The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 368 Never Forget (100 monthly tickets for additional updates)

Chapter 071 Never Forget

Isayama Yomi's eyes widened.

This is another beautiful girl.

Although he is dressed in the same junior high school uniform as Tohsaka Rin, his long purple hair shines with a mysterious and strange charm under the yellow light.

The newly developed breasts are even vaguely comparable to those of Isayama Yomi. The girl wearing a long skirt and white socks and calfskin boots looks no different from the junior high school students in various junior high schools in this far east country, except...

Besides she is a magician.

Another magician, two such young magicians... both are in junior high school...

Matou Sakura's big purple eyes glanced at Isayama Yomi, then turned to face Tosaka Rin and raised her skirt: "Onee-sama, good evening."

Tohsaka Rin felt bitter in her heart. When did the relationship between the two of them become so alienated? They are twins from the same mother.

Of course, it started when Tosaka Tokiomi sent her to the Matou family and went through those inhumane transformations. Of course, it started when Tosaka Rin inherited the Tosaka family and inherited the Tosaka family's grudges with her.

There is even a little jealousy and resentment hidden deep in Matou Sakura's heart: why is it her sister? Why is it her sister who summoned Keilal? Why is it her sister who was sent to the Matou family? It's the older sister who belongs to the Saka family, and it's the older sister who gets the favor from her parents. Even Kai... was summoned by her older sister.

They are obviously sisters, why are their destinies completely different?

Even if they are not twins, even if they are just brothers and sisters, as long as there is such unfair treatment, or God-given talents, or parents' preference, they will have this little emotion.

Even Matou Sakura was no exception, but because of the inhumane treatment Matou Sakura received, her emotions were stronger.

So the older Sakura Matou grew up, the further away she became from the Tosaka family, her former mother, and her former sister.

If there wasn't someone here that she cared about, her savior, her sage, she would never come to Tohsaka House every week.

"Good evening, Sakura." Tohsaka Rin was a little at a loss and could only say hello softly.

Isayama Yoshizumi was watching with a lot of gossip, but because they were magicians, their grievances and grudges were definitely not something she could interfere with, so no matter how much Isayama Yoshizumi felt itchy and unbearable, she would definitely Not eligible to be inserted into it.

After Matou Sakura said hello, she sat on another sofa next to her. No matter how distant she was, this was her former home, and she couldn't be more familiar with it.

"So, Sakura is here, and you are back, let's talk." Tohsaka Rin is becoming more and more powerful like the head of the Tohsaka family, but this is not a good thing. After all, she is only fourteen years old, not to mention her momentum. It can't overwhelm anyone here.

Galadia sat next to Isayama Yomi, as if supporting her and giving her strength.

She stopped Isayama Yomi's shoulder and said with a smile: "This child is a member of the Kanto Exorcists and is very famous."

"Then what?" Tohsaka Rin asked patiently.

"Then, she lost everything..." Galadia's introduction finally made Tohsaka Rin and Matou Sakura start to really face Isayama Huangquan.

"She has been broken off by her former fiancée, abandoned by her former family, and abandoned by her former boss... She is already alone." Galadia's introduction made Matou Sakura and Tohsaka Rin have expressions on their faces. A look of pity.

Women's sensibility does have nothing to do with age.

Isayama Yomi was exposed by Galadia's introduction like this. His eyes turned red and he was about to burst into tears. This was definitely not a show. During the week before when he was lying on the bed, the world was warm and cold, full of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. In the end, Her heart was ashen, and she seemed to have tasted all the pain, joys and sorrows of the world. At that time, she could not even commit suicide.

From a brave and majestic exorcist to a cripple who needs to be fed while lying in bed, the gap can be imagined. In addition, the engagement was broken off and he was rejected by the family. If it weren't for his younger sister Kagura Tsuchiya, A ray of light in the gray of despair, often came back to visit her. Even if her vocal cords were cut and she couldn't speak, Tsuchimiya Kagura still believed in her wholeheartedly.

Then, there is Galadia’s redemption.

To Huang Quan, Galadia is as irreplaceable as Tsuchimiya Kagura.

She saved her.

"Is this why you asked me to waste a precious emerald rune engraving to save her?" Tohsaka Rin said angrily.

The paths between her and Matou Sakura are indeed drifting apart, not just emotionally, but also in terms of the magic that Keilal taught them.

As the saying goes, it is up to the individual to be led by the master to practice. This sentence is also accurate for magicians.

If the next generation of disciples cannot surpass their master, then when will they be able to break through their limits and reach the other side of the root?

Matou Sakura and Tohsaka Rin are both extremely talented magicians. After learning the magic of Keilal's runes, they naturally began to apply what Keilal taught them. within your own understanding.

There are two characteristics of runes. One is that it is extremely convenient to cast and does not even require any paint. It only needs to be drawn to exert its power. The other is that it has an engraving effect and can be engraved in various places. Wait until needed to activate again.

Tohsaka Rin naturally combined the runes with the gem magic at home to create some very rare rune gems.

These gems have various functions and effects. Some of them can be activated several times faster after being worn. Some of them can make people fly and increase their agility.

And there are others about Keilal's achievements in healing.

Keilal taught them the healing runes, and they never gave up for a moment. They all regarded this as a means to awaken Keilal and worked hard.

Tohsaka Rin's healing emerald uses the unique healing ability of emeralds and strengthens it with runes. It is portable, portable and long-lasting, and can activate magic anytime and anywhere.

Emeralds are by no means cheap, let alone one that can be engraved into an emerald the size of a rune?

Hearing these words, Isayama Yomi blinked his big eyes and looked at Tosaka Rin, suddenly stood up, stood in front of Tosaka Rin, closed his legs, and slowly knelt down in a standard posture.

He folded his hands in front of him and slowly lowered his head, resting on his hands.

"Your great kindness and virtue will never be forgotten by this little girl."


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