The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 378: Granting the seal (MISS plus update 3)

Chapter 081 Granting the Seal

Facing Galadia's praise, Tsuchimiya Kagura smiled weakly. The blow just now used all the energy in her body. Now she can only stand on the spot with her sword. All the muscles in his body were sore and numb.

Obviously, the blow just now was her full force blow.

The few heroic spirits who had some doubts about the little girl looked at each other for a while and nodded. It seemed that Tsuchimiya Kagura passed the test and no longer had any doubts.

Although Tsuchimiya Kagura is so weak, Isayama Yoshizumi was able to fight Galadia back and forth just now, with swords blazing, but in fact, just look at her actual age and you will know that after sixteen or seventeen , after eighteen years of rapid improvement in the past three years, her future potential may be even greater than that of Huang Quan, who is already eighteen years old.

In this way, there is value in giving runes.

Maybe the overuse of runes has always made people think that they are a piece of shit.

But in fact, if you think about it, you will know how precious and powerful the runes are.

The magic side uses mystery as its power, and the runes have appeared and disappeared. Only four people in the world, Scathach, Kelar, Tohsaka Rin, and Matou Sakura, can use the runes. How great is his power...

Terribly strong.

Tohsaka Rin's flame rune can easily burn down a house, the power rune can easily turn a girl who has no strength to bind a chicken into a strong man who can bind a lion, and the speed rune can make people break through easily. The limits of human beings...

Rune runes... are permanently engraved runes. They only require magic, spiritual power, and simple stimulation to be used for a long time. They are even equivalent to [magic engravings]. If you have to use one thing to accurately If you want to describe it, then it is [Magic Pattern].

Runes are extremely powerful, and even Tohsaka Rin and Matou Sakura are carefully experimenting, integrating runes into their family's magic to create new magic.

But before that, what was given to Isayama Huangquan was undoubtedly the method that Keilal had given them to quickly strengthen the storage of magic power.

Grant seal.

The process of granting the seal is very simple and short, but very solemn.

The opponent needs to go through a long period of selection and testing - of course, the Holy Grail War can't control so much.

The same is true now.

Kelal's awakening is already imminent, and Galadia, who had been solely used to collect intelligence in the past few years, can't help but become slightly anxious. Things like Underworld, Two Ritual, and Earth Palace Kagura are all in this slight anxiety. The result of birth.

But now it seems that they are all solid and have a very good foundation. They only need a little training before they can be put to great use - and Galadia is training them now.

"Then let's call it a day." Galadia looked at the weak Tsuchimiya Kagura and looked around and said.

The others nodded and stood up one after another.

"Wait a moment." The woman in blue kimono stood up and said.

"???" Question marks popped up on everyone's heads. This girl who didn't like chatting with others very much, but who was always cold and cold, took the initiative to stand up, just for one thing.

Ask for a fight.

"Can you let me try too?" There was a rare smile on her face, and there was always a feeling of eagerness to try, but it was completely different from the eagerness of Tsuchimiya Kagura just now.

"You... seem to be very strong." The belligerent look on the faces of the two men could hardly be concealed. They were pure belligerence, just like Mordred in battle...

Galloping on the battlefield with a smile, enjoying the joy of fighting amidst countless howls of pain, and eager to try when they meet an equally matched opponent, they wish they could fight the opponent for three hundred times, and then die in battle and be shrouded in horse leather. This is their ultimate long-cherished wish.

I didn’t expect that this girl who is usually so calm and indifferent could actually be such a person. She really can’t be judged by her appearance...

Galadia threw one of the two swords in her hand over, and the Japanese sword drew a nice arc in the air, even though both Japanese swords had become chipped and pitted in the previous battle. , but there is still no problem with this kind of practice battle.

Liang Li pulled it out and came, looking at the incomplete blade, she snorted softly. Although she could use anything, a beautiful, sharp, sharp, and tough knife would make people more happy.

"Come on." Galadia pulled out the knife, still holding the knife in one hand, with a very casual posture.

Liang Li did not look down on her because of her casualness. Instead, he held the knife in both hands very seriously, then dragged the knife with his whole body and rushed towards Galadia with small steps.

This is also a very classic Japanese sword-style tactic. Because in the past, Japanese people, both men and women, wore kimonos. Therefore, when mobility is limited, charging and dragging the sword with small steps is inevitable. If the rhythm suddenly changes at this time, it is likely to cause damage. The enemy's discomfort causes her to misjudge her distance and speed, resulting in a one-hit kill effect...

But this tactic has no meaning at all in front of Galadia. He only saw Galadia taking a step forward, holding the knife in both hands, and slashing down.

As if the air was cut open, she accurately judged the speed, distance, and attack rhythm of the two rituals, and then interrupted her forcefully without hesitation.

When Galadia, who had been a sparring partner before, started attacking for the first time, everyone realized how strong this woman was.

The air was cut open, letting out a slight whistling sound. The cut air hit everyone's face, causing pain in the face. A huge force exploded directly from the middle. Even the bystanders knew it. How terrifying is this direct strike?

Liang Li only had time to make a blocking gesture above his head before his whole body was knocked upside down and flew out.

She was smashed against the wall, but her body posture was very free. Even though she was wearing a kimono, she was still stretched out. Her feet stepped on the wall. She suddenly exerted force and shot out like a bullet. Then she stabbed out the knife like a spear. .

This indomitable strike is the key point of Iaido. Regardless of whether you are walking, sitting or lying down, you can make a full-hearted strike at any time, in any posture, and under any circumstances.

The blow just now was a blow with all my heart, and this hasty blow now is still a blow with all my heart.

In Tsuchiya Kagura's eyes, there was only the streak of Bai Lian that cut through the sky, and she was in a daze, as if Bai Lian had cut through the fog in her heart.

I see! !

"She's so beautiful." Galadia praised. As expected, these girls were brought back correctly. This talent...

It can already surpass the last Knight of the Round Table back then!

It’s not 400 monthly tickets yet…

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