Chapter 040 Ginny

When Ginny, the youngest daughter of the Weasley family, was called to the principal's office, she felt uneasy inside.

To be honest, the principal's office is such a sacred place.

There is no one like Harry Potter who can come over for a walk from time to time. This is Harry Potter's preference, but it also leads to his isolation among his classmates.

Everyone is jealous and envious of Harry Potter. We are all students at Hogwarts. Why can you chat and laugh with the number one wizard in the wizarding world?

Even Professor McGonagall particularly favors Harry Potter. Whether it is Harry Potter's parents or Harry Potter's own talent, this preference is always unfair.

Kelal also favors Hermione, so the unfairness will continue to arise.

But why did Hermione find Keilal's favor? Her intelligence, diligence, hard work, and vision are all reasons why Keilar thinks highly of her.

As for Harry Potter... I can only say that his parents' inheritance was too rich, and most of it, including the inheritance of favors and connections, was inherited by him.

This intangible heritage cannot be seen by others, but it is actually the most valuable thing.

And Ginny is actually like this. Although Ginny and her family seem to be very poor, there is no doubt that Arthur-Weasley's connections can be used in any way at Hogwarts.

Especially since the prefect of Gryffindor is her brother, the two mischievous troublemakers are also her brothers, and Ron, who is close to Harry Potter, is still her brother.

Normally at school, no one would want to mess with the Weasley family. After all, the annoying twins can definitely make you want to die and you can't stop.

But even for Ginny, the favor she received was definitely not as good as Harry Potter's, and she would never visit the principal's office often.

After arriving at the principal's office, Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, and Kellard sat on chairs, looking like they were in a three-room interrogation, which made Ginny, who was already not very courageous, even more frightened.

More importantly, she actually has a guilty conscience.

She is not perfect, nor is she aboveboard. She knows what she has done better than anyone else.

It's just that that thing controlled her mind, and she didn't know what to do, so she could only be an ostrich and hide in her heart.

But now, her body was trembling slightly, and she realized that her secret seemed to be exposed.

Keilal said gently: "Ginny, Ginny, right? It's not too important to come to you this time, so take a deep breath. Come on, breathe."

Ginny slowly resumed her normal breathing under Keilal's comfort.

Several professors looked at each other.

Although Keilar doesn't talk about his level of magic, there is no doubt that he is talented in this area.

McGonagall couldn't help but think of the fact that both she and Snape were selfless figures. Professor Flitwick and Mrs. Pomona, although gentle in character, were not close to the students. On the contrary, it was someone like Kelar who could Professors who work well with students are very rare.

She was looking at Keilal now.

After Ginny calmed down, she still looked at Keilar and the others, and asked timidly: "What's the matter, principal, professors?"

"Can you hold out your hand and show me."

Keilal asked gently.

Ginny hesitated for a moment, then stretched out her hands.

Keilal didn't need to look at her hands, he could tell just by the smell that she had a faint smell of paint.

Obviously the blood that the students thought was absolutely impossible. If Mrs. Loris is fine, then whose blood is it?

It can't be the murderer who turned Mrs. Norris into stone, nor can it be the petrified Mrs. Norris, so who is it?

Keilal immediately went to see what the writing on the wall was. There was no doubt that it was paint.

Then the scope is further narrowed. Only people who have been exposed to the Muggle world can use paint. On the contrary, the suspicion of pure-blood Slytherin becomes the smallest. Because they are a pure-blood family, many children have never been to a Muggle house. world, so their suspicion is the smallest.

So most Muggle-born families are basically unlikely to be selected as pure-blood heirs by Slytherin. This is obviously contrary to Slytherin's school motto.

And then the scope will be narrowed to a very small range.

For example, Harry Potter grew up in a Muggle family, but his parents were pureblood wizards.

For example, Ron and his family are all suspects. Ron's father is famous for being interested in many things in the Muggle world. Although Ron's family is a serious pure-blood, they have Knowledge of the Muggle world.

And if you include Harry Potter's Parseltongue, it's obvious that you don't even have to look to figure out who did it.

But to catch a thief and take the stolen goods, you need evidence.

Although the trio happened to appear at the murder scene, and one of them was the biggest suspect, unfortunately, there was no smell or trace of paint on their hands.

At that time, Keilal searched for the smell of paint and settled on Ginny.

Just calling out the murderer in public would be devastating to the future of Ginny, a little girl. He might very well destroy a girl.

So after calling the trio in for a training session, they let them leave. This was to protect both the trio and Ginny.

Until now Keilal called Ginny into the principal's office.

Keilal shook his head gently, patted her head, and sat back.

With him like this, Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape already knew the answer.

"Ginny, why would you do such a thing?" McGonagall, as the head of Gryffindor and a woman, naturally started to speak.

However, her tone could not be called gentle. Keilar frowned, instinctively feeling that her tone was too sharp.

It's just that Ginny has always been timid and introverted. After being frightened by Mag, and Keilal's interrogation just now, she was immediately frightened and told everything like pouring beans into a bamboo tube.

I was deceived by the diary and imitated Parseltongue to open the secret room and released the big snake. Then Mrs. Loris was the first victim, and there will definitely be victims soon. Once the secret room is opened and the big snake is awakened, what follows? Things just fall into place.

Even if she is not needed, the big snake can come out of the secret room freely.

"Where's the diary?!" Kelar was slightly surprised that Dumbledore cared more about that diary than the students who might threaten Hogwarts.

"I left it in the abandoned women's sink." Ginny said quietly: "That's where the door to the secret room opened..."

PS: There is another book to write today, and the recommendation votes are less than 14,000, so there are no more updates.

PS1: The reason for updating so late is because I went out to eat with friends, and then I have a big exam tomorrow, and there is another book that I haven’t updated in two days... I’m really... screwed up.

PS2: Vote for recommendations! I will adjust it and give you more updates tomorrow!

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