The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 414 Attila/Medea/Naye

Chapter 414 Attila Medea Naye

Chapter 117 Attila/Medea/Naye

Asagami Fujino stood nervously in front of the magic circle, stuttering slightly as he recited the incantation.

Like most people in the Tohsaka mansion, she doesn't have any holy relics, which is really something that shouldn't be done, but as Keilal said, what's interesting is what they summoned, not this time Winning or losing the Holy Grail War.

For Kelar, this Holy Grail War is over, and the next step is to find a way to end him.

This is the confidence and pride that belongs to him, the sage of Camelot, and the husband of King Arthur.

The only people watching were Tohsaka Rin and the others. Tohsaka Rin and Matou Sakura were summoned tonight, so it was impossible for them to sleep.

To be honest, when Keilal summoned Lily, they actually had a vague feeling in their hearts, but after she actually summoned it, they still felt a little disappointed.

But when faced with Asagami Fujino's call, they were really just out of curiosity.

Facing Asakami Fujino's summons, except for Isayama Yomi and Tsuchimiya Kagura, who were going to bed, everyone else had already arrived. They looked at Asakami Fujino's summons curiously, as if they were watching a play.

I saw Asagami Fujino nervously saying the last sentence under everyone's gaze. The magic circle glowed brightly, and a slender figure walked out step by step.

This slender girl with wheat-colored skin is thinner than Artoria, but a little taller than Artoria. She wears very few clothes, and her exposed skin looks like it has strange patterns. Magic circuits, or something more advanced.

She only has a tube top and very short shorts. There is a looming skirt around the shorts that can block her slender thighs. She has a silver headband on her flowing silver hair. The circle of the headband looks like a wedding dress. Ordinary things made her appearance more dazzling than Nero's.

You must know that Nero is a slut, and she must have been designed by herself for a long time to be so gorgeous.

But this girl's face was indifferent. She looked like she was only fourteen or fifteen years old, even younger than Tohsaka Rin and the others. Her eyes were as cold as her face. She circled around and locked her eyes on Jia La. Dia and Lily, but then turned around and looked at Asakami Fujino.

Through the connection between command spells and magic power, she quickly determined who was her master among so many magicians here.

"Rider, Attila, join the battle." She just said her name softly, causing the whole room to burst into uproar.

The Scourge of God, King of the Huns, Destroyer of Rome, has descended! !


"Holy Grail War..." Sitting on the hotel bed, wearing a windbreaker to resist the severe cold of autumn, Aozaki Orange looked at the command spell on the back of his hand and anxiously lit a cigarette for himself.

As she took a deep breath, the cigarette butt she had just lit was only half gone in an instant.

She picked up the ashtray next to her, knocked the ash off the ashtray, and then blew the cigarette out of her mouth along her lungs and throat.

Thick smoke filled the entire room, and her dark red eyes flickered in the smoke.

Even Zelritch, the Gem Man and the Demon Marshal, couldn't escape the fate of becoming a pawn, let alone her as a human being?

What she is considering is whether to participate in this Holy Grail War.

It is actually very simple for her to escape. She is the top puppet master of sex. The puppets she creates are more like real people than real people. Is what is hidden under her body a human body or a puppet? ?

What is the human soul hidden under her body? Or someone's puppet? As long as she changes her body, she can give up this Holy Grail War and stay out of it.

Faced with such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, it was too difficult for her as a puppet master to get to the root of the problem.

Her roots are even comparable to the difficulty of directly creating a human being.

Either an artificial person, or a pregnancy, or using her magic to create a real human being, just like the real [God].

This is simply an impossible realm. Even for her, who can constantly change her body and has a permanent lifespan, it is absolutely impossible for her to do it.

In other words, the more frequently her body changes, the more she loses her human feelings and senses, and becomes further away from her roots.

It is not without reason that the profession of puppet master is called a heretic.

Now the further she walked back, the more she could feel that she was trapped in a quagmire-like existence.

Even she can't help but covet the Holy Grail. This shortcut that uses the third method as the key to directly open the door to the source is unparalleled in the magician's temptation and cannot be refused at all.

Gritting her teeth, she put the cigarette butt in the ashtray and extinguished it. With a trace of smoke, she exhaled and opened her heavy suitcase.

A black shadow emerged from the suitcase, and in an instant the summoning circle of the Holy Grail War was carved on the floor of the hotel.

"I declare it here!" She opened her hands and shouted, with a sense of burning the boat.

"Follow my call and come to this world! Guardian of Libra!" As the mark on her hand became clearer and clearer, her magic circle shined brightly, and as the blue light dissipated in the magic circle, a graceful and graceful figure appeared. The woman wore a robe and enveloped herself in it.

"Caster, Medea, you are here to obey the call." With a charming and mature voice, this peach-like woman looked at Aozaki Orange and smiled.

"A betrayal witch..." Aozaki Orange showed a wry smile. "You are really a Servant that suits me..." ①


In a certain mountain temple, a little girl appeared in the center of the magic circle along with the disappearing smoke.

"Well, are you the one who summoned me this time, big sister?" A girl with a ponytail, who seemed to be a primary school student, with orange-red hair and a white school uniform, appeared in front of the red-haired woman.

"Ahaha, why is my servant a primary school student..." The red-haired woman with a very strange face seemed to have lost time. She leaned gloomily against the corner with a bitter smile on her face. Takamachi Nanoha was very uneasy.

"Um..." Takamachi Nanoha stretched out her hand and pulled the red-haired woman's clothes: "I am Archer, Takamachi Nanoha, please give me your advice in this Holy Grail War..."

"Hehehe...I am Aozaki Aoko...please, please give me some advice..."

A completely broken woman can no longer listen to anything... ②


①: Orange killed her grandfather in anger because her grandfather gave her younger sister Aoko the fifth method that was originally intended for her.

②: Aoko and Nanoha are both innocent fools.

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