Chapter 106 Monster

Beating a stick to give jujubes is always the best way for the emperor. Tohsaka Rin and the others finished beating the sticks, but the sweet dates that should be given to them could not be given to them.

The most Rin Tosaka can do is give them runes. These runes can also be driven by spiritual power and can give them inhuman strength, but this is by no means the real power - or the power they desire.

What they long for is the power that can be passed down and the family can rise and not be wiped out.

And magic is this power.

"Thank you very much." Isayama Huangquan put her hands on her head and knelt down. At this moment, she sincerely acknowledged Keilal's existence and dominance.

There is no doubt that this is a magician that no one can match.

Even a layman like her knows that in order for a magician to open his own magic circuit, he needs to start training from a young age. For example, Rin Tohsaka has been practicing basic magic since he was five years old, and she opened her magic when she was seven. The circuit, that is, the year Keilal arrived, has been consolidating the practice of magic since then, and finally allowed all magic circuits to be opened smoothly within ten years, and he can control the switch at will, and use magic how he wants.

This is how a drop of water penetrates a stone.

It's just that Isayama Yomi has no foundation in magic practice at all. After Kelar opens her magic circuit, she will still continue to practice magic with all her strength, but now, she is completely separated from the exorcists. .

"Now, who can tell me about the situation of the Exorcist Alliance?"

"Annual income, sphere of influence, influence in politics, underworld coverage, and what else? Financial resources?" Kailar's words were frightening, as if he was about to make some big move next.

He looked at Tsuchimiya Gaara who was sitting in second place. In his opinion, Tsuchimiya Gaara was the one who knew these things best.

But unexpectedly, Isayama Yomi did not retreat. Instead, he knelt down to his right and said softly: "Last year, the annual income of the Exorcist Alliance exceeded 30 trillion yen."

"This includes the annual membership fees of major exorcist families, allocations from the Japanese government, filial piety from the local underworld, and bounties for solving various troubles." Isayama Yomi's voice was very soft, but in the quiet moment, everyone Everyone can hear it clearly.

This kind of thing has always been kept secret, and absolute data will never be told to others even in meetings. This is also Galadia's layout.

How could Galadia, who had seen the power of capital around Kelal, make such a mistake.

Finance and human resources in a company are the two most important departments of a company. If Galadia holds the money bags of these exorcists, it will naturally be unfavorable.

For example, the underworld's filial piety also belongs to the Exorcist Alliance. Originally, they were given directly to the local exorcist families, but now they have to give half to the Exorcist Alliance.

Of course, no one would be happy to have half of the meat in his mouth divided, but the exorcist alliance plays a huge role, whether it is bargaining with the government, strengthening his own children, or going on business trips or other These are of course important resources when it comes to the exorcist's territory.

What's more, the Japanese like to follow the herd. For example, now that all Japanese exorcists have joined the Exorcist Alliance, the remaining exorcists are extremely embarrassed. With the Japanese people's herd character, they are naturally forced to join the exorcists. within the alliance.

But after joining, you will know the benefits of being backed by an organization.

In the past, when there were evil spirits or vampires in their territory, they couldn't handle it themselves. They didn't even dare to stick their heads out or utter a sound, for fear of being hunted down and killed.

But now that there is an organization, after a phone call, the organization will naturally send people over. They will negotiate the price with the local government first, and then start working. After killing the enemies, the local exorcist organization will come to collect the corpses and take care of the aftermath.

There has never been such a one-stop process.

After completing the task, the local exorcist will of course have to pay a sum of money to thank the Exorcist Alliance for sending people over.

But the local area will not be damaged by war every year. You must know that evil spirits can eat people, and powerful evil spirits feed on human flesh and blood. There is no telling how many evil spirits can exist in a body like an exorcist, which is full of spiritual power. The spirits like them. It was like before the two of them woke up, the energy in their bodies attracted all the evil spirits in the hospital to watch.

This kind of battle damage is simply unimaginable in peacetime. For example, in the world of exorcists, more people die in a year than in Self-Defense Forces training accidents. Many exorcists are like this, dead and weakened from generation to generation. Go down.

But they can't do it if they don't keep their land, because the spiritual power provided for them to practice comes from the local earth veins. If they let the evil spirits continue to eat people, sooner or later the evil spirits will occupy the earth veins and seize their lifeblood.

Therefore, it is better to deal with these evil spirits as soon as possible.

If you encounter a good ground line, such as Fuyuki City, it will be directly occupied by magicians.

It is precisely because of this that reducing the number of dead people, slowly accumulating strength, and waiting for the family to give birth to a genius child is what the exorcists want to do. As for exorcism, whoever wants to do it can do it.

It is precisely because of this mutual help system and training that the Exorcist Alliance has been slowly and successfully formed in three years.

Hearing Isayama Yomi's words, Keilar nodded slightly and did not ask how much the deposit was. I'm afraid these were also secrets.

You can ask in private, but asking now might make the exorcists below angry?

"As for power, wherever there are people in Japan, we have fallen under our sphere of influence. All exorcist families, big or small, have joined the Exorcist Alliance."

In other words, these are just representatives of the exorcists... Kailar looked at the three to four hundred people sitting here and nodded lightly: "Well done."

This was the first time that Keilal praised her, and Isayama Yomi suddenly introduced her more vigorously like a praised puppy: "Among the forty-three prefectures, one city, one city, two prefectures, except for Tokyo, which is too big, the government power In addition to being too powerful and not completely under our control, the local governors (mayors) of the 43 counties in the first two prefectures are already ours. Most of the mainstream parties and the Yakuza are under our control. If you want to become the Prime Minister of Japan if……"

Isayama Huangquan paused for a moment, looked at Kelal's appearance, and said helplessly: "It's probably still impossible."

Her little joke made the people below laugh softly, which was a good way to alleviate the increasingly exaggerated scene.


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