The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 388 Artoria and Emiya Kiritsugu

Chapter 091 Artoria and Emiya Kiritsugu

"I never thought you would settle down in a place like this..." Arturia was wearing a white shirt and a long blue skirt, kneeling in front of the courtyard.

Here is Fuyuki City. In the house that Emiya Kiritsugu previously purchased, the old house has completely disappeared. Only Emiya Kiritsugu can be seen like a real Japanese, wearing a loose cotton kimono, sitting on the porch. Shang looked at the snow outside, silently lost in thought.

As his partner who fought with him to the end, Artoria was naturally not an outsider. She came in very casually, and even looked at the older Emiya Kiritsugu with unbearable feelings. This man who was cold and determined before finally escaped. However, with the passing of time, it slowly became vicissitudes of life.

"Why don't you go back to Einzbern? Illya is still waiting for you." Arturia asked.

"What will happen if we go back?" Emiya Kiritsugu held up the tea cup, looked at the slowly falling snowflakes in the courtyard, and took a sip of Japanese green tea.

"The Holy Grail War is over. I didn't get the Holy Grail, so I returned to Einzbern empty-handed. Unless I grabbed it, they wouldn't give me Illya, the embodiment of the next Holy Grail." Following those snowflakes with her eyes, the increasingly stern Emiya Kiritsugu made Artoria feel in a trance, as if she had gone back to the Holy Grail War a few years ago, when Emiya Kiritsugu was like what he is now.

Cold, calm, stationary, one strike will kill.

It seems that the past few years have not made Emiya Kiritsugu become old and weak, but have become more tolerant, forbearing and tenacious.

He is like an old leopard. Even if his claws are blunted and his vision is blurred, his experience and patience still make him a deadly killer.

"I'm waiting for the next Holy Grail War to begin." Emiya Kiritsugu finally turned his attention to Artoria: "The next Holy Grail War will be the perfect Holy Grail War purified by the sage."

"Let’s not talk about the Tosaka family and the Matou family in the Gosan family. The Einzbern will never let go of this opportunity. They will definitely go all out. At that time, Illya will definitely come out with the Holy Grail. .”

"I'm not sure how long it will take for the sage to purify the Holy Grail. I can only stay here and wait for the Holy Grail War to begin."

Emiya Kiritsugu is indeed a magician killer. His intuition is extremely sharp, and he is even extremely precise in his perspective on problems.

He had even thought about what would happen after Illya came to Fuyuki City.

If the sage can help Illya obtain a body, then there is no doubt that the heroic spirit in his hand is the weight of the deal. He can become Kelar's subordinate, follow Kelar's instructions, and help him win the Holy Grail, just for the sake of it. Ilia's freedom and health.

Artoria was right. Emiya Kiritsugu had indeed changed. He was no longer the man who only fought for the Holy Grail.

His current wish is small and humble. He is just an old man who hopes that his daughter will live well and live healthily.

For this goal, this old man is willing to do his best and sacrifice all costs to change.

"Really..." Artoria felt a little complicated inside. She didn't know whether she should participate in the next Holy Grail War, but if the next Holy Grail is really the perfect Holy Grail she is pursuing, then... …

"Kiritsugu, tell me, if I want to change the past history, I should prepare something..." Artoria asked hesitantly.

Emiya Kiritsugu turned his head, staring at her with deep eyes and a calm expression, staring at the hairy back of her.

"Haha, if you want to participate in the next Holy Grail War, we will be enemies." Emiya Kiritsugu's words made Artoria a little uncomfortable, but he obviously knew that this was Artoria and this was King Arthur. , the just and impartial King of Knights, dared to say these words.

If it was like a traitorous witch or a wise man like Kelar, he would never dare to point them out. Generally, people with a good head would be cruel and cruel, because a good head means being more sensible, and being more sensible is better for ordinary people. Human beings are ruthless.

"However, as the sage said." He yawned and stretched, his whole body making a creaking sound, "If you want to change Camelot, first you still have to Draw that sword, for without the sword there is no salvation, and without the sword you have no rights.”

Arturia was silent, he and Kelar both said this, which meant that this was an inevitable thing.

At that time, Camelot was in turmoil. If she did not draw her sword and inherit the throne, the whole of Camelot would be attacked by Rome and the Vikings, and the country would be destroyed or even exterminated.

So this is inevitable, but the point is, what happened after she pulled out the sword in the stone...

"I think you can read the biography of that sage."

Although Kelar has left famous achievements in history, he is actually very good at hiding his clumsiness. Most of his achievements are related to King Arthur, and he himself has tampered with history, so most of his military achievements belong to King Arthur. , and he himself mostly left the name of a wise man in history.

For example, water forging hammers, wind-powered threshing machines, etc. are all his works left behind.

"But if you have any ideas after reading his story, I suggest you go to school."

Emiya Kiritsugu was lying on the corridor in a debauched manner. He didn't care about the cold floor and just lay there sideways. He looked at Artoria, whose face was flushed and her whole body was red with anger. He raised his eyebrows and said, "High school."

"Are you insulting me, Kiritsugu?" Artoria blushed and yelled.

"Have you received formal education?" Emiya Kiritsugu knew that Artoria was easy to deal with, so he didn't react at all. Lions would always show their teeth and claws when intimidating their prey, but they were absolutely silent before hunting.

"No...there is..." Arturia admitted this with difficulty. Compared with the education that the other King Arthur had received from Kelal since he was a child, even Merlin did not teach him. Everything about her is self-taught.

"Just like the sage said, you have to admit that you don't have much knowledge. Even if you go back to the past, it's still impossible to change the future."

"But it's different if you go to study. You can learn how to smelt steel, you can learn how to make crossbows and gunpowder, you can also learn how to sail, and you can even develop the United States in advance."

Emiya Kiritsugu slowly unfolded a scroll to her, leaving her stunned.

"So, Lily, go and learn something, even if it's for Camelot."

In an instant, Artoria surrendered.


Sailor suit saber, sprinkle flowers

Early update, few bonus coins.

Add 1 more for the leader Youngcuteboy.

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