Chapter 066 Hospital

In Japan, magicians are generally divided into two types.

A kind of local magician has lived and multiplied in the land of Japan since ancient times and has been passed down from generation to generation.

The other type is the Fuyuki City Gosan family who came to the mainland from abroad and became the king of the country. They conquered all the people in the surrounding area and then became local landlords.

But below the local magicians, there is a group of weaker people. This group of people come from the local magician system, but are not qualified to touch magic. They are at a lower level.

They are called exorcists, and they are busy maintaining the stability of the world. Their actual combat effectiveness in killing demons is far lower than that of magicians.

The power they use is called spiritual power.

Galadia has been wandering around Tokyo in recent days.

One is to overwhelm the heroes of Guandong according to Keilal's vision, and the other is to select suitable people who may become subordinates.

It was only after Galadia traveled around for a few days that she realized that the autistic nature of the Japanese was actually more serious than imagined.

For example, there are serious mountain divisions among magic families. After the mountain tops are divided, no matter what happens, the class will not change again.

The offensive and defensive alliance they formed after dividing the mountain was extremely difficult. Coupled with the system of lords and retainers during the Warring States Period in Japan, these magician families actually had exorcist families as subordinate retainers. In order to maintain the rule of the Eternal Line, This group of magic families made good use of the Japanese nature and tied these exorcist families to their own chariots.

Once the magic family becomes lonely and has no successors, then they can use the exorcist family to make a comeback; if the exorcist family dies... then they can just support another capable exorcist family.

It’s hard to find people with magic talents. Isn’t it also hard to find people with psychic abilities? It’s all over Japan!

For example, the child Galadia is interested in, Isayama Yomi, is the designated next head of the Isayama family, a declining exorcist family. However, she is actually a very capable psychic. The adopted head of the Isayama family, who has no children, will inherit the entire Isayama family in the future.

And Isayama Yoshizumi's sister, Tsuchimiya Kagura, who is very fond of, is the heir to the Tsuchimiya family, a large family of exorcists. However, because she is still young, she is taken care of by Isayama Yoshizumi, but the Isayama family is also the Tsuchimiya family. The Tsuchimiya family is the serving family of a certain magic family.

It can be said that it is a chain within a chain, and there is no room for outsiders to intervene.

It is precisely because of the formation of such a mountain that even a magic family from Northern Europe like the Yusan Family is very powerless to suppress them.

In other words, being able to carve out a territory in Fuyuki City from Kansai, which is full of powerful families, is already remarkable enough for the Gosan family.

But the power of this family is the biggest problem standing in front of Galadia.

Of course Galadia can contact Mordred and Dinisha can kill them all together.

But what's the point?

She wanted to give a gift to an iron-clad Far Eastern Magic Kingdom to Keilal who woke up, not a lonely Magic Desert that had been killed.

So how should we break the situation?

Although Dinisha is smart, she lacks the understanding of the overall situation, but her strength is enough to destroy all conspiracies, so she is the well-deserved NO.1 great sword, while Galadia is a cerebral one. She couldn't even make it into the top ten in the Great Sword, but her mind undoubtedly made her the second best person in the Great Sword.

Even now when Kelal is asleep, it is Galadia who makes the decisions.

Several years have passed, and both Rin Tosaka and Sakura Matou have entered junior high school, but there is still no progress in their plans to conquer the magic world in the Far East.

This time, Galadia decided to change her thinking and open the gap from inside the enemy. She encountered Isayama Huangquan by chance, but it gave her a new way of thinking.

As for Isayama Yoshizumi's enemies, if they can escape from the Heroic Spirit Sword, they don't need to dodge at all, and can directly wipe out all the exorcist families in Kanto.

Things were just as Galadia expected.

In the next week, Isayama Yoshizumi experienced all the strange things in life, including breaking off the engagement, alienation, indifference, and even almost being expelled from Isayama's family.

Galadia had no intention of designing this at all. She just gave a gentle push to what would have happened. The result was just as she imagined with her exquisite heart, slowly moving towards Move in the most dangerous direction.

With just a slight seduction, Isayama Yomi might fall into the abyss and fall into endless darkness.

At this time, Galadia only needs to return to Fuyuki City overnight and ask Tohsaka Rin for a [healing] rune. In order to prevent the healing rune from being able to truly fully heal, Galadia even remonstrated. Shan Huangquan opened the wound that had healed but not restored its functions, allowing the healing runes to have a better therapeutic effect.

The healing runes themselves are not in the rune system, but Kelal has naturally begun to extend his rune magic since he obtained the runes from Scathach.

Just like after Kellal obtained the three forbidden magics from Fairy Tail, he began to study his own super magic. After Keilal got the rune magic, he quickly extended his skills in rune magic. His own unique rune.

For example, the healing rune was the one he studied best.

Tohsaka Rin, who inherited the Keral Rune Magic, knows these things naturally.

Keilal only taught them for a short period of time, but given the geniuses of Tohsaka Rin and Matou Sakura, it was normal for them to accept them all.

When Galadia came to Isayama Yomi with this healing rune, there was no doubt that this symbolized Isayama Yomi's rebirth.

Looking at Isayama Huangquan's body slowly healing, Galadia held her hands and leaned against the door with a smile. She was waiting for Isayama Huangquan's rebirth. Once this woman with extraordinary talent is put to good use, it is very likely that Become an important piece to break the current deadlock.

But suddenly, Galadia's beautiful eyebrows raised slightly. There seemed to be other things in this hospital?

Galadia glanced at Isayama Huangquan, who was still healing, and finally opened the door and walked out of her room. This place... seemed to have some mysterious things.


It's always the place where horror stories happen.

Galadia smiled and walked slowly deeper into the hospital on her high heels.


First update, please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes!

I'm going to write the rest!

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