth exploded without hesitation, sputtering out a large amount of meat juice, which instantly filled his tongue and taste buds, making him couldn't help but hum softly. Obviously, Keira The beef you cooked is really delicious. Even after tasting it on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and three continents, Gilgamesh was still intoxicated by this delicious food again.

The former country of Gilgamesh was located in Egypt. The entire Mediterranean coast to the Nile River and then to the Red Sea were his territory, whether it was herring and cod in the Atlantic, anchovies and sardines in the Mediterranean, or eels and parrots in the Red Sea. Gilgamesh had eaten all the fish, and Keilal had cooked it for him.

But his power is that even if it is ordinary steaming, ordinary frying, or ordinary soup, Kelal can turn the originally insignificant food into something very perfect. Turn the original strange-shaped ingredients into works of art.

Their era was probably an era of cultural explosion and ideological explosion.

Countless thinkers, artists, philosophers, military strategists and politicians have emerged, but no one can deny that Keilar is definitely the most dazzling one among them all.

Gilgamesh put a piece of meat into his mouth and chewed it, as if he was biting into a piece of soft raw meat, but the delicious touch and smell told him that this was definitely not a piece of raw meat.

There was golden light behind him, and several Noble Phantasms bounced out in succession.

One is a sword burning with blazing flames, and the other is a needle that can clone one's body.

They were all B-level Noble Phantasms, but they were shot out by him as one of the kitchen utensils without hesitation. If the original owners of these Noble Phantasms saw it, they would probably scream that their Noble Phantasms were unkind to others.

But now, they are just a simple kitchen utensil.

Putting the self-heating pot aside to fry another steak, Kelar inserted the needle-shaped Noble Phantasm that could be cloned into the beef pieces one by one, and then inserted them diagonally into the bluestone bricks. These Noble Phantasms The hardness is undoubtedly harder than those extremely dense bluestones, just like inserting tofu, it goes in with a pop.

"Okay, just wait." After Kailar finished his work, he pulled the chair to his side and sat on it.

Even after finishing this series of things, he still didn't shed a single drop of sweat on his head and looked extremely calm.

"How can we not have good wine when we have delicious food? Gil, I know you have it. Hand it over quickly." Keilal looked at Gilgamesh with a evil smile. The success of today's banquet depends entirely on him, otherwise it would be really difficult. If you want to work on the barbecue grill and wine, it will be very bad.

Gilgamesh's food was as good as his throat, and he didn't show off at all. He must have felt that this kind of food would be incompatible without wine. He waved, and a wine glass fell in front of everyone, even Weber. There are also Tohsaka Rin.

Weber and Tohsaka Rin looked at each other holding wine glasses, but they didn't know whether they wanted to drink this glass of wine.

"Drink, it's okay, his wine..." Before Kelal could finish his words, Gilgamesh threw the gold bottle filled with wine over.

Keilar raised his hand to catch the extremely heavy gold bottle, smiled slightly, stopped shaking his head, and filled the wine for everyone. Even Weber and Tohsaka Rin each poured a glass.

Therefore, it is extremely beneficial for them to be recognized, including both spiritual and substantive benefits.

Although this is very sorry for Sakura, it is a pity that for the sake of tactics, both Sakura and Mordred have to hide.

It is precisely because of this that when Tohsaka Rin and Weber took a sip of the bright red wine, their faces immediately turned red.

"Is it really too much for them?" Gilgamesh glanced at them sideways. Masters like them were not worthy of Gilgamesh's attention at all. The wine in his hand was very famous.

The wine of heroes, the first wine, the wine of kings, the wine of immortality, the wine of magic...

This is a red wine that focuses on the concept of "legendary wine", the first bottle of wine after the word wine was coined.

Human beings' misunderstanding of wine [the older the wine is, the better it tastes] has only deepened the function and effectiveness of this wine.

For heroes, this is the first mouthful of supreme glory brought to the Hall of Valor by the Valkyries. For immortals, it is the elixir that maintains their immortal appearance. For magicians, it is the supreme magic power. the source of.

For the magician, just one sip of the wine that heroic spirits can drink without restraint made the two people's faces turn red, and their whole bodies were instantly filled with magic power that slipped from their throats, then heated up in their abdomens, and instantly surged throughout their bodies.

The magic circuit was forcibly reopened, and the magic imprint was directly activated. Even if there was no inheritance from the ancestors, the memory of the magic imprint in the genes was instantly aroused.

This wine... was like a powerful tonic pill, giving them the potential to climb to the top.

Keilal glanced at Gilgamesh with a smile.

This guy, a proud king, never wants to owe anyone a favor.

In the past, he was Keilal's best friend, but now as an enemy, eating Keilal's food, Gilgamesh also used his actions to tell Keilal that they ate as food, but they paid back with wine. This favor will remain merciless on the battlefield in the future.

Keilar shook his head and smiled, took a sip of red wine, and a surge of magic power suddenly surged up. This was indeed a good thing. If Keilar wanted to have this thing, he would be able to use almost A-level magic without any restrictions.

