The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 406: Position composition: Japan (Leading Stars update 2)

Chapter 109 Position composition: Japan

Early the next morning, a Black Hawk helicopter slowly landed on a iconic building in Nagoya from the sky.

I saw two rows of men in black suits standing in front of the helipad. These men were tall and muscular, wearing sunglasses and had dark skin. Some of them had scars on their faces and hands. You could tell at a glance that they were from the local area. The underworld, but these underworld people stood respectfully behind a monk. This monk was wearing a dark blue cassock. He was the elder brother of Sumura Yoshimori, Sumura Masamori, who was also an extremely famous Onmyoji.

This monk has opened the mountain gate independently.

But after Sumimura Yoshimori entered the Tosaka family and became a retainer of the Tosaka family, he stood up again and became the leader of the Nagoya Exorcists.

In fact, he was also at the banquet last night. He was the first person to hand over the spiritual pulse distribution map, plus his relationship with Momura Yoshimori.

It was only natural that Kelal choose him as his first spiritual vein.

The Black Hawk helicopters were mobilized from the US military stationed in Japan. The relationship between the US military stationed in Japan and the Japanese government is extremely close. For example, its commander is even a Japanese-American. Naturally, you don’t need to study it carefully to understand the details. .

It is not easy for the Exorcist Alliance, which has close ties with the Japanese government, to borrow a helicopter.

When Kelal stepped off the helicopter, it was a different costume.

He was only seen wearing a white suit and black leather shoes outside, and a black shirt and dark red tie underneath. He looked naturally handsome like a Western elite.

From the perspective of convenience, sportswear is of course the most convenient, followed by suits, and finally the most troublesome is the traditional Japanese kimono.

Now that Keilal wanted to show off his grace while also being able to move easily, he naturally put on a suit.

Since a suit is a Western dress, it will naturally look better on Kelal, a Celtic, than a kimono. He saw Momura Masamori's expression change as he stepped forward to greet him.

"Lord Keilal." Keilal's silver hair always reminded Momura Masamori of the words "Those who are not of my race will have different hearts."

But the temptation offered by Keilar was too great and no one could refuse.

Growing up, if his younger brother Sumura Yoshimori could become a magician, the Sumura family would rise. He knew deeply how talented his brother was, and being chosen by the Tohsaka family was the best proof.

And speaking more broadly, if Keilar clicks on Dragon Vein, not to mention Japan, there may be a large number of outstanding exorcists in the Momura family in the future.

Even if the family's secrets are handed over, do you really think these people won't back them up? They can not only use their own family's secret books to train these outstanding exorcists, but they can also use the secret books in the Exorcist Alliance to train their own family's newcomers. You must know that the Mocun family is one of the core families, just like the Tsuchimiya family. There are also two people in the Exorcist Alliance. Sumimura Yoshimori, the captain of the sweepers, and Sumimura Masamori, the Sumimura family member, are both the political power of the Sumucura family.

It is precisely because of this that the Mocun family supports Keilal so much, because Keilal's cake is too big and fragrant, so they have to accept it.

"Well, where is the spiritual vein?" Keilar was not frightened by this formation. Merely Yakuza, a local exorcist, was not even qualified to be looked at by him - if Momura Masamori wasn't The words of Sumimura Yoshimori's brother.

The Momura family is actually the backbone of the exorcist alliance.

Sumimura Yoshimori and Yukimura Tokine are close friends, and they are two of the two sweeper captains. The seats of the Yukimura family and the seats of the Sumicura family are combined, which takes up four seats, even though they are both loyal. support the Tosaka family, but this is indeed a political force that cannot be underestimated.

Mocun was guarding the front to lead the way. He was 1.8 meters tall, burly, and with a bald head, he looked like a good man. Unfortunately, in the world of magicians, heroes are not judged by their size.

Under the guidance of Masamori Momura, Keilal went to the bottom floor and got into the luxurious Crown car. Keilal asked: "How long will it take to reach the spiritual vein?"

"It only takes ten minutes." Masamori Momura responded in a low voice.

"Well, then just call the helicopter directly at the place where the spiritual veins are located. I'm a bit pressed for time today and have to travel to dozens of places." Kailar said nonchalantly.


Although Kelal possesses the phantom beast Silver Spirit, no matter how fast the Silver Spirit is, it will be limited by geology and cannot increase its speed. Compared with a helicopter that has a three-dimensional space in the air, the Silver Spirit will still be slower.

The Black Hawk helicopter is different. The maximum speed can reach 350 kilometers per hour and the transition radius can reach 2,200 kilometers. Even if the Black Hawk helicopter does not go all out, it can allow Kelar to visit most of the border in one day. West.

After the Crown car drove deep into the mountains, Keilar followed Momura Mamoru towards the shrine deep in the forest.

Even if these exorcist families know where the spiritual vein is, they actually won’t guard it themselves. The Tosaka family is a good example. Even if the spiritual vein is at Ryudōji, the Tosaka family and the Matou family are also It’s a rare visit once in ten years.

Even so, the Tohsaka family is still the earth line managers of Fuyuki City.

The same is true for the Sumicura family. Even though the spiritual vein of Nagoya is deep in the mountains and the Sumicura family rarely goes there, they are still the managers of this spiritual vein.

Once there are any evil spirits, if the evil wants to covet this spiritual vein, they will clean up these evil spirits, or if there is someone who covets it, they will have to kill or resist the coveting person. In short, it is a troublesome and arduous job.

Kailar and Mo Cunzhengshou walked up several hundred meters of stairs before reaching the spiritual veins on the mountain.

The trees here are particularly huge and thick. The nutrients absorbed from the spiritual veins are enough to make the trees in this area look like trees that are thousands of years old in just a few decades or hundreds of years.

"Then, let's get started." Keilar raised his right hand casually and waved it casually. The spiritual power here was indeed sufficient, making the speed and power of his spells a bit greater.

Like fireflies, countless light spots exploded from the forest, and then swarmed over in an instant, flooding in the direction of Kelar's finger, and then the firefly-like light spots continued to pour into the ground.

"This is……"

Mocun was watching this scene blankly, as if watching a miracle.

But Keilar did not explain. After dozens of seconds, the light spots dispersed, and Keilal nodded slightly to him.

"Call the helicopter."

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