Chapter 059 Holy Grail

Where has Joan of Arc gone?

Kelal then began to think about this question.

Gilgamesh is dead.

Then the next heroic spirits will be him, Galadia, and Artoria.

If Artoria is captured as he planned, the Holy Grail War will end tonight.

Where is Joan of Arc?

As an arbiter, her presence is not high.

More importantly, Joan of Arc represents Alaya and Gaia, and she should be here.


Kelal snapped his fingers.

Countless light spots appeared around him, densely packed with more than a billion.

These light spots are like fireflies, but when gathered together, they are like a large neon light, which is fascinating.

"Go, find her." Kelar waved his hand, and these small firefly-like light spots dispersed like frightened bees.

Looking at the scattered spots of light, which became increasingly sparse, Keilal breathed out softly.

The Holy Grail War has finally come to this step. He walked carefully, but fought openly, and finally reached this final step.

As for Artoria, he actually didn't care too much. This Artoria was not his Lily. At least she had a certain degree of deviation in terms of IQ and outlook on life. Whether she was cheating or bullying, she was quite good. relaxing.

Keilar sat there and rested for a while, then stood up and walked to Tohsaka Residence.

The Tosaka Residence was already in ruins. Looking at the Tosaka Residence neatly cut in half, Keilar shook his head: "It's really over the top, completely unnecessary."

Keilar walked slowly on the ruins of Tosaka House, searching for some things or books.

Kelar is actually very interested in the magic system of this world, but in just a few days, he really doesn't have the energy to understand the modern magic system. What he is most familiar with is the Tohsaka family's gem magic.

In his opinion, gem magic is completely crooked. If there are gems to make a fortune, forget it. What if there are no gems? Get the glass?

There must be many modern magics that rely on external objects, because the Tohsaka family is known as a famous magic family after all, which means that their approach has almost been recognized by mainstream magicians.

For Kelal, he was looking for something greater than these magic tricks.

But Tohsaka Tokiomi's body came into view, making him frown. Is this man actually dead?

Keilal squatted down, and Dinisha didn't tell him this kind of thing. She probably thought that this guy's life and death was not that important.

In fact it is.

However, Keilal's concern for Tokiomi Tokiomi is just from Tosaka Aoi and Tohsaka Rin. If he died, I'm afraid the two of them would be very sad - but other than that, their feelings are there is none left.

But the wound was really excessive. The dagger...or rather the long dagger penetrated through the kidney. The technique was very skillful. It was as if the person closest to him came close to him and killed him...

Keilal silently performed the autopsy on Tokiomi Tohsaka, and saw Dinisa arriving with Rin Tohsaka and Sakura Matou, as well as Galadia, Mordred, and Nero.

"Kai, that's..." Tohsaka Rin looked at the man in a dark red suit who was almost buried in the dust of the ruins. The man who had fallen into a pool of blood and was next to Keilal, she seemed to have known it because of her intelligence. Who is that person?

"Your father, Rin, do you want to see him for the last time?" Keilal raised his head and looked at her. Even if she refused, Keilal could accept it. She was only 7 years old this year.

"I want to see..." Tohsaka Rin's eyes turned red immediately. She was let go by Dinisha, and then she staggered on the ruins of Tosaka's house and came to Keilar.

Keilar slowly turned Tohsaka Tokiomi over. The ferocious expression before his death frightened Tohsaka Rin and took a step back, covering his mouth, and tears suddenly flowed out.

He must have been in great pain before he died.

Keilal stood beside her, holding her shoulders and giving her the firmest support. He had been negligent just now. He only checked his wounds, but did not look back at his condition. Now Tohsaka Rin is probably mentally traumatized. It's quite big.

"Sakura, do you want to come and take a look?" He put his arm around Rin's shoulders, leaned against his body, and turned to look at Sakura and asked.

"He is no longer my father." Matou Sakura said coldly, her feelings and her words were so ruthless, but if you know what kind of cruel treatment she has suffered, then you should know her current How reasonable is indifference.

Tohsaka Rin wiped away her tears and asked, "How did he die?"

Gritting her teeth, she could feel her hatred deeply.

"I was stabbed from the back to the kidney with a dagger. After being disturbed by the stabbing, I fell down without any ability to resist. It was done from behind by the person closest to me."

Keilar's analysis was well-founded, and Tohsaka Rin believed it in just a moment. She gritted her teeth and said a name: "Kotomine Kirei!"

"Don't worry about him yet," Kelar touched Tohsaka Rin's head: "We have more important things to do next."

Keilal patted Tohsaka Rin's head, put his arm around Tosaka Rin's shoulders, and walked toward the open space over there.

There, Matou Sakura, Galadia, Dinisa, Nero, Mordred, and even Artoria were waiting there.

Arturia's posture was obviously uncomfortable. She was held under her arm by Mordred, and her face was red. Especially after Kelar saw her, her struggle became more intense. I don't know why she She just didn’t want Keilal to see her like this.

But unfortunately, she is not as powerful as humans. Even as the incarnation of a dragon, she still has no way to break free when she faces Mordred, the hybrid android between herself and Kelal.

At this time, Emiya Kiritsugu no longer cared about looking for her, because he had already discovered the traces of Kotomine Kirei...

In fact, Keilal didn't care about Kirei Kotomine or Kiritsugu Emiya at all. In his opinion, these two people were nothing more than rats in the gutter.

Now, the overall situation has been decided.

I was still a little concerned about Irisviel, but now that all three heroic spirits have gathered, the war is over.

"Rin, prepare the command spell." Kelar opened his hand and pointed it at Artoria.

Joan of Arc hasn't come yet. Whether she doesn't dare to come or is really missing, it doesn't matter anymore. The situation is in my favor. Keilar activated [Resurrection of the Dead] in an instant.

Or is it more accurate to say that the heroic spirit is resurrected?

All I saw was that Artoria's body had recovered in an instant.

Then one of the command spells in Tohsaka Rin's hand, who had already cooperated tacitly, disappeared in an instant.

There are 2 heroic spirits in existence.


It’s a bit late to finish the revision, but I’m really tired this month. All kinds of things are pressing me down, my grades are declining, there are so many things to do, and I’m tired from studying. I almost look like I’m going to collapse, but I’m still getting through it... …

I won’t fight for the monthly vote list next month, and I don’t need perfect attendance. It’s boring for you to copy and paste every day, and it’s boring for me too... I didn’t do it on purpose... So I’ll keep an update every day, and write as much as I can. It shouldn’t be like the last one. This is the month. In addition, the gift of coins is also annoying. I will probably save some more manuscripts and release them after the coin gift event is over. Please forgive me for working for nothing.

Take a two-day break on the 1st and 2nd, carefully make up for FATE, think about how to write next, relax yourself, and the above.

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