The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 390 Flags are flying (young plus update 2)

Chapter 093 Flags waved

On September 1st, everyone from the Exorcist Alliance arrived in Kyoto.

Tsuchimiya Kagura lost consecutively to the famous Kansai clan, the Flame Demon Hall family, the Flame Demon Hall windmills, the Banano family, Banano Beno, the Asakura family, Asakura Ha, and the original Onmyoji family that has been passed down for thousands of years, the Abe family. Masahiro Abe.

Isayama Yoshizumi defeated the talented brothers of the Okumura family, Rin Okumura and Yukio Okumura.

At this point, no exorcist family dared to stand up and challenge the majesty of the exorcist alliance.

And these exorcist families who were defeated by Tsuchimiya Kagura and Isayama Yomi all had no choice but to join the exorcist alliance one after another.

If the previous Kanto exorcist family was the "victim" of this alliance and it was not easy to hand over the family's secret book, then after arriving in Kansai, they were determined to be the "perpetrator".

Compared with the secret books in the Kansai exorcist family, their family's density is nothing. As long as the Kansai exorcists all submit their secret books, the talented descendants of their family will have the opportunity to learn these things in the future.

For example, the talisman arts of the Homado family and the Hanano family, the barrier arts of the Yukimura Okumura family, the divine descending arts of the Asakura family, as well as the origin of Onmyoji and the shikishin arts of the Abe family are all secrets that are not passed down in Kanto. If the aristocratic family didn't have the spiritual beast Baihe to rule the house, and Kansai people didn't like to run to Kanto very much, where would there be a place for the Kanto exorcist family?

But now, after these things are handed over, no matter what happens in the future, there is room for operation.

So instead, they became the ones most eager to get the Kansai people to hand over the classics.

In other words, it is no longer Isayama Yomi who wants them to hand over the classics, but the Kanto exorcists are putting pressure on the Kansai exorcists to hand over the classics.

This is indeed humiliating.

But Kansai's skills are inferior to others. After joining the Exorcist Alliance, he can no longer withdraw.

Neither Isayama Yomi nor the exorcists from Kanto will let them quit. Once they quit, it will be a real exorcist battle.

The battle between Kanto Exorcist and Kansai Exorcist.

If the Kansai exorcists were confident in paying a certain price to defeat the Kanto exorcists in the past, then now they are facing the two extremely powerful combat powers of Tsuchimiya Kagura and Isayama Yomi, coupled with the emergence of a number of their own A batch of geniuses came, and it would be heartbreaking if these geniuses died on the battlefield.

After weighing it for a long time, the Kansai Exorcist finally officially recognized Isayama Yomi's identity at a conference as grand as the Kanto Exorcist.

Of course, the existence of an organization such as the Exorcist Alliance was also officially recognized.

After everyone's relationship was confirmed, Isayama Huangquan rushed to Fuyuki City with a group of more than fifty people without stopping.

Fuyuki City is further west of Osaka. In fact, this is a land that lacks exorcists even more than Kanto.

Because Fuyuki City's economy is poor, it's further to the west, and there are magicians around. Exorcists don't like to come here very much, so they will subconsciously avoid this city.

But there are some things that cannot be avoided no matter what.

When luxury Toyota Crowns one after another (all provided by the Kansai Exorcist Family) drove into Fuyuki City, the entire third-tier small city became a sensation. Everyone looked at one after another. The car drove into a luxurious mansion. There were luxury cars parked in the entire garden of the mansion, around the corner of the fountain in front, and even outside the door.

After the luxury car stopped, countless young women in gorgeous furisode kimonos and men of various shapes in black solemn kimonos got out of the car, and then walked into the mansion on foot.

These wealthy people who looked like they had status aroused all kinds of speculations, but most of them were speculations about the owner of the mansion.

The size of the mansion is not enough to accommodate so many people, but if it cannot accommodate so many people at one time, it will be directly disadvantaged in terms of momentum.

Therefore, the dojo where Isayama Huangquan once practiced was directly used as a venue to accommodate everyone.

Fortunately, there are still cushions. What are called cloth balls in Japan can be placed under the buttocks to block the cold wooden floor.

The twenty or so people at the head were the heads of the major families in Kanto and Kansai.

Even if they were wearing gorgeous kimonos, they could not hide the panic in their hearts.

No wonder Isayama Huangquan is so powerful that no one can stop him. Behind him is a senior magician family from Kansai.

Although the patriarch of this magician family is only thirteen or fourteen years old, it is obvious that magicians and exorcists are really from two different worlds.

What's more, behind Tosaka Rin sat Dinisha and Galadia. The auras exuded by the two people were extremely terrifying. They wanted to put pressure on these exorcists, so these exorcists were kneeling down. There is no disrespect at all. In addition to the twenty-two exorcist family patriarchs from Kanto and Kansai, there are also more than thirty elders and outstanding young talents in the family who are kneeling behind the patriarch. They are all sitting seriously. Not moving.

In fact, the Tohsaka family's dojo is not big, and the more than fifty people who sit down can only barely do it. There are not a single servant, not even a cup of tea, and it looks extremely cold.

But then I thought about it, this is the magician’s family, and that’s how it should be.

So I stopped thinking about it. In fact, one of the things that makes Japanese people very tolerant to foreigners is this. This is a very taken-for-granted arrogance - Chinese people are the same towards foreigners.

"Gather everyone together today, there are a few things to announce." Tohsaka Rin did not prepare tea, but she was not panicked. Her face was as dark as water when being watched by so many people, and she was calm. Obviously, she was with Keilal. The Holy Grail War together had made her not care much about these things at all.

When you reach a higher state, looking back, everything is nothing.

The reason why Tohsaka Rin is still in class is because this is what Keilal requested.

If Kelal doesn't wake up after she graduates from high school, then she will go to the Clock Tower to further her studies, and even Galadia will come with her.

This is what Keilal arranged.

When someone has a better brain than you and plans for you wholeheartedly, don't use your poor brain to think too much, just do it.

The world generally lacks this kind of great wisdom, but can see Rin Tosaka's free and easy attitude.

"First, hand over all the classics in your family and place them in the Tohsaka family as the basis for the exorcist alliance."

"Second, bring the talented children from your clan to the Tohsaka family for training and education."

"That's all."


Late. Late. Late.

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