But unfortunately, this thing is in the hands of Gilgamesh, an archer. For him, it is just a drink to kill boredom.

Soon, the meat on the pot and the meat on the barbecue began to secrete gravy and exude the aroma of meat.

"Well, this time I'm thanking Iskandar for the beef." Kelal picked up the pot and threw the steak directly over. Alexander didn't have as many treasures as Gilgamesh, so he showed it without hesitation. He took out his sword and stabbed the meat steak directly while it was in mid-air. Then he put it next to his mouth and started chewing it.

He was a powerful man who ate horse meat, drank horse blood, crossed the Gobi, and reached Asia. His achievements were sung around the world. He was the first man to conquer Europe, Central Asia, and Asia.

But even so, his love for food engraved in the bones of Macedonians is still one of his many hobbies. This man who will "try everything" to the extreme will never let down food.

He ate heartily, ignoring Weber's pitiful little eyes. Who cares about his subordinates when the food is delicious?

Even if this man betrays his teammates, he does it so naturally that it makes people speechless.

Alexander raised his thumb and had no time to speak. He chewed the steak in big mouthfuls. The sound of chewing made the throats of Nero, Artoria and others surge. They always felt that there was only one sentence in their minds. .

When will it come to me?

Their problems were clearly revealed in their eyes.

Soon, Kelar pulled out the meat skewers that were being grilled on the flaming sword and threw them towards Nero, Artoria, and Scathach.

It was extremely fast, like a hidden weapon, with a roaring sound, but to their heroic spirits, it was just a simple throw.

Scathach, Nero, and Artoria raised their hands at the same time and grabbed the meat skewers in their hands.

As for Tohsaka Rin and Weber, Keilar grabbed the meat skewers and put them in front of them. Facing Keilal's smile, Webber's face turned red. He took Keilal's meat skewers and took a bite. .

His pupils suddenly dilated. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the barbecue with only salt and pepper in front of him. He chewed the meat almost without thinking. It was so delicious...

Tohsaka Rin looked the same as him, but compared to him, Tohsaka Rin took another sip of red wine, and a blush suddenly came to her face. Weber's qualifications were by no means good, and it was precisely because of this that he was After Kenneth ridiculed Webber, he decided to place his hope on the Holy Grail War to change his destiny. However, Tohsaka Rin's situation was completely different from Webb's. Tohsaka Rin himself was a proud man, born with hundreds of masters. auxiliary magic circuits, and now this sip of hero wine has directly helped her expand her magic circuits to about 280.

The second sip of the hero's wine was delivered with the barbecue, completely opening her 280 magic circuits. The surging magic power was poured directly into Keilal's body through the command spell, and her improvement effect was very great. Obviously, it can be said that even if Kenneth and Tokiomi Tosaka are here now, they cannot be said to be able to surpass Rin Tosaka's qualifications.

She is already a magician qualified to win the championship.

Keilal nodded slightly, hung up all the other meat, and inserted it next to the flaming sword. Then he held the wine glass, leaned lazily on the golden seat, and raised a topic.

"What is a king to you?"

"Crown, throne, land, name, or that name?" Keilal wanted to try this a long time ago, gathering the kings of this land, and then having such a battle, ideologically , a debate about Wang.

But it is a pity that even if he has many friends and good reputation, he is still not qualified to ask these kings to abandon their own foundations and travel thousands of miles to a place to participate in such an unknown symposium. It is really stupid.

But thanks to the formation of heroic spirits, and thanks to the Holy Grail War, one day, the almost undisputed kings of this land appeared, came here, and became a member of the banquet. became real.

The two people above are indeed omniscient and omnipotent, and they know even Keilal's little wish.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the entire venue suddenly became serious and sharp.

The dull Weber raised his head to look at them, not knowing what was going on, while Tohsaka Rin's face became solemn, and his whole person became a little nervous.

"The king is the army. The army is violent, and violence is the prerequisite for safeguarding the land and the people. I am the army!" Alexander drank the wine in one gulp, opened his hands, and shouted heroically.

He never evades or dodges, it is his instinct to face up to difficulties. Faced with Keilal's question, he was the first to give his own answer, which was thought-provoking and deafening.

"Pfft..." Gilgamesh spat out a rather annoying onomatopoeia.

"The king is everything, the center of this world, the supreme point. Everyone will serve the king. Everyone is born for the king. Everyone will die for the king. Since I am the king!" Gilgamesh raised his head proudly! He raised his head and looked down at other people and all living beings on the earth just like his thoughts.

"King? No, no, no." Nero laughed and shook his head: "I am the emperor! The only emperor in heaven and earth, in the divine court and on earth! The monarch of the Roman Empire! The immortal monarch who wiped out everything for Rome. I am the emperor. !The only one in the universe!”

"The king...?" Artoria whispered...: "The king should be admired by all people and watched by all. He has completed the incarnation and crystallization of everyone's expectations."

"King, be the strongest." Scathach calmly said a completely different answer.

The modification has been completed. Sorry, I walked 23,000 steps today and I am not in good condition when I come back. I am sorry for not updating it, so it will not be counted as an additional update.

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